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A Camping we will go ** James **


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She traveled all night and all day in order to make sure that she was far enough away form her home before camping again. Thoughts of the past and of every thing else that had been happening played over and over in her mind as the time passed while she was riding. There was some thing strange about how her family was acting now, and she could not seem to put all the pieces together. On several occasions there had been mention about her not looking like her mother or her father. Although it was distressing she had never really thought about it at all. Now it was right in front of her because there was the possibility that those comments meant some thing more than just idle conversation.


She had to stop on occasion to water her horse but she did not mind that, the sun was just rising so she knew she had more than enough time before her family reached the manor. They never tended to start doing any thing till well in to morning, and that had always upset her because she loved being awake in the mornings and going for rides. The next time she stopped it was after mid day and she took time to eat some of the food she brought before continuing on her long right. There was no real plan to where she was going, she just needed to get away from them and try to figure out what was truth about her. She put the remaining food away knowing that it might be some time before she found an inn to stay at. Again she started riding, following a well used wagon trail to see where it would take her. Time passed easily and nothing strange happened while she was riding, her thoughts turned to the past as she tried to put the pieces in to place. Hours later she shook her head to clear her thought she looked around and frowned.


The trail that she had been following was no longer visible, turning around in her saddle she wondered where she actually was since nothing looked at all familiar. Sighing she could tell that soon she would have to find a place to camp, the light was fading and she would have to get a fire going soon. Riding a little farther she found a small grove of trees that would be perfect for a camp site. There was wood for a fire and she dismounted, taking care of her horse first she hobbled it and then set up her camp. Making a small fire so that she could see, and gathering more wood for the remainder of the night. The night was beautiful and she smiled, there was nothing like being out on your own in the night. Feeling tired from the missed night of sleep, she curled up in her bed roll and added a little more wood to the fire before falling fast asleep.


It was several hours later that she woke up, her heart pounding she had heard a sound but could not place what it was. Turning her head slightly she let out a scream of terror as the form of a man was leaning over her things. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness the flame light flickered over his face and her terror increased, he looked like the description of the man her father wanted her to marry. She would not be taken back, nothing would make her go back and marry some one she did not know. Feeling a need to reach for some thing to get him away from her, she reached in the darkness and connected with some thing wonderful. Every thing that happened so fast that it did not register to her what it all was, the connection, a blast of air in all directions, pleasure bordering on pain, a scream of pain and a feeling of terrible loss, and then blessed darkness that took her away form the fear that was inside her. The darkness took her away but not before she was able to catch some of what happened, every thing around her was flattened by some thing and the man was tossed away form her. For now she was safe and the darkness would keep her safe from harm and from any forced marriages. The sense of loss would not go away even in the dark place where she was, some thing was missing and she had no idea what it was or how to get it back. Some where in the darkness some one was crying, but she could not find who and had no idea that it was her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It had been a long trip from Caemlyn, made so not so much by the distance but the need to ensure he wasn't followed. Marden Veniso was not a whole man, but even as he was he continued to serve the Black Tower as well as could be managed. He had a decent swordhand that could lead a bladesman on a merry dance, he was apt at sneaking about from place to place and he was able to travel with speed and cover his trail with equal ease.


His most important trait was his lack of fear. This wasn't to say Marden was some great hero who could never be intimidated due to some natural strength of will or fortitude. Rather, his lack of fear was born from desperation, a fearlessness granted to those who had nothing else to lose except their lives. And like those who were possessed of his sort of desperation, the chance of losing one's life was not so much a loss but a victory, a release from his pain.


Such was the way of those men who had been 'gentled' by the White Tower. Some men were glad for it, some were scared of it, some hated the Aes Sedai with every fibre of their being for it. Marden was one of the last, indeed his hate had led to him possessing three serpent rings that he wore on a chain around his neck. But regardless of how one thought of the gentling, everyone was broken by it.


Broken men were expendable men, and Marden considered himself eminently expendable compared to his brothers in the Tower. For them, he would risk himself and in the process perhaps find release on the tip of a blade. The only things that stopped him doing so himself were the Dragons. While most considered Jarron their Dragon, and Marden vowed to follow him, his true loyalty lay with Dramon Calgar. A man who had once declared himself, he laid on a bed in the Tower with his survival solely due to Dalinarius' efforts. One of his first brothers, one who had then given over to Jarron.


