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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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Now you are suggesting the cop reveal tomorrow.


when did i say that? I can see why ape likes it here so much lol



I'll weply...


When you stated "hopefully the Cop investigates one of the people of Florin tonight, because I'd like to lynch one of them tomorrow" it implies that the Cop would tell us which of the Florinians he/she viewed and which one to lynch or not to lynch. Its subtle, but I see what BG is getting at.

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Now you are suggesting the cop reveal tomorrow.


when did i say that? I can see why ape likes it here so much lol


Hope the cop views a townsperon of Florin cause you want to lynch one... to narrow the pool in that case, the cop would need to reveal for it to matter

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Its not a good plan. I pwesume you'll push it anyway... as that is what you do.


Best case scenario is that we out the Cop after 4 phases... worst case is we do it tomorrow.


I also don't like you Cop directing for how the Cop should reveal, and where the Cop should be viewing. Especially when I KNOW your philosophy is not to view strong lynch candidates (which all these Florin townies are) when you are Cop.


I don't think I'm looking at this in a shallow manner at all. I know how pragmatic you are, and this plan is very pragmatic, but not to the benefit of town. Its a surefire way to ultimately eliminate the Cop, under the veil of being a way to reduce the lynch pool for finding scum. Scum can be rooted out without jeopardizing the Cop as much as this plan does.



If my base assumptions are correct, it is a good plan. Sorry you can't see it.


Lets say everyone whose revealed is town, 5 or 6 scum, 21 players, 8 or so revealed = scum has a 1 in say 8 shot of hitting cop tonight anyway.. If you put scum, cop and roleless into the same pool of players, scum can't shoot from there as they'd quickly paint themselves in a corner. So the cop could clear a few people from the pool and it becomes shooting fish in the barrel..


And fwiw, I'm not going to push this tomorrow as I've already played a game here where people refused a similarly pragmatic plan that 100% would've worked and that time I had kivam pushing it with me..


again, if my base assumptions are correct, it's a solid plan. You'd be better served arguing that my base assumptions are incorrect..

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Hope the cop views a townsperon of Florin cause you want to lynch one... to narrow the pool in that case, the cop would need to reveal for it to matter



That's a huge leap of logic ape jr*, I was saying I hope they view a townsperson of florin tonight because I think viewing a named character is likely to be redundant..


* thinking scum is following you around on trains is classic ape

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You just can't stop thinking of me.


The Wesley reveal thing is even more ridiculous taken into account there are already 3 claimed Florin townsfolk who've spoken up other than our departed Ithi before the plan was conceived. Ridiculous suggestion all around.


Ok, we'll get there eventually tbh.. Meanwhile the cop can be busy investigating people who have character claims that would indicate they aren't scum anyway..


You awe awfully concewned with what the Cop is doing... its only N1, in a 21 person game.


You've now hit 2 of your scumtells, but I can't tell if your just impatient with this game and not thinking about what your suggesting fully... or if you are legit pushing a scum agenda.

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Hope the cop views a townsperon of Florin cause you want to lynch one... to narrow the pool in that case, the cop would need to reveal for it to matter



That's a huge leap of logic ape jr*, I was saying I hope they view a townsperson of florin tonight because I think viewing a named character is likely to be redundant..


* thinking scum is following you around on trains is classic ape


I think an unclaimed person would be better if you wanna get into, but its not up to me.

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You awe awfully concewned with what the Cop is doing... its only N1, in a 21 person game.


You've now hit 2 of your scumtells, but I can't tell if your just impatient with this game and not thinking about what your suggesting fully... or if you are legit pushing a scum agenda.



hahahaha, you think I'm scum every single game we play together...My scum tell, as far as you're concerned, is posting in a mafia game. How much glue did you eat as a young ape anyway... lol

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Hope the cop views a townsperon of Florin cause you want to lynch one... to narrow the pool in that case, the cop would need to reveal for it to matter



That's a huge leap of logic ape jr*, I was saying I hope they view a townsperson of florin tonight because I think viewing a named character is likely to be redundant..


* thinking scum is following you around on trains is classic ape


I think an unclaimed person would be better if you wanna get into, but its not up to me.




CTM typically swears by investigating from the unknowns (as you are suggesting) and not from the top of the likely lynch/NK targets, which would be the roleless and the claimed Masons.


