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Who wants points????


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Then go vote in the EMPY'S!!! Finalists are up. Some of you are in them. Let's see if Shayol ghul wins in the two it's in. :P


At any rate...






You will get points for voting. Nyn is in charge of the Empy's and has promised to give me the list of SGers who participate.

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I did seriously consider submitting myself for best newbie, but I wound up deciding that I wouldn't merit the nomination if I limited it to my 2011 content. I already have one person who I fully intend to nominate for next year's awards. (I didn't submit this person's name for this year's because it involves part of the site I wasn't participating in at all until 2012 began.)

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Well, I had plans to submit Lady Christine for best Mafia modder. I had the stuff all ready to send in when it hit me that I didn't play my first game until mid-January, and in fact had never even heard of Mafia until after New Year's. So I decided I wasn't really qualified to make nominations for anything Mafia when it came to 2011.

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