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Aion is free to play now!


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Hey everyone! I just found out that Aion (the mmo) is now free to play! So I'm playing and was wondering if anyone else on here is as well. All of the WoT character names are taken so I assume at least a few of you are playing? Anyways, maybe we could have a DM guild on there or something? If you haven't heard of Aion, check it out on aiononline.com, (added bonus, the "dark side" race of people are called Asmodians :D)


Right now I have 1 asmodian on the Tiamat server called Aveyndha (Aviendha was taken lol) and a few on the Eylos side Israphel server, just let me know if anyone would like to get together! I think it would be great to have a DM guild on there, if there isn't already one that I'm not aware of!


I really like it! The only reason I stopped playing was that I didn't have enough time for it after I had my son and I didn't want to pay $15 a month for something I wasn't playing that much... I think it's a great game, very pretty and super fun :wink:


i have several eylos on israphel: Xiomora, Xaharia, and Xaharah and 1 asmo on Tiamat server called Aveyndha


most likely it is because the american client has your area blocked, which would mean a proxy server located in the states is the only way you can get in as the proxy will make your computer appear to be in the states when trying to play I am not very computer savy so I dont know all the technical info on it I had to run a few proxy servers to play japanese and korean Tera Online releases


I don't have american proxies I would just search free vpn in google or free proxy server (same thing I believe) I used Japanese proxies so I could connect to Japanese and korean game servers :P


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