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Sammael's Armed Forces

The Don

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Tired of people pushing you around?

Want to exact revenge on those that wronged you 20 years ago?

Ever felt like destroying a village of innocent men, women, and children?


Well, my friends, now is your chance to change your life. The up-and-coming army of the Chosen Sammael is looking for you. Be all you can be. Not only will you get the experience of one of the great families of Dragonmount, the al'Kars, but you also will have the chance to train to join the ancient tradition of the Shar Mahdi.


The Shar Mahdi are the elite combat/assassin group of the Shadow. Become a blademaster, stab random people, get away with general meaness. Become one of the few, the proud... the Mahdi.


Not a land-lubber? How about becoming a Pirate? Yarrr, I said it, a Pirate. Those Sea Folk can't have the whole sea! Pilage and plunder, be really bad eggs. A free bottle of rum if you enlist a friend as well. Pirates... explore ye life.


How about mastering the skies? Aim High! Well, we can't do that. If you want to be a wimpy flyboy join the seanchan. Aim low, be the bad guy.


Dagan al'Kar

Lieutenant of Shienar

Banner Captain of Sammael

Son of Peaten al'Kar, Slayer, greatest of all Shar Mahdi

Unnofficial SG recruiter

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Hello, my name is Nargbert. *everyone stares* What? Never seen a trolloc before?? *stares back* HA! YOU BLINKED! Hmmm.. and I guess you might NOT have seen a trolloc before... fine.. I understand... its ok... YOU! YEAH YOU! STOP TRYING TO PLUG YOUR NOSE! NARG NOT SMELL THAT BAD!


Ahem... where was I? Oh yes... I am the great, the powerful.... the cute.. The Narg! I lead a small band of trollocs... ok, only small if you consider a few hundred thousand trollocs small. I am here because... well.. truthfully I am hungry and thought that one or two of you lightfools might make a nice snack.


But, my boss says I am here to try and pull a few of you lightfools to our side. As the Great and Powerful Don has mentioned... he has his little side project, asassins. Yes, they sneak around, yes they kill alot, and yes they are just all around scary. Sounds like fun.. however, they wont let trollocs be assassins. So, you can have fun with it... narg can't.


Instead, Narg needs trollocs! Sooo... on to what being a trolloc means!


-As a kid, did you hate baths?

-Have you ever thought "I wonder what would happen if I just stepped on that turkey?" Me Too!

-Does random violence appeal to you?

-Have you watched monkies fling their poo and felt jealous?

-Have you felt that desire to break free of all the restraints that the rest of these wanna be divs put on you and your chars?


If you said yes to any but the last question... please seek professional help. If you did answer yes to the last one... please seek out the Nargbert. Stop by the SG boards.. Say hello... say "I WANT TO BE A TROLLOC!" Trust me... your rps will never be the same.


Oh yes... we will be joining up with the black hand... to create havoc!


The Narg

Foot of the Dark

Also a big, ugly trolloc... but don't tell anyone

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What?? I thought we weren't giving out Nargyback rides till they had signed on the dotted line and given over their souls?? Then narg can eat the children! Oh, did I say that out loud?


Look folks, it is simple... sooner or later you will be under our dominion. Look at the age of legends. You light fools had to pull something extremely stupid off to slow us down... and even then you paid for it with the breaking. Do you really think you can stop us now?


Thats it.. you know you want to come to the dark side! :twisted:


Join now and get a free sig line!


"I joined SG and all I got was this stupid sentence.... and eternal life!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAA!!!!"


Supplies are limited... act now!

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come on peoples sign up ...as for sigs...yes we even have our own gallery collecting premade sigs that our members can chose to get their name on...its not that big thoug so first come first get


basicaly as the shadow you can figth anyone you want be anything you want...cause the darkness is everywhere in every rank in every land

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If you have no problems blowing up cute, furry animals, hoomahns, and walking around like you own the place... by all means, come into our fold! We will welcome you in... offer you eternal life.... THEN BEAT YOU IF YOU DON'T PRODUCE RESULTS!


Ehem... excuse narg... he was just getting a little excited.. thats all...



Come on folks... you know you want to. You remember smacking a sibling or two around and how good it made you feel. Now think about smacking a whole world around!


El Nargberto

*does the Trolloc hat dance.... with the hat still on the poor saps head*

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