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!!!!!!!!The One and Only TRULY Official "Welcome back Blackhoof" thread!!!!!!!!


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lol, it's almost afternoon and i haven't done anything i meant to do today... and now it's hot and the store is crowded... sigh. stupid computers.


except those same computers allow you onto here


lol, it's almost afternoon and i haven't done anything i meant to do today... and now it's hot and the store is crowded... sigh. stupid computers.


Almost afternoon lol? You have a strange perspective on the movement of time Cindy :tongue:


lol, it's almost afternoon and i haven't done anything i meant to do today... and now it's hot and the store is crowded... sigh. stupid computers.


except those same computers allow you onto here


my point exactly, lol.


lol, it's almost afternoon and i haven't done anything i meant to do today... and now it's hot and the store is crowded... sigh. stupid computers.


Almost afternoon lol? You have a strange perspective on the movement of time Cindy :tongue:


in general if I don't get something done by noon it doesn't get done. that's why I start work at 7. but I got quite a bit done yesterday after all and I may today as well. soon. before noon :).


I'm nocturnal by nature but if I get to work at seven I can leave two hours early too. between that and the damned birds its a no brainier.


if I didn't have to work I'd slide back to nocturnalism I think... after I got rid of the birds.


and I got a whole mess of stuff done today,as much as I wantrd to and more, so... Wednesday I'll do it all again.




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