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anyone else gone through the tropes?


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i have had fun reading through the tropes for the wheel of time every now and then over the last few years. if you take the books too serious it might bug you, but i find them fun myself: http://tvtropes.org/...eWheelOfTime��a . fun thing to do on that website is to look up other books or series you might enjoy and check them out as well, for me it was the emberverse, pern, island in the sea of time, and a few others. but for me it is always comedic to see a stereotypical view of your favorite books or series. it shouldn't change your love for the books (or even tv shows or movies) but let you see how common some ideas there might be generic. just fun. island in the sea of time has a really odd one: southern black woman lesbian military commander, she fits into to many tropes, but i don't think there is another like her heh. it is a fun site is what i am trying to say, so check it out with the wheel of time, and move from there to other fiction you enjoy.

  • Community Administrator

Oh wow! That's really interesting. I've never seen it broken down so simply before. They say there's nothing new under the sun. I guess that proves it. Still, it takes a genius like RJ to meld it all together into a million overlapping storylines that make sense.




Oh wow! That's really interesting. I've never seen it broken down so simply before. They say there's nothing new under the sun. I guess that proves it. Still, it takes a genius like RJ to meld it all together into a million overlapping storylines that make sense.



the tropes are not there to put down writing, they are fun to look at once you actually enjoy a piece of art, but the primary thing is to only look at something through tropes after you have already decided if you like it or not. once you learn the meanings it can spoil things more than you can think of it being spoiled.


Oh wow! That's really interesting. I've never seen it broken down so simply before. They say there's nothing new under the sun. I guess that proves it. Still, it takes a genius like RJ to meld it all together into a million overlapping storylines that make sense.



oh and there are, if you read it through, a few tropes that cover rj's massive universe.


Stop calling it twot, it sounds dirty.


Just reading them now, best one so far: Costume Porn: Understatement.

you have no idea just how dirty it gets i think. pillow friends described in a XXX way wouldn't be dirty enough. (just a joke)

@Testy: Re that 'southern black woman lesbian military commander' you mentioned.. I was forcibly reminded of something in the UK sitcom 'Yes Minister'. One of the characters, Sir Humphrey Appleby, says to the Minister:


"The ideal quango appointee is a Black Welsh disabled woman trades unionist. We're all looking for one of them. You don't happen to know anyone, do you?"


This does actually appear on the 'Twofer token minority' tvtropes page!




So I have a feeling that the writer of 'Island in the sea of time' was having a quiet giggle!


PS: 'Quango' = an acronym meaning quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation


That was really entertaining. Thanks for sharing that!


I especially like the "You shall Not Pass" and "Let's get dangerous!"


@Testy: Re that 'southern black woman lesbian military commander' you mentioned.. I was forcibly reminded of something in the UK sitcom 'Yes Minister'. One of the characters, Sir Humphrey Appleby, says to the Minister:


"The ideal quango appointee is a Black Welsh disabled woman trades unionist. We're all looking for one of them. You don't happen to know anyone, do you?"


This does actually appear on the 'Twofer token minority' tvtropes page!




So I have a feeling that the writer of 'Island in the sea of time' was having a quiet giggle!


PS: 'Quango' = an acronym meaning quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation

the character i speak of is no joke. she is one of the primary protagonists in s.m.stirling's island in the sea of time trilogy. she by trope, trope a "butch bitch". with her second book partner being a "girlie girl". i don't feel that defining in comedy those positions to weaken or be derogatory, alston is awesome, so is swindappa, it is just a hilarious trope. although i must request that you read s.m.stirling's island in the sea of time alternative history trilogy. i think that might be easier to convince you to read than the related dies the fire/emberverse series. although both are very fun. not even close to as in debth as the wheel. and while the wheel of time IS more contrived (completely fictional world) the emberverse and the island world are much more contrived because they exist in alternatives of our own world. anyway have fun checking out tropes, and i actually hope that you check out smstirling, his books are fun, and he gives massive previews before his book releases.


Thanks for that, Testy, I might indeed give 'smstirling' a go - though I don't care for 'butch bitch' characters personally. Also, my preferred reading is 'hard' SF - WoT is a bit of a departure for me, though it has turned out to be a thoroughly enjoyable one.


Mostly, that is. There are very few of the female characters that I like; mostly they grate on me. Significant exceptions are Birgitte (who is an adventuress who is lightyears away from being a 'butch bitch') - and Morgase. Now she IS a queen.


But I digress!


ETA: Hmmmmm.....




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