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Never Thought I'd be Doing This (Joc, Dash and Rion)


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Rion rested his foot on his knee, tapping his foot idly. One of the many books propped on his knee and Rionr reading with a smile. He had what money he had with him resting on his thigh in a leather bag and his pockets were stuffed with books upon books. He was prepared for the..well worst. Dashiva had told him that he would be able to take him and Jocelyn to wherever she desired for new clothing, which wasn't something Rion would have thought he would be doing and he was prepared for any amount of leangth it would take.


Rion flipped the page and yawned into his hand. It was early and Rion had not slept well the past night. He wasn't sure what he would make of a big city, for Jocelyn had told him that she would like to go to Bandar Eban and while Rion was pretty sure Dashiva would allow them, Jocelyn was not from Bandar Eban even though she was from Arad Doman, it would be interesting. The crowds would be..bad, all those people smashed into tight spaces with very little room inbetween them. Light Rion had trouble with being in the inn when it was full. There were other places on the list Rion had left with Dashiva, the one he had requested.


Flipping another page Rion tried to concentrate on his book but thinking about this trip made him think about Jocelyn which eventaully led to only a few days ago when she was sitting on his knee kissing him in the kitchen. Very distracting, though enjoyable. More than Rion would have thought, Light it was about as good as sitting down and reading a good book. Very close race that.


Rion rolled his kneck around looking at the sitting room of Dashiva's downstairs. "Ouch." Rion fidgeted a small bit and rubbed his kneck when it cracked and a small twinge of pain accompanied it. He yawned once more and refocused ont he page in front of him. It was a history text, one about Arad Doman partly a perfect book for the situation and the day. It was hard to concentrate though, Jocelyn kept creeping into his thoughts and the sensations that had come with her lips pressed against his, her tounge touching his own. He felt his cheeks begining to heat just from the memory. He shook his head and forced himself back down to earth. Very distracting.




Jocelyn fussed with her hair, having finally found a comb, she had combed her hair until it now fell in a gleaming black curtain down her back. She had always taken particular care with her appearance, but now she seemed to do so even more, just for the chance Rion would award her with an appreciative look. It seemed foolish, yet she couldn't seem to help herself. There was something innately charming about him, and he had kept to his word. He was taking her shopping today, in Arad Doman. While she wasn't going near her home town, even being in her own nation would be good enough. Hopefully it would also firm her resolve to leave. She was growing too soft by far.


Smoothing her emerald green skirts as best she could, Jocelyn gave her reflection one final nod before whirling and heading towards the door. This was the one dress in the best state of repair, the others damaged. Besides, she liked the way Rion looked at her when she wore it, the sheer material clinging to her curves as she walked.


Glinding down the stairs, Jocelyn slowed and smiled, spying Rion, once again with a book on his knee. She remembered the night, only a few nights ago in fact, when it had been her on his knee, and those delightful lips pressed against her own. He was indeed a quick learner, she had found herself thoroughly under his spell that evening. She smiled at the memory, almost certain she could still feel the pressure of his lips on hers, forver branded in her memory.


Swaying down the last few stairs, Jocelyn greeted Rion with a big grin. "I am ready Rion." She beamed. Jocelyn enjoyed shopping at the best of times, but having Rion's company for the day made it doubly enjoyable. "Thankyou for doing this, I appreciate it." Her cheek dimpled as she moved to sit beside him, noting the obvious bulges in his clothing. He was stocked with books, and Jocelyn was hardly surprised. She tried to poke him teasingly, instead her finger connected with a book. "Arming yourself against me with books are you?" She smirked, moving her finger to poke his unprotected side. "I can always find a way around that." She winked at him and patted his arm affectionately, letting him know she was merely teasing him.


Jocelyn stifled a yawn. She had not slept overly well either, being far too excited at the prospect of shopping with Rion. Of course, she knew Dashiva would be coming along to help with gateways, or some such, but that didn't dampen her spirits either. Leaning her head against Rion's shoulder, she caught a glimpse of what he had been reading. It was a history of her home land, Arad Doman, causing her to smile once more. "Do you think Dashiva will be long?" She enquired, stifling another yawn.


Jocelyn Mahrin


"I am ready Rion." Rioin was brought out of his small world as Jocelyn’s bell like voice tolled from from above him. He found himself gaping slightly, when he realised he shut his mouth with a click, as she swayed down the stairs. She had to wear that dress. The one that clung to her in a very suggestive manner and was very distracting to look at. "Thankyou for doing this, I appreciate it." Rion shook his head and waved the thought away. As much as he was dreading this it would be very nice to spend the day with Jocelyn.


"Arming yourself against me with books are you? I can always find a way around that." Rion couldn’t help but smile sheepishly as Jocelyn first poed one of his books and then her finger lightly pressed against his unprotected side. She winked at him and patted his arm affectionately, and Rion assumed she was teasing him. She did that a lot and seemed to have fun making Rion turn a bright red, which turned out to be not that hard.


Rion watched out of the side of his eye as Jocelyn yawned. It seemed no one had slept well. Her head slowly lowered and alighted itself on its shoulder and Rion smiled at the touch. It was a sharp change from before Jocelyn had arrived, him enjoying the foriegn touch. "Do you think Dashiva will be long?"


Rion slipped his finger in his book and closed it. He patted Jocelyn’s knee affectionately and smiled. Very different. Besides the point that looking down at Jocelyn was always distracting in itself. “He had already left when I came down so I am not sure exactly when he will be back.â€


Rion reached up to scratch something poking against his kneck and shook his head when he felt the sword pin. He had been raised to dedicated recently and it was still a shock to fin it there sometime. He removed the pin and slid it into his pocket so he would not forget about it. It wouldn’t do if someone recognized it. He wanted ot look inconspicuos today. Turning back to Jocelyn he looked down into her eyes and smiled. “So do you have some ideas for today?†Rion said something for the sake of conversation mainly, it may be a while before Dashiva got here really.




Rion's hand patting her knee brought a smile to her face. Not that long ago he had seemed so uncomfortable when she was close, let alone when she touched him. Now he even felt comfortable enough to touch her in return. “He had already left when I came down so I am not sure exactly when he will be back.†She nodded silently. She had worked out that Dashiva was a busy man. Hopefully he would be back soon enough though.


Rion removed some sort of pin from his collar and pocketed it. She had seen some of the other men at the farm wearing them, knowing it was a sign of rank. She felt a small burst of pride, knowing that Rion had worked hard to achieve it. Jocelyn smiled back at Rion, still resting against him. “So do you have some ideas for today?†She chuckled in her throat, a teasing light in her eyes. "Well I had planned on purchasing some dresses, but I always have plenty of ideas where you're concerned." Her voice dropped to a seductive purr, her mind thinking of just what she would do with Rion if given half the chance. Likely he would have a heart attack if he had any idea of the extent of her imagination.


"So you are expecting shopping to be a tedious task, I take it?" She poked one of his books again with a smirk. "Who knows, perhaps we will find a bookstore in Bandar Eban, while we are waiting for my dresses to be made." She raised a brow at the grin that spread across his face, and patted his cheek fondly. "Trust me, it won't be such a chore. Domani markets are like no others, filled with so much colour and noise, the smells from the food stalls is divine..." she smiled wistfully, suddenly feeling very homesick. "It won't be all bad, I promise." Jocelyn reassured him with a smile.


Jocelyn Mahrin


The small chuckle really should have been a warning for Rion, though there really was no way he could change the outcome. "Well I had planned on purchasing some dresses, but I always have plenty of ideas where you're concerned." Jocelyn's voice was, for lack of any other word, a purr, almost a caress. In other words it was enough to heat his cheeks and stain them red. Though the implication was not all bad, at least if he was assuming corectly. Rion hoped she was talking of a kiss perhaps, that would nice. Much better then shopping.


"So you are expecting shopping to be a tedious task, I take it?"It would do well to leave it at that for Rion was assuming worse than just tedious. "Who knows, perhaps we will find a bookstore in Bandar Eban, while we are waiting for my dresses to be made." The smile that came to his face was not wholely from the thought of finding a bookstore, some was from the feeling of Jocelyn's hand on his cheek, though the bookstore was a large part of it. "Trust me, it won't be such a chore. Domani markets are like no others, filled with so much colour and noise, the smells from the food stalls is divine...It won't be all bad, I promise."


Rion added a small smile to the one gracing Jocelyn's face as he looked down at her. He didn't want to betray her good mood since the things she said were good about the Domani markets were perhaps the things he least wanted them to be like. The noise and the crowds, the others were all right. But with Jocelyn, and Dash for he shouldn't forget his mentor was coming, it would be allright. "I trust you, I am sure it will be fine. It's better then training at least."


Rion looked around quickly to make sure Dashiva was not around, somewhat at least cause if he looked around to much it would push Jocelyn's head off of his shoulder. And as much as he feared upsetting Dashiva, or letting him down, he liked the feeling of Jocelyn on his shoulder more.


Stifling another yawn Rion idly rubbed Jocelyn's knee, content at the moment. Well, probobly more than the moment for he would be content to stay like this for quite a while. The thought was almost shocking though, for here Rion was his side pressed to a woman he had known for a very short time and he had a hand on her knee and her head was leaning up against his shoulder. Almost. "I wonder where Dashiva is?" Rion said to fill in the silence. His hand itched to go back to his book but he wanted to spend time with Jocelyn without any distractions, though Jocelyn herself was a distraction.




