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So... bleh bleh (book discussion, KoD)


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Guest Dalinar

I just wanted to say how happy I am that RJ redeemed himself with KoD.


I only just finished reading CoT a week or so ago, and I don't think any book has taken me as long to read in my life. Ok, so that probably is influenced by what's been happening in my life as well, but I actually found that book, at times, a real CHORE to read. It was only the hope that it had to get better again that kept me going at times.


I've now started KoD and although not far in, am quite satisfactorily 'rehooked', I think, on WoT. About time.


Though I AM wondering how he's going to tie everything up in the rest of this book and then one more.


Well, anyway... I was just bored and thought I'd see if anyone else has some opinions about KoD. And yes, there's probably a book discussion board somewhere but I'm too lazy to use it.




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Guest Faile1987

Yay, finally an offtopic KoD discussion thread, lol :D


I´ve read it end of December and I can just tell you: RJ has redeemed himself INDEED!


No matter what some others might say, I really loved every page of the book and I´m just listening to the Audio book and it´s just awesome!


Have fun while reading it and soon you´ll join me in the longing for book 12 (that really IS torment and I still don´t believe he´ll be able to tie up everything in just one book (only if it´s like 3000 pages long, but that would be something as well ;)))

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hehe yea KoD rocks i am jst starting to read it for the 2nd time now and although i havta say book 2 is my fav it comes really close. Unfortunately i havta agree that a fair bit of book 8 and most of 9 and 10 were boring everything picked up in Kod. as for the length of the final book 12 i'm pretty sure RJ said that it was gonna be a 2 in 1 book either way

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Guest Faile1987

*has been given the KoD audio book and enjoys her audio-re-read every morning while jogging :D*


But reading it was really great and I`m bursting with excitement how book 12 (and 13, there just HAVE to be 13, such a good number) will turn out!


*jumps up and down restlessly, biting her fingernails in between*

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I am mixed about the next book.


I really felt that in KoD, there was a lot of closure to several of the side-story lines, a few of which could and maybe should have, been in the last book IMO. Some parts felt a bit rushed but overall I have no huge issues with it.


That being said, I did really like the new book a lot...I am just really worried about the final one. I just do not see how JR is going to complete the series in less then two books really without it being like "*BOOM* and then they were at the Last Battle" kind of thing.


I have a secret hope that Rand will get his hand back, maybe through Healing (anything can be Healed short of death).


Oh- as a side note- I was totally geeked out a little while back because I found a 1st edition Dragon Reborn (maybe my favorit book of the series and the first one I read- Yes I started with three and then went bak to 1 and 2)in a used book store and it was in really good shape. Now, if only there was a way to get it signed [plots] It would look great with my signed, 1st editions of GRRMs A Song of Ice and Fire series...

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Guest Faile1987

*wants her books signed too*


And btw. I simply can´t decide for one favourite among the Wheel of Time ones, I guess The Great Hunt, The Shadow Rising, Fires of Heaven and Lord of Chaos are my favourites though ;) But them there were so many good things in the others as well, I guess the book I like least though is Crossroads of Twilight...

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I know my favorite. I just cant quite remember wich book it is.

I think its the sixth.

The one where rand is captured and put in the little box. Then perrin, the aiel, and the Asha'man come to save him. Loved that one. Mainly because of all the wolves and coyotes. I can just picture it in my head so well.

Thousands of wolves and coyotes jumping out of the tall grass and a attacking the Wise Ones. IT was really cool.

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