To be honest, I'm not sure why he'd push a plan like this so early. Yeah, it could in theory isolate a smaller pool to lynch scum from, but that is (as he said) if his base assumptions about the amount of roleless, # of NK's, and powerroles matching characters are all correct.


The one absolute in his plan is we'd be telling scum where to shoot in order to kill the cop, we'd be giving scum better odds right off the bat and (since CTM said he wanted to lynch from that same pool) we'd be improving the odds of them hitting the cop by 2 people (minimum) each day.

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Thwee day deadlines for night actions is abysmal... today sucked because no mafia to play. :(


Quicker deadlines = more of teh mafia goodness.






And for the record, I think CTM's plan has merit. I don't really see it as scummy, although it does set up a countdown on how long the Cop can stay hidden.

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CTM typically swears by investigating from the unknowns (as you are suggesting) and not from the top of the likely lynch/NK targets, which would be the roleless and the claimed Masons.


To be honest, I'm not sure why he'd push a plan like this so early. Yeah, it could in theory isolate a smaller pool to lynch scum from, but that is (as he said) if his base assumptions about the amount of roleless, # of NK's, and powerroles matching characters are all correct.


The one absolute in his plan is we'd be telling scum where to shoot in order to kill the cop, we'd be giving scum better odds right off the bat and (since CTM said he wanted to lynch from that same pool) we'd be improving the odds of them hitting the cop by 2 people (minimum) each day.





If my base assumption is wrong, then the cop could be anyone and we wouldn't be narrowing down the pool at all.. And scum would shoot into the roleless pool at thier rown peril, as elimintating 2 people from possible cops, also takes 2 people out as possible scum.


Not to mention that thanks to you and player needlessly revealing, the pool is getting pretty small already..


you know what, never mind.. either way I'm voting rhea or player tomorrow

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You awe awfully concewned with what the Cop is doing... its only N1, in a 21 person game.


You've now hit 2 of your scumtells, but I can't tell if your just impatient with this game and not thinking about what your suggesting fully... or if you are legit pushing a scum agenda.



hahahaha, you think I'm scum every single game we play together...My scum tell, as far as you're concerned, is posting in a mafia game. How much glue did you eat as a young ape anyway... lol


That's actually not twue. I used to think you were town every game without fail, when I first started. Then you started playing mafia specifically to try to make me get emo, which hasn't happened, and in the process you convinced yourself that I was scum every game. So I started doing that back to you... and round and round we go.


There are times that I spend a whole game arguing with you that I think you are scum, when I know you aren't. I know you've done the same with me. Self preservation strategy.


Reality is... I've actually been scum with you, and legit nailed you as scum in a couple of games now based on what I consider your tells. You have some of the hardest tells to pick up on out of everyone we play with, but you have them.


Right now you are peppering the game with the 2 of them...


omg, i'm still lmao over ape. He's literally thought I was scum every single game we've played together, without fail


And you have thought the same about me, except for when you are scum and know I'm town. Which would be tell #3. Like what seems to be going on now.

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And for the record, I think CTM's plan has merit. I don't really see it as scummy, although it does set up a countdown on how long the Cop can stay hidden.



agree with that, but you trade that risk for the countdown on how long scum can stay hidden.. If you add in the benefit of cop clearing from the pool, in 2 days time you could have a pool of 10 character less players, with 1 cop, 2 cop confirmed innocents, and 7 unknowns, of which 5 are scum..

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You awe awfully concewned with what the Cop is doing... its only N1, in a 21 person game.


You've now hit 2 of your scumtells, but I can't tell if your just impatient with this game and not thinking about what your suggesting fully... or if you are legit pushing a scum agenda.



hahahaha, you think I'm scum every single game we play together...My scum tell, as far as you're concerned, is posting in a mafia game. How much glue did you eat as a young ape anyway... lol


That's actually not twue. I used to think you were town every game without fail, when I first started. Then you started playing mafia specifically to try to make me get emo, which hasn't happened, and in the process you convinced yourself that I was scum every game. So I started doing that back to you... and round and round we go.


There are times that I spend a whole game arguing with you that I think you are scum, when I know you aren't. I know you've done the same with me. Self preservation strategy.


Reality is... I've actually been scum with you, and legit nailed you as scum in a couple of games now based on what I consider your tells. You have some of the hardest tells to pick up on out of everyone we play with, but you have them.


