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What's your favorite thing on TV right now?


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So, it being winter and super cold for most people hereabouts, I thought we could chat about what's drawn your attention on the join tube these days.


My list is:

*Ghost Hunters

*The Big Bang Theory(!!!!! )



I'm sure there's more, but I'm really sleepy...

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I don't watch much TV other than sports but I like Tera Nova and Lock Up Raw. I used to love watching Ghost Whisperer.


Does anyone remember the series "Millennium?" It was created by the same guy who did the X Files.

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I don't watch much TV myself but I do watch Sherlock. It's a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes with Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role. It's A-MAY-ZING! Then again I'll watch anything with Benedict Cumberbatch in it...


*wanders off into a daydream*



...I also watch Dancing on Ice =)

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