"I trust you, I am sure it will be fine. It's better then training at least." Jocelyn smirked, knowing full well how much Rion disliked his training, especially with weapons. Though the one time she had trained with him had been a pleasant enough experience. Perhaps she needed a repeat performance. She had enjoyed it immensely. Even now a small smile twisted her lips, remembering how she had tripped Rion, before pouncing on him herself, his cheeks turning that delightful shade of red. Hmm, she would have to train him some more.


Rion's hand stayed on her knee, idly rubbing, and Jocelyn couldn't help but admire his palm on her skirt. She had grown so comfortable around him, and the realisation that he was comfortable with her too made her heart flutter in a most unusual way. He touched her because he considered her his special friend, not because he believed he could take liberties with her. He was how he appeared, open, never trying to hide. He was not devious. He was sweet and kind, and Jocelyn found herself warming to him in a way she never had with any other man before.


Chewing her lower lip, Jocelyn frowned slightly in the silence. She enjoyed Rion's company far too much. What would she do when the chance of escape arose? Would she refuse, because of her attachment to this perplexing man beside her? No, she must leave, and the sooner the better. Already, the thought of his face, twisted in sadness at having his special friend leave him, was enough to make her hesitate. Rion was too dangerous by far, though he didn't realise it.


"I wonder where Dashiva is?" Jocelyn banished her troublesome thoughts, smiling brightly and snuggling a little closer to Rion. "Hmm, perhaps I could have slept longer." She said, simultaneously stifling another yawn. "Though I could easily waste hours, sitting here like this." Jocelyn's voice was half wistful, and she tilted her head to smile up at him. She would not escape today, not even try, so she may as well enjoy the time with Rion. Oh, and Dashiva. What was taking him so long anyway?


Jocelyn Mahrin


Dashiva sat in his desk in his office scowling. He'd told Rion he'd be taking him out wherever he wanted to get Jocelyn some new clothes, and he just had to get a request to review all students and their training personally.


Sitting there for a while, he tried to work out what he could do and eventually pushed the paper back. Writing a quick note to Dalinar in case he came to check, Dashiva got up and changed out of his uniform and into a uniform of a different sort.


He wore mostly greens, a loose green shirt of the same shade of ever greens, with pants that were the same shade. A tunic that was close fitting yet still loose was a more pale green, and he wore nice deep brown boots and snug gloves.


Striding out of his office, he paused only long enough to ward it once more then jogged back to his home. Moving the ward aside without thinking he walked right through and released the weave pushing his front door aside.


"Sorry about being so long, I had a few reports and personal requests from Dalinar," he said without looking as he tossed the scrip holding his uniform into a small basket. Turning around he blinked before leaning against a doorway, carefully keeping his face blank of any expression.




"Hmm, perhaps I could have slept longer. Though I could easily waste hours, sitting here like this." Rion’s smile turned into that all to familiar sheepish one that betrayed he was embarrassed by something, though thankfully everything else remained the same. It was nice to know Jocelyn liked being around him as much as he did her. Hours was a wonderful prospect, and the wonderful fact was that it was going to be hours. Except for the shopping. Though the thought that maybe they would stop at some bookstore left a hopeful state for Rion that the day would not be all that bad. In the end all Rion did was smile at Jocleyn’s comment for he had nothing good to say, nor was he sure that if he said anything he would not just make a fool of himself.


The feeling of the power being weaved outside was only a few seconds warning before Dashiva burst into his house, spouting an apology. When he finally turned his face was still that expressionless mask that was so disconcerting. Leaning against the doorway it was brought into sharp notice what it must look like for Jocelyn and Rion. For a few moments Rion fought a rising sense of embaressment at being caught, well, cuddling with Jocelyn. But Dashiva’s words only a few days back eased him back into comfort. We all must grow up eventually. Rion had a small inkling to what that might mean, and the thought was enough to make Rion tinge a slight red anyways, but it made him being caught with his hand on Jocelyn’s knee and her head on his shoulder that much easier to deal with.


Jocelyn lifted his head from his shoulder and Rion stood quickly. He saluted and then stood drumming his finger’s against his leg. The green’s of Dashiva’s clothing made him feel better about the regular clothing he was wearing. His black coat was the same as normal, but his pants were a bland brown and his shirt, one of his better ones meanig silk, replaced the normal clothes.


Smoothing his coat out Rion shook his head. "That is no problem Dashiva. We were.. um..just passing the time." In a rather enjoyable manner though Rion would be to embarresed to announce that.




Jocelyn let her eyes drift closed, a small smile curving her lips as she enjoyed the closeness, not thinking on anything in particular, just simply enjoying. Rion too seemed content with the silence, until it was broken by Dashiva's entry, him giving them a short apology. She looked at him carefully, slowly lifting her head from Rion's shoulder.


Something about Dashiva's cool exterior, his face devoid of emotion bothered her. It wasn't normal to be that way, surely. Something in his eyes made her think he could read into her thoughts, causing her to smooth her skirts nervously as she rose. What had he said to Rion that night? Had he spoken about her? She determined to find out off Rion when they next had a moment alone.


"That is no problem Dashiva. We were.. um..just passing the time." Jocelyn smiled up at Rion, at the slight red tinge on his cheeks, fighting the urge to pat that appealing blush. "Indeed we were, but I find I am most eager to start shopping. Shall we?" She raised a brow at Dashiva. She realised she sounded bossy, but he was very disconcerting. She waited for him to lead the way out of the house, following and linking arms with Rion again once they were outside, in what was her favoured position for walking these days. She'd heard something about a gateway being used to take them to Arad Doman, but was still unsure what it meant, trying to ignore the fact that she knew it was something with the tainted half of the power.


Opening the door, Dashiva wove and opened a hole in his ward, waiting for Rion and Jocelyn to step through before closing the door and following out of the ward and letting it close once more.


"We'll just stop to pick up some mounts first, it would be suspicious if we walked into Arad Doman with no mounts at all. I'd like to avoid anything since this will not be a recruiting run."


Since the stables were on the way from his home to the Traveling Ground, at least they didn't have to go very far out of their way. "We've got a fair selection of mounts, choose one and I'm sure Rion will help you saddle your selection."


Grabbing his saddle off the rack, and some reins he moved down and went into the stall for his charger, quickly brushing him down and saddling him. Placing the bit in, he brought his horse out of the stall in just a few minutes and went outside to wait.




Rion stepped around Dashiva and out the door. He had taken barely two steps when Jocelyn was next to him and her arm was interlocked with his own. He was almost boucning in the next step in what had become his favorite walking position."We'll just stop to pick up some mounts first, it would be suspicious if we walked into Arad Doman with no mounts at all. I'd like to avoid anything since this will not be a recruiting run."


It made sense and it would be nice to go riding as well. Rion had always enjoyed riding as well. It was all good, and the day was getting better. Much better, it amost the shopping part a good thing because it was leading to the rest of the day.



"We've got a fair selection of mounts, choose one and I'm sure Rion will help you saddle your selection." It took only a moment for Rion to start heading for a mare towards the other end of the stable, Jocelyn still on his arm. He remembered Jocelyn's horse from the day he had met her, which had been a very good expirence as well. That day had been a very interesting day, full of rather enjoyable firsts.


Rion unwound his arm from Jocelyn's as they came upon her mare. He did help some with the saddling of Jocelyn's horse, but he let Jocelyn do most since it was her horse and he was unsure if doing the entirety off it would make Jocelyn think he though her unable to do it, or that he was just pushy.


Rion left the stall as Jocelyn finished the last few tidbits of saddling her mare. A few stalls down was a horse that seemed to be able for Rion, he could tell it was a good horse so it would work. Grabbing a saddle Rion dropped it into the stable and began to ready his own mount. The horse nipped him on the hand when he was fastening the bridle, but a light tap on the nose settled the stallion down.


Taking the reins Rion led the horse from his stall and back towards Jocelyn and her mare, with a small smile for Jocelyn he led the way out of the stables to wait with Dashiva to continue towards teh Traveling Grounds. He stood waiting, rubbing the stallions nose.




Jocelyn was thrilled at having the chance to ride Alitha again, having missed riding the pretty mare. Rion obviously remembered about her horse, as he walked arm and arm with her to the stall. She couldn't help but smile, thinking of how in this very stall she had kissed him for the first time, startling them both with her bold action.


Rion pulled down her saddle from the big hook where it hung, helping her place it on her mount, though he seemed happy enough to let her deal with mainly, as she tightened the straps, checking to make sure all was secured. She enjoyed doing so herself, never being too careful, lest something happen and she should lose her saddle on the ride.


She was just finishing off when Rion brought another stallion out of a stall, before leading her out to wait for Dashiva. Being impatient to be on her horse once more, Jocelyn lightly bounced up into the saddle, reaslising her predicament almost instantly. Her skirts were not divided for riding, and they rode halfway up her legs, revealing a goodly amount of ankle and calf. She blushed as she tried to rearrange her skirts, covering herself as best she could. Teasing Rion was one thing, but showing off her legs for anyone to see was another. Something in her mind told her that wasn't logical, due to the amount of bosom she was showing, but she pushed the notion out of her mind.


