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A little non-entertainment-type news


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Although some of you may, in fact, find this entertaining. It looks like we will be leaving Alaska for good this time. I just accepted a job at Montezuma Castle National Monument in Arizona. I've heard the climate there is quite similar to that of Alaska (the state starts with an A, after all), so I think we'll find ourselves at home.


Although I am a little freaked out about finding a scorpion under my pillow. But I blame that on my friend who was trying to creep me out.


Anyway, just thought I'd share the exciting news with y'all. And let you know that you should get your igloo jokes in while you can. You've got a month.

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Guest Karana Majin

I think he meant The Lower 48...


At least the humidity levels in the two states might be fairly similar....


Is Montezuma anywhere near the 4 corners? I think I might have been to that park! (I know I went to Mesa Verde, which is in the area, sort of)

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Guest Karana Majin

Hmmm... then Montezuma is not the park I am thinking of. I might have been in a state park, not a federal. But I know I camped in a park in Arizona.


And I freaking know that Mesa Verde is in Colorado! I was there! And my dad took a picture of this lady ranger's butt and my mom was embarrassed!

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ooh. I'm gonna have to start researching Arizonan stereotypes.


And I just dish out the igloo jokes because whenever I visited the US from Canada that was all I heard.

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I'll hope you clutched it because it was full of love for me, and not because you were having a heart attack from how bad my joke was.

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