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Mother Without Kaf

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ROFLMAO Red!!!!!



Was not! I was a just a bit . . . okay, may be more than a bit . . . tipsy . . . :biggrin:


(Not as bad as Mother though, given that she was the one on the table)


Actually, she was the one UNDER the table. You were the one on the table . . . dancing, if I remember correctly! :laugh:



.... is... is that what happened?



I don't remember a single thing.


I was on the table with you but then I broke my heel on that Fade who tried to steal my stole (idiot was muttering something about always wanting a feather boa? Is that some kind of snake from the Blight?) and I fell off and then F said he would get me a really special cup of Kaf if I would play "let's hide under the table".


You wench!



I think it was a Fade. He kept trying to look up my skirt, so you kicked him, broke a heel, and I poured a cup of wine on him, then lit him on Fire.



What a waste of wine... *mutters and sips at her current cup*


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