If it were only Rion who could see she didn't think she would have a problem, but everyone else...the thought made her uneasy. Unusual, when she was used to making herself available for any interested man. Maybe she was slowly going crazy, being this close to madmen. Argh, that name did not fit Rion. He wasn't mad. He was sweet and innocent and kind. And he was causing her to go soft. With another short shake of her head she followed Dashiva to a large opening, waiting and wondering how on earth one travelled.


Jocelyn Mahrin


Swinging down from his very fine Shienaran stock charger, Dashiva glanced over both Rion's and Jocelyn's mounts, Jocelyn looked quite happy on hers and he guessed it was probably hers.


Berating himself in his head for not being aware of that, and adding in to build a stable addition to his home, he reached out for saidin and seized it.


Staggering, his eyes widened as an extreme feeling of filth filled his gut. Hacking and coughing, trying to retch he dropped to his knees shaking his head. After a few moments of trying he managed to retch, and as his gut emptied onto the ground his head cleared.


Waving Rion back, he slowly got off his knees and scrubbed the back of his hand against his mouth and spat. He still held saidin and he was thankful he hadn't lost control and severed himself.


Very slowly, he laid the threads of Spirit, and after a moment once they were in place and he could examine the weave to be double sure, he let the Gateway open, leading to a place a good number of miles south of Bandar Eban.


Looking at the open gateway, he nodded after a moment and waved his hand. "go," he said hoarsely, gesturing for both Rion and Jocelyn to move through. He took his chargers reins and leaned against the saddle.




Rion looked over to Jocelyn as she swung into her saddle. Almost instantly he wished he had not. He skirts rose almost to her knees as she settled into the saddle and made her already revealing dress into something rather scandolous. And as much as Rion caught himself admiring Jocelyn when she wore the infamous Domani attire, and shamingly how enjoyable it was, he still divereted his gae to seem discreet and respectable, a blush already rising on his cheeks. It was worse than when she was standing next to him and he had to loook down at her to speak. All very akward.


Swallowing the lump now forming in his throat Rion turned his gaze to his mentor. Though that turned out to be no better, and a very omunious omen. Dashiva seized Saidin and the staggered to his knees. He began retching, couphing and out of shock and trepidation Rion reached out throught he taint and grabbed Saidin. In the void he was able to fight off the want to retch as he watched Dashiva spew his stomach onto the ground.


Rion took a few steps forewards when Dashiva finaly finished but his mentor waved him off. Rion released teh source and took the reigns of his horse back in his hand. Rion watched hungrily as the weaves of spirit began to form and settle into a gateway before finally splitting the air adn reavealing the surounding nature of Bandar Eban.


Rion looked to Jocelyn who wore a shocked look for a a few moments before Rion spoke to her. "You can go first." She nodded and went slowly through the Gateway, Rion following closely before hurriedly taking his place next to her. He shivered once as his body adjusted to the change in temperature as they jumped hundreds of miles in a single step. He moved close to Jocelyn and reached out to take her hand. He squeezed it once in what he hoped was a reasuring manner. "Welcome to..well. Arad Doman."




Jocelyn's gaze flicked to Dashiva as he suddenly stumbled to his knees, retching violently. Was this due to channelling? Or was he sick? She surely hoped it was the second, when he suddenly emptied his stomach. Jocelyn hurriedly turned her head, her own stomach churning at the sound. Light, she hoped Dash was just ill, that it wasn't the power driving him mad.


A light caught her eye and she turned, watching as a vertical slash appeared in the air, twisting and opening, until she could see land beyond. That was a gateway? How on earth did he do that? And how did she know what land lay beyond? She gaped, looking between Dashiva and the giant hole in the air, when Rion spoke. "You can go first." She nodded, not trusting herself to speak, just wanting to get away from the smell, heeling Alitha gently through the gap, ducking low over her neck as she went, looking about her warily. Thankfully Rion was close behind her, moving up beside her.


Jocelyn looked around her in amazement. She could not shake the feeling of familiarity. This was her homeland, that was for certain. Her own town was some distance north of Bandar Eban, but she had travelled there on many occassions with her father, for trade. The air was cooler, and Jocelyn found herself cursing herself for not bringing her cloak with her, though she could always pick one up here. Rion took her hand and squeezed, making her smile slightly. "Welcome to..well. Arad Doman." She breathed deeply, looking around at the countryside, the lightly rolling hills spotted with dense trees. "Home." She said softly, almost a sigh.


The feeling of coming home followed her as they slowly rode north to Bandar Eban. So close, yet so far. Soon, she would come home. Very soon. Already she and Racelle were starting to secretly stash away supplies in preparation. If anything, Dashiva's sickness earlier had confirmed her need to leave. Would that happen to Rion too? She didn't think she could bear to see that happen. No, she would leave, and soon. But for now, she was shopping, and it would be delightful. She straightened her spine, tugging at her skirts to no avail, partly for modesty and partly for the cold, the stockings she wore being too sheer to offer much warmth.


She looked over to where Rion rode close beside her, giving him a smile. "Well Rion, you are about to encounter probably the greatest city for trading, let alone shopping, anywhere. Besides which, I know of a very good bookseller, who often has rare and obscure books." She smiled at him fondly, knowing how much he would love the store she was talking about. Tucked away from the main hustle and bustle of the markets, it was a quiet shop, stocked full of leather bound books. Her gaze slipped past Rion to Dashiva, atop his remarkable mount, and her smile wavered. He looked better now, but she would be lying if she said what she had seen did not scare her somewhat. Madness. She didn't wish it upon Dashiva, and especially not Rion. Or anyone really. But she knew she needed to be far away from it.


Jocelyn Mahrin

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As the trio rode to the north Rion tried to concentrate on looking foreward, mulling over the events that had transpired and resisting from looking to his side where Jocelyn was riding next to him. Her skirts were still to her knees, reavealing the stocking beneath and he still was erring towards the side of modesty. His mind was occupied by what Dashiva had done. He suspected it had something to do with the taint, madness edging closer and that put a fear into Rion that he found extremely unsettling. Dashiva had appeared invincible, surviving so long without the madness consuming him.


Rion was thankful he had been channeling for so short of a time, but it threw into sharp contrast that he to had a possibility to have the madness consume him as well. The dissapearences that came from the tower, the gladd of wine fulled with poison to peacefully kill a man being taken by madness so he would not pose a danger to the rest of the Tower. Reminders of his eventual fate.


"Well Rion, you are about to encounter probably the greatest city for trading, let alone shopping, anywhere. Besides which, I know of a very good bookseller, who often has rare and obscure books."


Jocelyn's words snapped Rion out of his reverie, his contemplations and wonderings. It also turned his gaze back to her and he could feel a small blush creeping up his cheeks once again. He tried to keep his eyes focused on Jocelyn's face but it was difficult when her entire form was visible in his line of sight. The thought was a rather encouraging one though, a mere wish that they might find a bookstore becoming a near garuntee. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at her infectious one, lighting her face up and making her seem more beautiful than she actually was, which wasn't easy when you saw how beautiful she was without the smile.


"I would enjoy going there, do you think Dashiva will let us." Rion smiled sheepishly and looked over his shoulder as he realized how loudly he had said that, and embaressed that he was talking of Dashiva while he was only a few feet away. "I think this day will be much better then I thought it was going to be." Rion nodded with his grin on his face and moved his gaze back to in front of him, looking along their path to the city.




Dashiva slowly walked through his Gateway after Jocelyn and Rion moved through and let it snap close seconds after he passed through.


Releasing saidin hurriedly, he immediately felt better and pulled himself into his saddle, riding a short distance behind his mentee likely appearing as some form of guard with the sword on his hip and large mount.


Following along, he stayed far enough back to let them talk mostly private while staying close enough to keep an eye on them. He had no intenions of allowing jocelyn to escape until, and unless either Dalinar or the Dragon announced any and all prisoners of the Black Tower would be released.


Looking closely at Jocelyn, he made a mental note as to what she was wearing so he could find her if she tried to run. If he had to, he was quite willing to channel in the open to hold her in place.




"I would enjoy going there, do you think Dashiva will let us." She looked at Dashiva questioningly, before turning her smile back to Rion. They would have to fill the time as her dresses were made somehow, she didn't see why they couldn't spend time at the book store. "I think this day will be much better then I thought it was going to be." She returned his smile. She was thinking much the same. The air was crisp, though not overly cold, the sun shining cheerily overhead. It was a perfect day for an outing.


Despite the incident she had witnessed earlier, Jocelyn was in a good mood, her back straight as they approached the city walls, ignoring her bare legs. She couldn't help the feeling of coming home, even though Bandar Eban was not where she lived. With an excited smile she heeled Alitha, driving the golden coloured horse into a gallop, dashing towards the city. Approaching the gates she slowed somewhat, looking back to see Rion and Dashiva hot on her heels. Her cheeks were flushed from the exercise, her eyes sparkling as the joined her. A guilty feeling passed over her. She hoped they hadn't thought she had attempted escape.


The guards at the gate hardly paid them any heed, waving them through into the cobblestone streets beyond the gate. The added height given to Jocelyn by the mare made it easier for her to pick her way, as she slowly led her companions, or guards, through the throngs of people towards the marketplace. A large inn caught her eye, and she led Rion and Dashiva towards it, heading around the back, where the stables were. "I know this inn. They will watch our horses for a small price." She watched as Dashiva and Rion dismounted, a cheeky grin lighting her features as she held her arm out to Rion for his help. Being the gentleman he was, he of course obliged, his hands at her waist as she slid from the saddle. She did not need the help, by no means, though she decided she would need Rion's help from now on.


