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technical issue installing a game

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Iv posted about this before. I cant get the Witcher to run at all. It says i have to download the enhanced edition. I find 2 patches on the website. Dl the first, install. It fails, says i need the language pack. I DL the language pack, install. Fails, says i need the extended edition. They both require each other! im stuck...anyone?


Try emailing the company who puts out the game. Their tech support should be able to fix it. Hate it when part A requires part B, but you can't get part B without part A. So stupid, LOL


hmmm... never installed it, but after some rooting, found this answer seemed to be quite common for those who had errors...

This is the POV of the person who wrote this:

I'm going to guess this is a widespread problem since I also the same issue. Basically, after doing a bit of research, it seems that some disc drives don't handle the game well, which I assume an issue happens when a file spans the forward-spinning and reverse-spinning cycle (since you can double your disc space by reading a disc forwards and backwards - dual layer).



You can solve the issue by using a different or older-model DVD drive (mine has Blu Ray baked into it, so that may be a problem).


OR do it the way I did, since I didn't have an extra drive laying around...


(1) I copied all of the disc's contents to my local hard drive, except the one file that was causing the problem (data2.cab).

(2) On a different PC I copied the "bad" file onto the local drive, since my laptop was able to read the file and copy it over without an error.

(3) Copy the file to an external hard drive or thumb-drive that's large enough.

(you might not need this portion:

(3.a) My external hard drive was formatted as FAT32, so it said that the file was too large (7GB > 4GB max under FAT32).

(3.b) I reformatted my external hard drive (without losing files) as NTFS to allow me to copy the file.

(3.c) Go to the command prompt (windows-key + R ... type "cmd" and hit enter)

(3.d) I typed (without brackets) [convert F: /fs:ntfs] where "F" was the drive-letter for my external. After waiting a bit of time, it completed.

(4) After I had the file on my external, I copied that file to the same directory on the computer I wanted to install on - in the same directory as all of the other files.

(5) Ran the install.


Also, ensure that there is NOTHING on your computer from the Witcher ON your comp... it appears that when the install fails, it leaves bits on your computer that might mess it up...


Anyway, seems LOADS of people have had terrible issues, and the maker was slow to respond... what OS are you using?


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