These were things that shaped the man who had stalked through a woman's camp. They weren't far from the Farm and feeling it suspect he had decided to investigate himself. Few women traveled alone, and one sort in particular would prove to be unwelcome if she proved to be one. To verify such he had gone through her things, and it was in the process of such he had been discovered.


A scream was the only warning Marden received before he was hurled through the air. Rolling as he hit the ground, he pulled himself to his feet with blade in hand with the full intent of running the Aes Sedai through or giving her the excuse to finish him off. Yet as he charged for, something puzzled him as he raised his blade high. She wasn't defending herself, in fact all she was doing was crying as she curled up in a ball.


Forcing her onto her chest and putting a blade to her throat didn't get through to her, all she did was sob and shake as if wracked by some grief. Checking her hands, Marden frowned, no serpent ring. She would have it hidden elsewhere then. Ripping pieces of her skirt to form bonds, he secured her hands first then a blindfold. Feet came next and a gag was last.


The search that followed turned up nothing, but he couldn't find anything. Not that it proved anything, but it meant he couldn't kill her himself. The Aes Sedai would have to be questioned, had she investigated herself or did the Tower know? Packing up her things, he covered the camp as best it could so only a skilled tracker would discover it. Slinging her over her own saddle, it was a short walk to his own horses and from there it was to the Farm. Someone there could see to it, and once they were done questioning her he'd kill her himself.



Marden Veniso

Broken Blade

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Waves of pain and loss washed over her as she floated in the darkness, at some point she screamed again only to vaguely feel some thing hit her. Awareness was slow in coming and when it did come she had no idea what as going on. Her hands were bound and she was lying over her horse, fear poured thought her and she started to squirm. The need to get away form who ever had her was so great that she started to rock herself, trying to actually fall off her horse so that she could run. When she kicked her legs she realized that her legs were bound as well, at that moment she did managed to over balance. The ground came up hard under her and took her breath, the sobs still coming but now she knew that they were coming form her. The blind fold over her eyes shifted slightly giving her a little area where she could see what was going on.


Looking around wildly she tried to move and scoot away from man who was now dismounted, the look on his face gave her the idea that he wanted to kill her more than pick her up and put her back on the horse. He leaned down to her and she was not prepared for the feel of his hand connecting hard right across her face, the blow knocked her over and she passed out for several moments. The next time her eyes opened she was lying over her horse again, her head was pounding from the blow and she tasted blood in her mouth. Only one of her eyes was now uncovered and it gave her a limited view of the world around her. Her eye tried to focus on any thing to help ease the pain but again she was filled with a great sense of loss, that there was some thing missing from her that should have been there.


Sleep seemed to come and go as she was draped over her horse and tied to it, she guessed he did not want to have to pick her up again. She tried to shift a little and gasped at the pain from when she fell form her horse, she guessed that she was back and blue over a good part of her body. It was his entire fault, he scared her in the first place, and now he was taking her to who knows where and going to do who knows what with her. Slowly she lifted her head and tried to look around, a startled look crossed her face when she saw walls and in some places she could make out what looked like a village. Trying to take in as much information about where she was, it hurt her head even more to look and comprehend what she was seeing. Vertigo was a real problem and she tried hard not to throw up what she had eaten beforesince she was gagged.


After they passed the wall she was able to see a bit more of the village and was shocked at all the men that were working or standing around. There was some thing not right and she gasped when she saw some one light a candle with out any thing one would actually use to light a candle. Some thing close to terror washed thought her and she started to cry again, this time because of a complete sense of hopelessness. Her horse stopped suddenly in front of what looked like a nice home; she was cut free and roughly pulled down form her horse. Unfortunately she legs would not hold her weight and she landed hard on the ground right next to the man who had hit her. He reached down and jerked the bonds on her legs before cutting them free and hauling her to her feet. Pain washed up her legs and she stumbled to follow him while his rough grip on her arm threatened to pull the other one out.


He opened the door and pulled her inside, she did not even have time to look around before he shoved her in to a chair. He was quick about securing her to the chair with what looked like her skirt and then walked out the door. While he was standing there with his back towards her he shouted at the first man who was close enough.


“Go get Storm Leader Covai, and be quick about it.â€


The man outside jumped a good foot it seemed and then ran off in the direction that they had come. The man who hit her closed the door and leaned against it waiting, soon there was soft knock on the door heralding the arrival of some one else she did not know.