"Thankyou Rion." She smiled up at him, eyes glinting mischieviously before stepping back, her skirts falling into place around her legs once more. Grooms were already bustling around the animals, leading them into stalls and unsaddling them, one bringing out fresh oats and water. "Come, I will take you to the market, where the real action is. There we shall find a dressmaker." She slid her arm into Rion's, leading him towards the inn. The made their way through, dodging patrons until they emerged out front, the bustle of the street before them. "This way!" She chimed happily, leading Rion along the street. She didn't need to look behind her to know Dashiva was following, no doubt he would not let her out of his sight.


Jocelyn breathed deeply as she walked, the noise and bustle as music to her ears. Her step was light as she walked, the familiar sights and smells filling her with homesickness. Light, she did want to go home. Rounding a corner, the marketplace came into view, the loud cries of the hawkers, shouting their wares, people bustling about the tables, inspecting the goods on offer. Everything was bright and loud, coloured materials on display, delicious pastries tempting the palate. Rion seemed to stiffen beside her, and she looked up at him, smiling and patting his arm. "Not to worry Rion, it looks worse than it is. Come along, I know a marvellous dressmaker just this way." A slight tug on his arm and he followed, his eyes almost bulging from his head as he looked all about them. They were jostled as they walked, but that was to be expected. "Hold your purse tight, lest someone should grab it off you as they walk past." She murmured in his ear, her arm still looped tightly with his.


A grin spread over her features as Rion started eyeing everyone suspiciously. Something told her he was not accustomed to large cities. Soon she spied the dressmaker she sought, tugging Rion over to the shop. She ducked inside, the noise from outside changing to a muted buzz inside the shop walls. Bolts of material lined the a wall, every colour and texture you could imagine. Several dresses were on display, demonstrating the seamstress's handiwork. One in particular caught Jocelyn's eye, the material so very sheer and delicate, a pale shade of blue. One could almost make out the doll beneath, giving the dress it's shape. The neckline was ver low, and the cut would accentuate every curve. "How about I get something like that, hmm?" She could not resist teasing Rion, the blush staining his cheeks most satisfying.


The dressmaker came out from behind a counter, rushing up to them. "How can I help you?" She enquired. Jocelyn cast a look about the shop, her chin raised. She would get these dresses for a good price for Rion. "I need two dresses, Mistress Nesin." She replied in a cold voice. She made a point of remembering names, and already the plump woman seemed pleased. She strolled casually along the row of materials, fingering several bolts of cloth. "One of this." She fingered an expensive wool, died in a deep violet colour. "I want it slashed with this gold colour." Mistress Nesin nodded, jotting notes and no doubt prices in a little book from her belt pouch. Jocelyn saw Rion's eyes gape at the price written on a neat tag pinned to the bolts, but she shook her head slightly, mentally urging him to be silent. She would not pay near the price expected.


"And for the second..." She tapped her chin thoughtfully, fingering an array of fine silks. "What is your favourite colour?" She asked Rion, raising her brows at him, a slight smile dancing about her eyes. It seemed only fair that she choose a gown in a colour pleasing to him, as he was paying for it. And you want him to admire you in it! She ignored that thought as she waited for Rion to tell her his choice.


Jocelyn Mahrin


Rion's eyes widened and he let out a strangled gasp as Jocelyn and her mare bolted out ahead of him and Dashiva. Fear of Jocelyn trying to escape and just a general sense that he did not want to be far from her side coming towards Bandar Eban, spurred Rion foreward. Rising in the saddle Rion kicked his borrowed mount foreward, driving the stallion in a fast pursuit of Jocelyn. Jocelyn thankfully slowed as she aproached the gates and Rion brathing deeply and his stomach fluttering, he slowed until he was riding next to Jocelyn once again. It was suprising how nervous he had become at the thought Jocelyn was trying to escape again, and from the thought that if she succeeded he would never see her again. It took some time until the fluttering in his stomach settled.


Rion tried a week smile at the gaurd as they waved the group through the gate. It faltered and finally slid from his face as the one stared back for a moment un emotionally. It was like trying to smile at Dashiva most of the time, like running into a stone wall. It just didn't work. "I know this inn. They will watch our horses for a small price." Rion was having a tough time internally with navigating throught the bustle of people so he was happy to get away from them for only a short while if that was it.


Rion slipped from his saddle and took the reins off his stallion when he turned to see how Jocelyn was doing. She was holding a hand out for him and he got the picture she wanted help from her saddle, perplexing but Rion wasn't going to refuse. Rion thought that he wouldn't be able to refuse Jocelyn in near anything. He placed his hands on her waist and lifted her figure slightly out of the saddle. She slid down and Rion had to do his best to stem the blush creeping up his cheeks. Very close and his hands around her waist it was very hard to concentrate on anything.


"Thankyou Rion." Rion shifted his foot nervously and bit his lip as she smiled up at him in that beautiful way. "Come, I will take you to the market, where the real action is. There we shall find a dressmaker." That was going to be an interesting situation if the ride in was any tell of what it would be like. "This way!" Arm linked with Jocelyn's he didn't have much of a choice so he dodjed the patrons of the inn and tried to stay as close to Jocelyn as he could, feeling decidedly uncomfortable with all these people around him.


And all the sudden they were turned around a corner and a wave of sound struck Rion like a club. "Not to worry Rion, it looks worse than it is. Come along, I know a marvellous dressmaker just this way. Hold your purse tight, lest someone should grab it off you as they walk past. Rion followed as Jocelyn tugged his arm, slightly pacified but eyes the crown around him suspiciously, one hand tucked in his jacket holding firmly to his purse of money.


Rion gaped widely at the strangeness of the dress store as Jocelyn herded him in. Rion looked back to Dashiva helplessly as he was led from the hustle and bustle of the market to this strange feminine world. It was all very confusing. Though at least that itch in his shoulder blades had gone away. "How about I get something like that, hmm?" Rion turned as Jocelyn spoke and almost suddenly he flushed deeply. The dress she was looking at could barely be considered clothing as the sudden image forming in Rion's imagination was enough to make him blush further.


But Jocelyn did eventually turn and started pointing out cloths for her dresses. All the while Rion was peeking over the shoulder of the seamstress watching her right down prices for the cloth. Rion's mouth slowly dropped at the price while he was sure he had enough to cover it, and he was able to get more from letters of rights hopefully his father and mother still considered him part of the family. Still he would have very little left after this little endevour if they stopped at a book store.


"And for the second...What is your favourite colour?" Rion was torn from his revery and looked around not sure the question was directed at him but when no one answered and Jocelyn was still looking at him he let a small, "Oh." Escape before biting his chin thinking. He wasn't really sure what his favorite color was, he didn't think about those kinds of things often. So he had to think about what to say before he did. Red reminded him to much of blood, even if it was part of his House Adamar's colors. Blue was to.


"Um...Blue.." Rion said it hesitantly not really sure why Jocelyn would ask his opinion on dress color. He shrugged slightly when he said it to say a kind of 'I guess.' Jocelyn would look good blue though. Admitedly Rion thought she looked beautiful no matter, but it would still look good on her.



"Um...Blue.." Rion shrugged and Jocelyn couldn't help but shake her head slightly with a smile. Men. "And one of this blue." She pointed to a bolt of dark blue silk, before fingering a lighter shade. "Slashed with the lighter." She nodded to herself, pleased with what she had chosen. "I will need these gowns by the days end, Mistress Nesin." The woman frowned, seeming on the verge of refusal, but a look at Jocelyn's no-nonsense expression had her hastily nodding. "That can be arranged, but I must measure you now, so I can get started right away." Jocelyn nodded, satisfied.


Before following the rounded woman, Jocelyn laid a hand on Rion's forearm, leaning close so she could whisper into his ear. "Don't worry about the price, I assure you, you will pay less than half what she wrote down. I will deal with her when I pick up the dresses." She patted his arm in what she hoped was a reassuring manner, before following Nesin into the back of the shop. They proceeded to measure her, and take notes on the styles Jocelyn wanted. Both dresses would be fitted to her curves, cut low enough to tempt any sane man to look, yet not so much so that they would be impractical. Jocelyn happily let the women bustle around her, her thoughts on Rion, and the look she knew would cross his face when she showed him to the book store.


Soon enough the women were done, waving her off with promises that the dresses would be complete that afternoon. Jocelyn breezed out of the shop, waiting for the others before she hooked her arm in Rion's in her accustomed manner. "Would you care to see the bookshop now? Or would you prefer to find somewhere to get a meal first?" She raised enquiring brows at both Rion and Dashiva, though the excited expression that crossed the younger's face made his choice unmistakeably clear. "The book shop, I take it?" She smiled at Rion, her gaze flicking to Dashiva to make sure he didn't mind.


"Lovely, right this way." She led Rion and Dashiva away from the bustle of the market place, and soon the crowd around them began to thin. Lifting her skirts to avoid a mud puddle, Jocelyn led them around a corner, and down a much quieter side street. Many houses were built along the road, most with tiled roofs, and an occassional inn, one which was three stories, though quiet. "That inn is considered quite exclusive, hence the lack of raucous patrons." She mused out loud as the walked past, a hand waved in the general direction of the building.


