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The Pattern


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Can the Pattern be seen? I ask because people in the AoL had issues with the placement of the seals. They were worried that if the seals werent placed exactly then the pattern could tear apart. How would you know where the seals need to be placed?

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It's like how Mogd explains how Men Travel, by tearing a hole in the pattern here and there. How do they know where to tear the hole?


Another mention is how someone says the Pattern is thinner at Shayol Ghul compared to other places. How do you tell?

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One of the things the Wise Ones state Dreamers can do is 'read the pattern' (though this is mentioned only once, and never spoken of again).


In addition we see Lanfear and Ishamael find the ta'veren through the effect of their ta'maral'ailen in the pattern.

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Not sure if you mean actually physical "seeing" or metaphorical.


I don't think that you could "see" anything with your eyes. (Unless perhaps, there is a Talent, like Min's)


I would say it was more of a "feel". Like Rand cleansing the Taint. He didn't actually "see" the Taint, but it was a kind of feeling with the Power. A visualization used to help understanding.

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My thinking is that since the True Source turns the Wheel, which spins the Pattern (and the Age Lace), people who work with the OP must somehow be attuned to it. Not a physical sight of it, but the Power does allow Foretelling in some cases, which would basically be "reading" the Pattern.... Siuan can see ta'veren, who bend chance and the pattern, etc. The only wild card in this theory would be Min...

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