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Covai scratched the back of his head lazily as he waited for Marden to open the door. The soldier had made it clear that this was important, but Covai doubted the man actually had any idea what was going on. Marden had probably just barked at the man and sent him running.


Stepping inside the room, Covai's eyes scanned around for any signs of a problem. Raising an eyebrow at the women tied to the chair, the edge of Covai's mouth twisted into a grin. "So whats wrong Marden..." Covai asked, turning his head to address the man while keeping his eyes on the woman "you forgotten what to do after getting them half undressed or something?" Covai guessed there was more to it than that, but after having been responsible for waking him up this early, the man could deal with a bad joke or two.

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Marden frowned as he closed the door behind the Storm Leader, he knew it was an early hour but now was not for frittering time away with jokes. Standing beside Storm Leader Covai, Marden's voice was harsh if quietly spoken for now. If she were awake, she wasn't showing any signs of it, but Marden didn't want to wake her or tip their hand completely just yet. But then, would it really matter if she were Aes Sedai?


"I found her camped a number of hours away. I decided to investigate her camp while I had the chance to try and find out what she was doing there, she woke and channeled. She started weeping after that, oblivious to everything so I took the opportunity to bind her and search more openly. I cannot find a ring on her, but she was this close. I think she is Aes Sedai, some of their younger ones don't have the face."


That seemed to wake the Storm Leader Covai up a bit. So much for the earlier levity that the man had possessed. "I was tempted to finish her on the spot, but if there are more Aes Sedai out there then we need to know. Especially if they are probing here for us, so that is why I've brought her here and why she is blindfolded as well as the other bindings. How do you wish to proceed?"



Marden Veniso

Broken Blade

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I'll tell you what we're doing." Covai focused his mind and seized control of Saidin. It wasn't something that felt comfortable at the best of times, and certainly wasn't something enjoying doing first thing of a morning. But such was life.


Wrapping his weave around the woman Covai slipped his shield in place. Something just didn't seem right though. It might be just because she was unconcious, but Covai felt like something was missing. And if she was Aes Sedai, Covai wasn't about to risk the chance.


Looking to Marden, Covai nodded to the woman. "Wake her up"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pausing, Marden looked over at the woman for a moment as he contemplated what would work best. A few options came to mind, a few of which he had to discount straight away as Covai was there. Settling on something simple, he ripped her blindfold off and with harsh, yet not powerful slap, brought her to wakefulness. A second one just to catch her attention, he stepped aside and looked to Storm Leader Covai.


Whatever he planned to do, this was his opportunity now. Personally, Marden felt it would be much safer to run her through but then it wasn't his choice. Aes Sedai might not know how to lie, but they knew every way to tell the truth which could be just as deceptive if not more so. Just because he hadn't found her ring didn't mean she didn't have one either. But, they would see.



Marden Veniso

Broken Blade

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Sweet darkness, the only place where pain was distant and every thing could be forgotten for a short time it seemed. Grief was a hard one to get rid of not matter what she tried she still felt the loss almost as if some one had stolen her heart. she wanted to cry but there did not seem to be any tears that would come to her eyes. If only she understood what it was that caused her to be this way, it seemed like half her misery was due to the fact that she had no idea why she was feeling this way. She tried to struggle out of the darkness but she was pulled back deeper in to the darkenss, it seemed like being there would never end.


Nothing could have prepaired her for the feel of his hand connecting with her face, not once but twice. The pain exploded though her head and brought tears to her eyes as she jerked awake and sat up more. Looking at the two men infront of her fear seemed to come from every part of her, they looked like they wanted to kill her on the spot, well atleast the man who brought her here wanted that. She sat there trembling a hand pressed against her face where it was still burning, unsure of what they wanted her to do she just sat there looking at them both. Her eyes held so much feeling that it would have been hard for any one to interpert them completely. Grief and loss were the most prominate, but fear seemed to be swirling around in there as well, which was not real surprise considering the predicument she was in. This had to be one of the worst memories that she would ever have, since she was still bound she could not even get up to run and had a feeling that running would not get her any where. Not able to stand the hate in one mans eyes she started to inspect the second one which was not much better, his expression she could not read and that was worse than knowing what the other was thinking.

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