Another turn led them down a narrow alley, surprisingly clean for all it's dankness. She stopped in front of a bright red painted door, standing out garishly against the dull grey of the walls and the muddy ground beneath their feet. “Here we are.†She pushed open the door, tripping the mechanism attached, causing bells to chime softly, signalling their arrival. The site that greeted them was wondrous, shelves built into the walls of the room they entered, and the one beyond, piled to the roof with books of all different shapes, sizes and colours. She watched Rion’s face as it lit up, sharing a little of his joy as his eyes swept the room. She remembered the first time her father had brought her here, how she had been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books, how thrilled she had been when her father told her to choose one for her own. She squeezed his arm affectionately, just as the store owner appeared from behind a freestanding case of books. He was quite short and thin, his lips curving into a polite smile as he took in their appearances. “How may I help you?†He enquired.


“We have come to explore the wonders of your shop sir, and perhaps make a few purchases.†Replied Jocelyn. The thin man nodded and grinned broadly. “By all means, look around, and feel free to ask me for help, if you are looking for something in particular.†He bowed as he spoke, before stepping back, giving them free reign to explore his shop. Jocelyn breathed deeply, the smell of old parchment strangely appealing. “I thought you may like this place Rion.†She said softly, smiling up at his grinning face. Untangling her arm from Rion’s she strode forward, her finger running over the spine of the books on the shelf before her. From what she knew, the store owner looked after the place as a labour of love, rather than to make money. How he could part with any of the treasures was beyond Jocelyn. He had books of all genres, something to appeal to even the least avid reader. Jocelyn may not read as often as Rion, restraining herself from carrying books about on her person as he did, but she still had a great love of the written word.


A book bound with soft red leather caught Jocelyn’s eye, and she pulled it from the shelf, thumbing gently through the pages. It was a romantic novel, certainly not something Rion had in his current collection. An overstuffed chair in the corner beckoned her, and she took the book over with her, tucking her legs beneath her as she began to peruse the novel, occasionally looking up watch Rion with a smile on her face.


Jocelyn Mahrin


Rion started back slightly as the bells rang out when the small troop entered into the bookshop. But all other thoughts strayed to a lesser importance from the sight in front of him. Shelves upon shelves lined with books of varying degress of rarity and age. It was beautiful. He gaped, mouth open and simply running his eyes across the room. He was jolted back into the prescence at the sound of a voice and a man approaching. “How may I help you?â€


Rion worked his mouth but no sound came out, thankfully Jocelyn filled in the gap. “We have come to explore the wonders of your shop sir, and perhaps make a few purchases.†Light they were wonders, hopefully Jocelyn would be able to pry Rion away from this, and he would restrain himself enough that he still has money for Jocelyn's dresses.


“By all means, look around, and feel free to ask me for help, if you are looking for something in particular.†Rion worked his mouth trying to say something but nothing seemed to be able to come out. He patted one of his precious books for comfort.


“I thought you may like this place Rion.†Rion turned and grinned widely at Jocelyn. How much he had liked her previously had tripled now that she had brought him here, this made the entire day worthwhile no matter what happened next. Jocelyn untangled her arm and Rion gave her hand a small squeeze before walking towards the bookshelves.


Admiring the books Rion ran his gaze over each and every one, from floor to ceiling. He paused every once in a while to take a book from the shelves and examine it. It only took him a few minuetes before he had a good pile in his arms of ones he wanted. It hadn't gone unoticed by the shop owner and he walked over, hands clasped behind his back. "Looking for something in particular?"


Rion started and turned to the newcomer, who now had a smile on his face. "Not really, I um...was wondering if you had anything on the well..." Rion dropped his voice to something of a whisper. "Karetheon Cycle? Or anything on Aes Sedai perhaps?"


The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow, "Hmm. Strange subjects, either a student of the subject or just someone who wants a rare collection. I might, follow me they will be towards teh back."


"A little bit of both, the power has always fascinated me and I have always wanted to read as much of the Cycle as I could. No place has a full set and I want to see if I can get some." Rion shifted the books he had in his hands, following the smaller man away.


"Here we are." The man pulled a rather large novel, the cover already starting to fall away. "I fear this is the only book I have that is about Aes Sedai, and it seems I have naught on the Cycle. Sorry."


Rion sighed, he hadn't expected anything on the contrary. "That is all right, I beleive I have everything I need. Thank You." The man nodded and took the pile of books from Rion, going to a small counter and taking out a pad of paper jotting down prices and calculations. Rion turned about and a small smile came to his face as he saw Jocelyn curled in a chair with a book.


"And um..the one she is reading to." The shopkeeper looked around Rion's shoulder with a small smile and pushed a number over to Rion. Rion pursed his lips before fishing out the necessary coinds and picking up his pile of books. He walked over to Jocelyn and took the seat next to her. "Is that a good book? It's yours, I didn't think many of my books were to your liking." Rion let the books rest on his knee. "I am ready if you are."




Jocelyn smiled to herself over her book, noticing the large pile of books in Rion's arms, very glad she had brought him here. She didn't think he had any spare pockets to carry them in though, making it an amusing thought as to how he was going to take them back. Her eyes were drawn back to the pages in front of her, already caught up in the web of intrigue and romance that was being spun. She would hate to have to put it down.


Rion sat beside her and she looked up with a smile, a pile of books balancing on his knee. "Is that a good book? It's yours, I didn't think many of my books were to your liking." He had purchased the book for her too? She couldn't help the grin that lit up her features. He really was so good to her. "I am ready if you are." She nodded, carefully closing the red-bound book. "Thankyou so much Rion. This book will be an even more treasured gift than the dresses." She ran a hand lovingly down it's spine. All the books she had possessed were at her home. "I do like your books, many of them are very fascinating, but sometimes a girl needs a little fantasy to lose herself in." Her grin was broad as she stood, smoothing her skirts back over her hips. "When I am done, you will have to read it too...who knows, you may enjoy it too." Her cheek dimpled, imagining the blush on Rion's cheeks when he read the romantic scenes.


"I'm surprised you were able to limit yourself Rion." She smirked and looked pointedly at the impressive pile of books in his arms, her tone teasing. "Perhaps we should get you out of here before you spend all that you have." She squeezed his arm to let him know she merely teased him, though it would not surprise her if he had spent a goodly amount of money on books. "I don't think my dresses will be ready yet though, perhaps we should find somewhere for a meal?" She asked the question, directed at Rion, though her gaze took in Dashiva as well, hovering quietly by a shelf of books.


Neither of her companions disagreed so Jocelyn thanked the shop keeper before leading the way back out into the dull alley. Back onto the street, Jocelyn paused, shivering slightly as a crisp wind flicked her skirts around her ankles, reminding her that she had neglected to wear a cloak. "We can go back to the market place, and get something from a vendor, or if you prefer we can find an inn. Which would you rather?" She looked from Rion to Dashiva, and back again, waiting for a response. The wind whipped at her skirts once more and she unconsciously stepped closer to Rion, as though to sheild herself from the cold, unable to link arms while he held his pile of books.


Jocelyn Mahrin


"I do like your books, many of them are very fascinating, but sometimes a girl needs a little fantasy to lose herself in." Rion smiled and peeked over to peek at the words to Jocelyn's book. Fantasy. Well, it definately wasn't a history book. "When I am done, you will have to read it too...who knows, you may enjoy it too. Rion rolled his eyes. It was doubtful he would be able to enjoy it. Though perhaps it would help him during those lessons Jocelyn kept talking about, her sitting on his knee like...Rion shook his head and fought down the blush starting to tinge his cheeks as he realized where his thoughts were taking him. Jocelyn was very distracting in many different ways.


"I'm surprised you were able to limit yourself Rion. Perhaps we should get you out of here before you spend all that you have." Rion couldn't help but look away slightly embarresed even though he was able to tell Jocelyn was teasing him, she did that so often that he had gotten pretty good at telling when she was teasing and when she wasn't.


"I don't think my dresses will be ready yet though, perhaps we should find somewhere for a meal?" Rion nodded enthusiastically and followed saying a quick thanks to the shop keeper as he left the shop. Stepping outside Rion shivered once as the wind carresed him. Concentrating he slowly was able to assumed the state where he was immune to the elements, taught to him early in his training. He could still feel the breeze but no longer the cold.


"We can go back to the market place, and get something from a vendor, or if you prefer we can find an inn. Which would you rather?" Rion furrowed his brow at the thought of going back to the market for more time than they had before. He didn't doubt that it would be uncomfortable, and all those people around to cut his purse when he wasn't looking. An inn would be much preferable.


"I think the inn you pointed out before would be perfect Jocelyn." Turning to their chaperone, that was basically what Dashiva was for today, he raised an eyebrow in question. Dashiva did not anything in the negative so Rion took his spot next to Jocelyn, though Rion was dissapointed that he wasn't able to link his arm with hers.


"Here it is." Rion motioned to the three storied inn that Jocelyn had pointed out before. Akwardly Rion reached out and opened the door. He held it open for a second before Dashiva took a hold and Rion turned his head to smile at him, he had been afraid he was going to drop his books and make a fool of himself.


Following Jocelyn into the inn a portly man came up to them, the innkeeper Rion assumed. "May I help you? A room for the night, or are you simply looking for a meal?" The man ran a questioning glance over Rion's books but was all smiles again after a moment.