Right now you are peppering the game with the 2 of them...


And you have thought the same about me, except for when you are scum and know I'm town. Which would be tell #3. Like what seems to be going on now.

give me 1 game in the last 2 years that you weren't scum and didn't think I was scum, and I'll go find the post that proves you a liar.. Otherwise come off it. You think I'm scum every single game, which means you're only right when my PM says I'm scum. It has absolutely nothing to with my play.

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CTM typically swears by investigating from the unknowns (as you are suggesting) and not from the top of the likely lynch/NK targets, which would be the roleless and the claimed Masons.


To be honest, I'm not sure why he'd push a plan like this so early. Yeah, it could in theory isolate a smaller pool to lynch scum from, but that is (as he said) if his base assumptions about the amount of roleless, # of NK's, and powerroles matching characters are all correct.


The one absolute in his plan is we'd be telling scum where to shoot in order to kill the cop, we'd be giving scum better odds right off the bat and (since CTM said he wanted to lynch from that same pool) we'd be improving the odds of them hitting the cop by 2 people (minimum) each day.





If my base assumption is wrong, then the cop could be anyone and we wouldn't be narrowing down the pool at all.. And scum would shoot into the roleless pool at thier rown peril, as elimintating 2 people from possible cops, also takes 2 people out as possible scum.


Not to mention that thanks to you and player needlessly revealing, the pool is getting pretty small already..


you know what, never mind.. either way I'm voting rhea or player tomorrow



Let's just wevisit the plan aftew a couple of phases, wather than continue awguing? Nothing good can come of us bickering, if we're both town - people here (other than Verb and Wombat) aren't used to us, and are likely to lynch us both for sounding scummy. So we aren't helping anyone.


I'm also voting Rhea or Player tomorrow, so at least there we are on the same page.


I understand your plan, btw. I think its flawed right now, personally, but as we learn more about the setup it may absolutely be worth revisiting. I think we need more absolutes, before we create a countdown timer for our Cop. That's all.

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You awe awfully concewned with what the Cop is doing... its only N1, in a 21 person game.


You've now hit 2 of your scumtells, but I can't tell if your just impatient with this game and not thinking about what your suggesting fully... or if you are legit pushing a scum agenda.



hahahaha, you think I'm scum every single game we play together...My scum tell, as far as you're concerned, is posting in a mafia game. How much glue did you eat as a young ape anyway... lol


That's actually not twue. I used to think you were town every game without fail, when I first started. Then you started playing mafia specifically to try to make me get emo, which hasn't happened, and in the process you convinced yourself that I was scum every game. So I started doing that back to you... and round and round we go.


There are times that I spend a whole game arguing with you that I think you are scum, when I know you aren't. I know you've done the same with me. Self preservation strategy.


Reality is... I've actually been scum with you, and legit nailed you as scum in a couple of games now based on what I consider your tells. You have some of the hardest tells to pick up on out of everyone we play with, but you have them.


Right now you are peppering the game with the 2 of them...


And you have thought the same about me, except for when you are scum and know I'm town. Which would be tell #3. Like what seems to be going on now.

give me 1 game in the last 2 years that you weren't scum and didn't think I was scum, and I'll go find the post that proves you a liar.. Otherwise come off it. You think I'm scum every single game, which means you're only right when my PM says I'm scum. It has absolutely nothing to with my play.


You and I laying the smackdown on DPR and Doggin at the beginning of the Star Wars game comes to mind. I don't really retain a lot from all the old games, but I know I used to follow your lead all the time... until you burned me once. Then I stopped trusting your pied-piper ways.


Then you started thinking I was scum every game (I think this began with Lily's Clue game) because I stopped following your lead, and started figuring out how to play my own effed up way. Me not being logical is what originally started all this crap, because you convinced yourself I was scum every time I didn't talk in thread about things logically. I think that was the game where i lied about having a vest... and since then you have basically called me scum every game since then, and I've done the same to you, it keeps me alive when I'm wrong as its done for you as well, but it also makes people ignore me when I know you are really scum. Like last game, and like the Hell House game, when I knew and nobody would freakin' give me the time of day... and JVOR talked me into not trusting myself from the grave.


Long story short...


We're both jackasses, both some of the trickiest bastards to play mafia and both guilty of the same fouls against each other. Except, I beat you more than you do me.


Now put a sock in it.

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