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The Gleeful Trolloc


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Well, narg is bored... and for some reason SG is dead. What the hell is wrong with you people. I step out for two or three minutes..... or years... depending on how you deal with time... and then BOOM! You all become a bunch of pansy ass little.... sorry... as I said... Narg is bored.


So, narg is just gonna start an idea thread... because he is bored.... and he likes to brainstorm... because even though DM tries to stiffle creativity in the name of no one cheating... narg likes to cheat! Deal!


So, without further ado.


Idea #1: I still hate the fact that this plan once had a chance and never panned out due to... well... we wont discuss that. But the idea.... ladies and gentlemen. SG needs to play a more prominent role in DM. To do that SG must take its fate in its own hands. Yes, you may have incarns and other DL's telling you they don't like what we are doing... but what can they do?? WE ARE SG! Because of this, SG should go on the offensive. If the chosen won't help, so be it. Narg will collect an amry of trollocs and hoo-mahns... and we will begin conquering randland.


Think about. What would the rest of the rp do if suddenly the shadow fell on the Borderlands and conquered it. What would DM do if suddenly the Chosen were in the open?? Full out warfare! Those that want to use their WS's can! Those that want to do scouting and killing missions can. Those that want to do love stories with the backdrop of a war can! There is so many more interesting things! It can open up everyones rping! We will have more rps... they will have more rps... something will ACTUALLY Happen with the main rp line... which leads to idea number 2.


Idea #2: Ok, here is one from way out in left field. We do all this stuff here about not knowing the main chars.. .about them just being not played at all. I say we do something more intersting. We send out a call for applications for all those that want to be the dragon. Why do they want to... will they stay active... yadda yadda yadda.... Then pick, say, the best 20 applicants. Then... they rp...


Make them start out with something like eye of the world... sort of... they are just lowly somebodies... man or woman. But say they are approached by someone with a story... or they suddenly find they can channel... they must escape. As the weeks go on, some are picked off. Kind of like a survivor type thing but with members of DM voting who to kick off. Some rise up to be false dragons.. others don't get that far. But in the end... one becomes the dragon. Think of the excitement... think of how much people will start watching what people are posting instead of just ignoring most of it since they could care less about billy bob and mary jane galavanting around the tower. It will finally be a real story line run by real people instead of this fantasy idea that someday we might have a real storyline.(As if this would ever happen)


Idea #3: Ok.. I have several other less fleshed out ideas.... so I leave it to you to provide an idea #3. Why, because someone has to do SOMETHING to get people talking on this board again. And folks, I am serious about these things... lets see if we can make real changes... LETS GO PEOPLE LETS GO!


The Nargster

Fear me.... for no other reason then you have no clue who I am.... because those who do... left long ago... and now it is just narg... little... lonly... narg.. *snickers at the little*... ok.. don't fear me... laugh with me... because I think it is more fun to laugh rping than to right a literarily sound rp... too boring... more enjoyment... less choriness... YESH!

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very well you go recruit an army of trollocs i think i lack an assistant in marketing and recruitment *grins*


now seriously if your back then great...you want to set up the trollocs again no problem


marak is the rp coord talk to him and welcome back



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*breaks out into song to the chorus line of copa cabana!*


They call me Nargbert...

Nargbert of SG....

And when I drink to much I have to go pee!


Come and Join me!

Be one big Party!

Throwing those poor lightfools up into trees!


Because I want to...

In the borderlands...

And if we are lucky

we wille at all their sheep... and! (needed a rhyme!)


Ok.... narg is done for now

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Don's idea #1: let me bring back my Slayer character, that'll really stick it to the man


Don's idea #2: start training a regular human army


Don's idea #3: pick on someone weak and defensless, like the tinkers or a random village


Don's idea #4: pick a fight with a random group; Band, Children, Aiel

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What? We cant take over shinear? It has to be Kandor? Or are we just gonna fight in Kandor? WE NEED TO TAKE SOMETHING OVER! GO SHADOW!



and I must say... I am a fan of tinker killing and hoomahn army training. *nod nod nod*




Foot of the Dark

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Shienar is ours already. As of right now, I'm in Kandor. There is a fortified village there that I'm going to enter, under the banner of Shienar to "help out". Theres a blademaster and a witch there. I was thinking about turning on them during a trolloc raid *cough cough* So if you want to murder some people, that would be a good chance. Afterwards I'm heading to the Blight with the Trollocs cause we'll have Aes Sedai chasing us. Then I'm off to the Tower of the Black Dawn to start building the army and training Shar Mahdi... with the help of Slayer.


whew... so yeah, if you want to join in... I'm working out the details with the lightfools. Might be a couple days, but it'll be something to do at least.

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