Rion was able to find his voice finally. "We are only hear for the meal, sir." The man nodded and called a serving women over to show them to a table and take their orders for drinks. Rion smiled at the women. "Some spiced wine will suffice, thank you." Rion straightened his stack of books and pushed them to the side as he scooted a little closer to Jcoelyn who was sitting next to him, as Jocelyn told what she and then Dashvia.


"I hope you don't mind eating here Jocelyn, I um well...wasn't sure of the marketplace." Rion flushed deeply and he smiled sheepishly, embarresed by his social fear.




Dashiva booted his horse after Jocelyn when she suddenly rode ahead, not quite wishing to resort to saidin in front of the guards. When she slowed just as abruptly, he reined in.


Moving a little closer on both Jocelyn and Rion as he moved next to her, he stared down the guard as he approached, and just as he started to pass the guard bowed his head briefly and took his hand away from his sword hilt. Smiling thinly, he returned his attention to Jocelyn, swinging down from his saddle a little reluctantly.


Standing just inside the doorway to the dressmaker, Dashiva smiled slightly and folded his arms. This experience would do Rion some good, although he felt Jocelyn was just a little too open for Rion, and her love of dresses that left little to the imagination. Smiling a little more, he waited, trying to give Rion and Jocelyn the impression they were alone.


He followed them to just inside the bookstore doorway, taking up a similar position. He almost drew on saidin a number of times. trying to work out why he had been sick and how close he had to get to drawing on it to start getting sick.


He followed them out without really thinking, lost in thought and only somewhat aware of his surroundings as he toyed again and again with drawing on saidin, mouth moving slightly without speaking.




"I think the inn you pointed out before would be perfect Jocelyn." Jocelyn wasn't surprised that Rion took the quieter option, as she happily walked beside him towards the inn. She would be glad to get out of the cold air anyway, as much as she loved the bustle of the marketplace. "Here it is." Rion struggled with the door and Jocelyn hid a smile, worried he would drop all of his books.


"May I help you? A room for the night, or are you simply looking for a meal?" Jocelyn smiled to herself again, liking the picture of Rion standing in an inn with an armful of books. It was an odd picture, yet the portly innkeeper took it in his stride. "We are only hear for the meal, sir." Jocelyn swept after the serving maid, seating herself smoothly before ordering some mulled wine. She hid her smile as she felt Rion move his chair a little closer to hers, so that they were almost touching. The buxom maid waddled away to fetch their drinks, and Jocelyn saw Dashiva out of the corner of her eye, moving his lips as though talking to himself. She shivered, hoping it wasn't a sign of madness, before turning her gaze back to Rion.


"I hope you don't mind eating here Jocelyn, I um well...wasn't sure of the marketplace." He blushed as he spoke, and Jocelyn could not resist the temptation, wriggling her chair closer still, until they were touching from knee to hip, the warmth of Rion's thigh noticable even through their clothing. She tucked her arm into his, smiling broadly. "I don't mind at all, it was quite cold outside anyway. It is much warmer here." Her grin took on a wicked twist as she dropped her hand to rest on his knee, squeezing it gently. No one else would be able to see, but Rion would no doubt notice, as she let her hand rest a little higher on his thigh.


'Besides, you couldn't really carry all those books around and try to eat." She smirked at the pile, , her hand still on his leg. "How do you think you are going to carry them home on your horse?" She giggled at him, ignoring the fact that she had called the farm home. It was not her home. Arad Doman was her home, and it was best she remembered that.


Jocelyn Mahrin


Rion's blush rose all the more as he felt Jocelyn push herself up to him, her knee to hop touching his and her arm slipping to entertwine with his. "I don't mind at all, it was quite cold outside anyway. It is much warmer here." Rion smiled ot himself, as much because of the closeness between him and Jocelyn as his own private joke. It usually was cold when someone wore the clothes that Jocelyn did. He didn't voice the comment though as he felt Jocelyn's hand resting on his knee, squeezing gently.


And suddenly Rion was trying to swallow a lump in his throat, fight the rising blush and fidget as he reacted to Jocelyn's hand sliding up to rest on his thigh. The touch was much more intimate than he was used to from Jocelyn, more foreward though thankfully no one else would be able to see it. He drummed his fingers on his free leg and tried to school his face for Dashiva's view.


''Besides, you couldn't really carry all those books around and try to eat. How do you think you are going to carry them home on your horse?" Rion's eyes widened as he realized what a predicament he was in. How did he plan on getting his books home? They didn't have a spare horse though if he was able to position the books right he would be able to do it. And once out of the city he would be able to use saidin to carry them.


Rion was in a pickle at the moment, the serving women was not back with their drinks yet and he was unsure if he opened his mouth that he would be able to actually say something, Jocelyn's hand was still on his thigh and the transfer from mind to tounge to spoken word was filled with chances to trip and fall.


"I um..have some.."Rion swalled once again trying to force the words out correctly. "..ideas...once we get out of the um..out of the..umm...umm..city. I have to say it...I mean that would be rather hard.....to do. Carrying..the bb.books while riding." Rion took a breath very unsure of what he should be doing. Being 'special friends' which Rion was beggining to think that this was more than just a friendship, to him at least, was a very confusing thing and although Dashiva told him that everyone had to grow eventually it was proving to be very hard, and he was trying not to stumble through it.


Rion turned his head around as footsteps approached and then serving women was putting their drinks on the table. Rion took up his cup of wine and lifted it to his face to take a long drink so he could hide the rising blush on his cheeks. Though unfortunately Jcoelyn had made Rion forget that he wasn't very good at holding drink. It was only one cup though, Rion thought to himself as he looked at his now half empty cup.




Jocelyn's eyes twinkled with amusement as Rion stammered, the blush in his cheeks no doubt caused by her close proximity, not to mention the intimate placing of her hand on his thigh. She wasn't surprised at the effect she created, she figured Rion for quite the innocent anyway. What stunned her was why she was so fascinated with him. He was certainly very different from any other man she had ever fancied. And he seemed to appreciate her as a person, not just as an object he could bed and discard. As unusual as it was, she found she rather enjoyed it.


The wine arrived, and Rion took a long pull of his wine, no doubt in an attempt to steady his nerves. With a hint of a smile, Jocelyn lifted her own goblet with her free hand, the other still resting lightly on Rion's warm thigh. She sipped her own wine a bit more slowly, not wanting the alcohol to go straight to her head. "Steady does it Rion, you don't want to get into your cups at this time of day." She looked at him from beneath her lashes with a smile. "I doubt I could carry you back to your horse. Your books maybe, but probably not you." She giggled and squeezed his thigh playfully, silently satisfied when he gave a slight jump, though made no attempt to break the contact.


Her gaze flickered back to where Dashiva sat, and while he was with them, he appeared so distant. His lips were moving, and she was almost certain he was talking to himself. It was perplexing to say the least, her eyes quickly seeking out Rion once more. Was this going to be his fate too? When would he show signs of madness? She hoped that would never happen to him, but sadly, the knowledge that it was inevitable kept repeating in her mind. She knew now he was perfectly sane, quite brilliant in fact, in a scholarly way. He had book smarts, and if Jocelyn had her way, she would teach him a few other things too.


Lifting her goblet once more, she raised it towards Rion. "Hmm, I believe we should make a toast. What should we toast to, though?"


Jocelyn Mahrin


"Steady does it Rion, you don't want to get into your cups at this time of day. I doubt I could carry you back to your horse. Your books maybe, but probably not you."


Rion set his cup down slowly with a blush. He hadn't meant to drink so much and so quickly. His head was already spinning slightly. Suddenly Rion's eyes widened and he was jolted back into the now with a jump. Jocelyn squeezing his thigh was unexpected, but Rion still didn't do anything to move away. However much he was put off gaurd by all the touching, he still enjoyed it emmensly.


But through all this Rion was trying to not look at Dashiva, whose lips were moving on their own accord with a distant look on his face. Rion feared the worst, that his mentor, the strong and imposing figure that he was, was losing his grip on sanity. His grip on reality slowly but surely slipping, and Rion was terrified because that would be him eventually. Childish, but Rion was almost refusing to aknowledge the facts in front of him, terrified by them.


"Hmm, I believe we should make a toast. What should we toast to, though?" Rion turned to look at Jocelyn gladly for it provided an exuse not to aknowledge Dashiva. Twisting his mouth Rion began to think of an appropriate toast, very much aware that he would have to be careful about his surroundings.


To Sanity for Dashiva. To growing up, new beginings. So much has changed. But Rion simply smiled, lifted his wine glass and said simply. "To friendship." The one thing Rion was most thankful for, and the one thing that had changed the most. His first real friend in Jocelyn. The women who he was sitting next to, touching from knee to hip while her hand was on his thigh. His 'special' friend. His favorite person in the world, no matter how much she made him blush or feel like a fool. Feeling venturous Rion reached his free hand out and gave Jocelyn's knee a light squeeze.



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"To friendship." The simple words brought a smile to her lips, the tentative yet warm hand on her knee broadened it to a grin. Who would have thought she would come to find Rion so endearing? The man who had been apologising to the trees he bumped into as he walked. The one who had appeared petrified when she yelled. Yet he was the one saving grace at the farm, the one who brought a smile to her face without having to try. The one who quickened the pace of her heart with each touch of his lips. Her special friend.


