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Dear All

This is not only my first post in the Dragonmount forum, it's my first post in any forum, so please forgive any errors or faux pas.


I was lucky enough to find a copy of Eye of the World right back in 1990, but <shock-horror> was not impressed enough to read on. A friend at University recommended the series a few years later, and since his advise about Fantasy novels was generally sound, I took it. Fortunately my tastes had become more sophisticated and it wasn't long before I'd read everything up to Crown of Swords (at the time, the latest paperback in print). I had a break upon discovering that the series was going to be much longer, and figured that I was safe to start the re-read last summer, assuming it would take me until the end of 2012 to finish them so I could go on to Memory of Light immediately. However, I'd read all 13 novels in 4 months.

The re-read reminded me of just how great this series is and it has now replaced Tolkien as 'The Best' IMHO. I tried to save New Spring so there was still something to look forward to after Memory of Light, but I'm afraid I've folded on that, and I'm about to start Chapter 6.

Alas, none of my friends have managed to get through the series, neither do they have my excellent taste when they have read some of it ;) ! I'm hoping to indulge this passion here as Dragonmount looks like one of the largest, best and most friendly of the internet sites.


Otherwise, I have a wide range of interests that I'm always happy to talk to others about, and I look forward to being a member of Dragonmount.



Aye, ever yours



Re-reads have a way of getting those excitement juices flowing again. You also tend to notice things you missed the first time around. Welcome to DM!


Welcome to the land of Feed My Addiction! lol ... but seriously, welcome to DM - hope you have a wonderful time here, and that we see you over at the Social and/or RP groups :)


Welcome Jaedan! I've only been here for about a month and it's also my first forum. The people here are very welcoming, friendly, and helpful. They are always there for you and don't mind answering questions. I'm sure you will love it here as much as I do.


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