"To friendship." She echoed, tapping her goblet lightly against his before taking a sip, smiling over the rim at Rion. She couldn't deny she was fond of him, even having known him for such a short time. Leaving him was going to be the hardest thing she ever did, but it had to be done. Perhaps she could persuade him to go with her? Immediately she dismissed the idea. He was loyal to his new home, and she couldn't help but grudgingly respect it.


She set her goblet back down and reached for her new book, fingering the spine lovingly. Even though he'd had to detain her, Rion had been nothing but lovely to her, his sweetness and genorous spirit winning her over. She knew she would treasure this book, knowing what books meant to him, and that it had been a gift. Holding it to her nose she breathed deeply, inhaling the smell of the smooth pages and oiled leather. She loved the smell of books. Once, it reminded her of the library at home, but now, it was something she associated with Rion.


"Thankyou again for the gift." Her smile was almost shy as she reached for his pile, reading through the titles. She clicked her tongue and smiled somewhat cheekily. The contents of these tomes would be very different from her romantic novel. "It is just as well you bought me that book...you have to learn about modern life from somewhere." She chuckled. Modern life? More likely he would learn about something as old as mankind itself. Wisely she did not share that thought with Rion, instead patting his thigh affectionately.


"I don't know about you, but thinking about ploughing through all those books makes me hungry." She gave him another teasing smile as she signalled to a young serving lad with her free hand. The young boy came over, and Jocelyn placed her order, her hand idly toying with Rion's leg the whole time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rion took a tentitive sip of his wine as Jocelyn tapped her goblet against his and echoed his toast. He blushed slightly and smiled sheepishly in response to Jocelyn's smile, which turned out to be a mistake as he suttered and almost chocked on his wine. Couhging lightly, he blushed even more and set his goblet down.


"Thankyou again for the gift." Rion started back to reality from the little dreamwrld he was prone to lapse into, looking around for what gift Jocelyn wwas talking to. He smile briefly and watched her hand as it reached for his own. He wasn't nervouse as he usually was when someone reaching for his literature. He trusted Jocelyn fully and completely.


It is just as well you bought me that book...you have to learn about modern life from somewhere." It took Rion a few moments of contemplation to figure out what Jocelyn possibly meant by that. Modern life in that book. It was a romance, Rion had snuck a peek at it from behind when Jocelyn was reading. Which would mean.......Rion's face flashed aflame as the realization hit him. Showing how innocent he was compared to Jocelyn.


"I don't know about you, but thinking about ploughing through all those books makes me hungry." Rion tried to form a reply but the heat in his cheeks and Jocelyn's hand playing against his thigh was enough to tie his tounge in a knot that was impossible to untie. He swallowed deeply and tried to settle his hand shaking on Jocelyn's knee.


Rion was barely able to stammer out an order to the serving lad, he could tell the boy was trying to hold in a laugh beacuse of Rion's state, and Rion couldn't blame him. If there was someone else who looked as he did now, Rion would laugh at them.


Rion tried many times as he was waiting for their food to come to try and say something, but everytime his words died on the edge of his mouth and he was left looking like a very large fool with his mouth hanging open. Finally the food came and Rion took hsi shaking hand from Jocelyn's knee and took a hold of his fork.


Rion could feel Jocelyn's fingers lightly running up his thigh and his hand shook a little more, dumping the bite of food back onto the plate from the fork. Smiling sheepishly, he took a quick bite ducking in with his heda to make sure it didn't fall off this time.


Rion swallowed unsteadily and then turned to Jocelyn, determined to say something to that smile on her face. "Thi...This is..um...is..good." Rion said, jumping a little as Jocelyn's fingures continued their play with his leg.




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Jocelyn would have had to be blind to not realise the reason for Rion’s loss of words and blush was because of the hand she had resting against his thigh. The faintest of smiles touched her lips as she drew idle patterns with her finger on his leg, the material of his breeches drawn tight over the muscle of his thigh because of the way he sat. No doubt he was able to feel even the slightest hint of a caress.


Studying him from beneath her lashes, Jocelyn couldn’t help but notice the stain on his features as he flushed a deep red. She had never encountered such a man, so unsure and so innocent. It really was a refreshing change from the likes of the men she had grown up with, men who would flirt and leer at every opportunity, and never miss the chance to grope should the chance arise. She had never known anything different, and had accepted it, though the way Rion treated her, with such respect and kindness, she was rapidly changing her mind. Still, she really shouldn’t toy with him as she did, he was clearly an innocent, likely had never known another kiss but hers. It wasn’t fair, knowing she would leave. Yet she could not help herself!


Even as she ate, Jocelyn’s fingers never left the warmth of Rion’s leg, the shaking of his hand in return unmistakeable. It seemed fortunate Dashiva was otherwise distracted, or else he may guess at where Jocelyn’s hand lay, and that would no doubt simply cause more embarrassment for Rion. It still amazed her at how quickly she had allowed herself to grow fond of Rion, his sweet ways incredibly endearing. Light, if she was honest, she would admit that she was starting to feel more than friendship for this handsome young man at her side, yet only in the dark of the night did she dare to even allow herself to think such things. They were as different as night and day, and besides, she was going to leave, and imagining that their friendship would ever develop into something else was only going to hurt them both.


She chewed thoughtfully in silence, wondering just when it was she had stopped fighting her feelings and had admitted them to herself. That she liked Rion a lot, that she didn’t want to leave him. Yet leave she must, she knew that, as much as she was starting to dislike her decision. She didn’t belong here, with these madmen. Light, even thinking that word made her feel guilty now. Rion wasn’t a madman, though watching Dashiva mouth words silently to himself made her wonder about his sanity.


Her thoughts were interrupted when Rion finally broke the silence with a stammered sentence. "Thi...This is..um...is..good." Jocelyn’s mouth twisted in amusement, wondering if he was referring to the meal or her touch. Perhaps both. With a nod, she agreed, smiling warmly at him. “It is indeed, very good.†She punctuated her words with a slight squeeze of his thigh, her green eyes twinkling with mischief as he reddened further, after gathering her meaning. “Though I always said that the company was what made a good meal.†She shot him a sideways look and smiled as she gathered another mouthful on her fork, suddenly feeling almost shy. It was one thing to out right tease him and make him blush in that charming way, but quite another to openly compliment him, regardless how genuinely she had meant the words. Light, if she wasn’t careful, Rion would hold her on a string. Fortunately for her it seemed he wasn’t inclined to take advantage of her feelings. Or else he was obliviously unaware. How amusing.


A wicked idea came to mind and she lifted her goblet and took a drink to hide her smile. A quick glance at Dashiva revealed he was barely paying them any heed anyway, but still, she lowered her voice somewhat and tilted her head towards Rion, so only he heard her voice. “I must say, I’m of a mind to continue your lessons when we return to the farm. You were proving to be such an adept student, it would be a waste not to continue, don’t you think?†Her voice, though toned low and soft dripped with wicked amusement, as she waited for Rion to work out just what lessons she was talking about. Indeed, teaching him about kissing had proved a most memorable experience, one she would very much like to repeat.

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“It is indeed, very good.†Rion squeked almost inaudibly as Jocelyn's hand squeezed gently on his thigh and his cheeks reddened into a deeper red as he was able to infer her words to actions. Light! Rion never felt like such an innocent at that moment. He held no notion that Jocelyn was even close knowing full well that she probobly knew everything there was to that subject, being Domani and all. And while Rion's reactions may have shown to some people that he wasn't enjoying today's antics, ont he contrary he was enjoying it extremely, he just wasn't sure how to respond.


“Though I always said that the company was what made a good meal.†Rion's blush stayed but he looked over to Jocelny and with a small shy smile. He felt good to hear such a small compliment, but it was a compliment none the less. Rion heard so little of those now adays, that this small one was enough to make it the best thing Rion had heard in a long time.


“I must say, I’m of a mind to continue your lessons when we return to the farm. You were proving to be such an adept student, it would be a waste not to continue, don’t you think?â€


Rion's mouth worked up and down as he went through the various things they had done together. He hoped it wasn't another lesson with the quarterstaff. That had eneded in a rather akward position.


And almost instantly it hit him and he got a far off look as he remembered the instance in the kitchen not to long ago. The ghost of Joceln's lips on his own, the feeling of her tounge dancing with his own. The mear remberance was enough to make him blush but in his little dreamlike state he didn't notice, he had even forgotten about Jocelyn's hand on his thigh.


Kedyn was jolted back to the present as Jcoelyn's finger began running along his tigh resumed. He jolted out of the daydream and back to the real world. And although Rion wasn't sure if Jocelyn was just toying with him he answered truthfully. Rion layed a hand on Jocelyn's and answered in an equally queite tone. "With such an adept teacher, I um...well" Rion stopped trying to be witty as the words simply wouldn't form correctly. "I would like...I would enjoy that." Rion bit his lip and looked away shyly, hoping he didn't sound as foolish as he thought he did, while desperately hoping Jocelyn was serious. He had enjoyed kissing very much.




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Rion seemed to grow bolder by the moment, his hand covering her own, even if he was still flushed an interesting red colour. "With such an adept teacher, I um...well"Jocelyn's eyes sparkled with amusement as he seemed to become flustered once more. "I would like...I would enjoy that."The amusement burst into a grin as Rion looked away, looking so sweet and shy and eager at the same time, that it took all her will power not to climb into his lap and kiss him then and there. Patience, she would have time for that later.


"It is agreed then." She replied softly with a smile, before returning to what was left of her meal. Finishing it and her wine, Jocelyn reluctantly removed her hand from Rion's warm thigh and smoothed her skirts. "Surely my gowns will be done now, shall we go and collect them?" She raised a brow in question, and receiving no objections she pushed back her chair and stood, collecting her precious new book at the same time.


Waiting for Rion and Dashiva, she smiled as Rion gathered his pile of books awkwardly, before leading the way back into the street, somewhat disappointed to not be able to link arms like she enjoyed, when she was walking with Rion. Still, being with him was pleasant enough as she fell in beside him, strolling easily towards the dress-makers.


Dashiva walked someway behind them, and though she doubted he could hear them, she lowered her voice anyway, incling her head towards Rion. "You will have to let me know if there is something you wish to learn, that I have neglected in teaching you so far." She grinned up at him, suddenly very eager to return to the farm and Rion's....lesson.

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"It is agreed then." Rion smiled brightly, excited tremendously by the prospect of being able to kiss Jocelyn again. He had come to like what Jocelyn had showed him for the first time, Jocelyn being the first girl he had ever kissed. He went back to his food and wine with his smile, his day brightening and getting better by the minuete.


Surely my gowns will be done now, shall we go and collect them?" Rion was suprised at how dissapointed he felted when Jocelyn removed her hand from his thigh, the ghost of her touch remaining befor it to graually faded away. He pushed his chair back and sood slowly before gathering up his books and leaving a few coins on the table for payment.


"You will have to let me know if there is something you wish to learn, that I have neglected in teaching you so far." A confused look took hold of Rion's face as he ried to puzzle out what Jocelyn might be talking about.


It was a few steps of trying to juggle his books and ponder wabout what Jocelyn might have not taught him about, he couldn't think of anything really so just tried to play a more expirienced person than the innocent he was. "I'll remember that and keep you to your word." Great, he sounded like he had no idea what he was promising to hold Jocelyn to.


Rion walked in a rather akward silence for a time still trying to puzzle out Jocelyn's meaning and carrying his books without stumbling.




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"I'll remember that and keep you to your word." Jocelyn raised a brow in surprise and looked up at Rion. The comment seemed to insinuate much, yet looking at his face he appeared as innocent as ever, the combination of the words and face causing her to chuckle, low in her throat. She patted his arm idly. "You do that, Rion." She grinned, mirth dancing in her eyes.


The continued on in silence, Jocelyn sighing happily as they made their way through the bustle once more, the sights and the sounds of the market like music to her ears. Suddenly she was overwhelmed with the desire to return home - but not alone. She would love to show Rion her home, the library in her father's manor house, her secret place in the orchard where she went for peace and quiet...something told her that Rion would love those places as much as she, if not the marketplace with its blur of colours and smells.


Reaching the shop, Jocelyn swept into the warm interior gratefully. Night fell swiftly in Arad Doman, and along with it the cold. Silently cursing herself once more for forgetting to bring her cloak, she greeted the shopkeeper with a smile as she was presented her new dresses with a flourish. Reaching out to finger the material, she eyed the needlework carefully, and found, to her expectaction, that the work was neat and precise, and well done. These dresses should last her for some time, so long as Rion managed to avoid hitting himself in the nose, anyway.


Smiling faintly at the memory, she watched as the woman wrapped the gowns in a piece of cloth and tied them, before informing them of the price. Jocelyn was sure that the startled gasp came from Rion, but she simply waved a hand at him and smiled at the seamstress. "Mistress Nesin, you have indeed done a marvellous effort on the gowns, but they are not worth half what you want to charge." The woman's eyes widened, but Jocelyn continued. "The colouring on the cloth of the blue was marred, there was a pull in the material of the other, and it appeared your apprentice was drunk when she sewed the hems."


Folding her arms, she raised a brow at the woman. It was part of the process, picking apart what were in fact beautiful dresses, though indeed not worth what the woman wanted to charge. They haggled some, until the woman agreed to come down in price enough for Jocelyn to nod in satisfaction. "Done." She turned to Rion with a slightly sheepish smile as she waited for him to fumble with his books and produce some coins. She had struck a good deal, she was quite proud of her efforts. Besides which, she didn't want to take much of his money if she could help it.


Saying farewell to Mistriss Nesin, they left the shop, Jocelyn with her precious new bundle in her arms as they headed back to collect the horses. "Now I'm sure you've had ample time to think on it Rion," She began, walking alongside him. "Just how are you going to carry your books while on horseback?" She raised a brow at him and giggled softly at his perplexed expression. "No matter, I'm sure we will sort something out." She winked and led the way to the stables. A young groom spotted them, and soon enough their horses were being led out, and their purchases bundled onto the horses.


The lad that had seen them approach offered her a hand to mount, but she waved him around with a mischevious smile. "Rion, could you help me please?" She asked in as sweet a voice as she could muster, a twinkle in her eye giving away her amusement.

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Rion walked through the dark streets mostly unaffected. He was thankful for the trick the Black Tower taught that allowed him to not feel the cold as a hint of his breath becaem visible in front of him. Even so he was grateful for the warm of the shop as they entered, his books wouldn't do particularlly well in the cold if they remained exposed.


Rion stepped back and set his ooks on a small table near the entrance of the shop as Jocelyn looked over the seamstress handling her dress. Which gave way to the price. Rion let out a strangled gasp at the rather large amount of money the seamstress was asking. There was no way some pieces of cloth and silk could cost that much!


"Mistress Nesin, you have indeed done a marvellous effort on the gowns, but they are not worth half what you want to charge. The colouring on the cloth of the blue was marred, there was a pull in the material of the other, and it appeared your apprentice was drunk when she sewed the hems."


Rion's eyes widened slighty as Jocelyn beganto haggle over the price with the seamstress. That was rather mean. Of course it was the easiest way to get the rpice to go down. Perhaps that was why he had never done very well in buying things.


Rion sighed in relief at the final price, thankful for Jocelyn for lowering the price so much to help him keep some of his money. He layed the necassary coins on the desk and Mistriss Nesin took the silver quickly with a look that told ow much she disliked this deal. He was very glad to get out of that shop.


Once again in the cold night Rion walked next to Jocelyn slightly dissapointed that her arm was not linked with his. The group mde their way back to the first inn o collect the horses. The streets were queit as well as people began to go home to warmer places.


"Now I'm sure you've had ample time to think on it Rion, Just how are you going to carry your books while on horseback?" Rion took on a perpexed look because he had no real ideas. Well he has one but he couldn't do that while in the city and nor could he speak about it even if it looked as if they were alone.


In a short time they were in front of the inn with a groom leading their horses out and taking their bundles to put them on the horses. It took two grooms to try and find out what to do with Rion's and he ended up still holding two books with the others arranged akwardly on his borrowed mounts saddle.


"Rion, could you help me please?" Rion turned and had to take a second to recover himself as his eyes alighted on Jocelyn. She stood with a small smile and looked...beautiful. He shook himself and took the quick steps towards Jocelyn. He took her hand briefly and his eyes widened at the feeling. Light he had forgotten that Jocelyn didn't know how to ignore the cold. Her hand was freezing.


"Here. You need this more than I do." Rion shrugged himself out of his coat and draped it over Jocelyn's shoulders. It was big on her, but that was to be expected. It was for warmth not show anyways. With that finished Rion placed his hands on Jocelyn's hips, a flutter in his stomach acompanying it, and helped lift Jocelyn onto the saddle. He took a few steps back with a sheepish smile and stood for a moment before starting and heading to his own horse. Thinking about Joceyn was enough of a distraction, it didn't help when she was standing in front of him.




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"Here. You need this more than I do."Jocelyn smiled in thanks, her affection growing at the simple yet sweet gesture. She was indeed cold, and no doubt Rion would be cold himself soon, but the thoughtfulness of his actions left her speechless. No one had shown her such blind consideration before, not wanting anything, just simply being a gentleman. Yet another point in Rion's favour.


He easily lifted her to her saddle, a small smile playing about her lips at the thrilling sensation of his hands at her waist, until all too soon it was gone. She returned his smile once more, ignoring the cold on her legs where her skirt was once more ridden up, instead focused on the warmth in her heart. "Thankyou Rion." She purred softly as he walked away. He was such a curious mix, sweet and kind, shy yet curious...over all Jocelyn found the effect very endearing.


Hiding a giggle at the bundles of books, Jocelyn heeled her mare to ride beside Rion as they threaded their way out of the city, a soft sigh escaping her lips as the noise slowly faded behind them. It had been a nice day, being in the bustle of the city once more a small thing, but something she had missed. She would have to make sure to give Rion an extra kiss in thanks for the simple pleasure.


Speaking of simple pleasures...Jocelyn fingered the small book Rion had given her. Again the gesture was simple, yet spoke volumes. The only gifts she had ever received had been from men seeking to get into her skirts, the others from parents who spoiled her because they could, not because they cared. She would treasure the token always, she knew already. Not only for what it was, but for who had given it to her.


Looking over to Rion, she smiled at him, some emotion she didn't quite recognise surging in her chest and warming her cheeks. She sighed again, but in satisfaction this time. Letting her mare pick it's own path, she tilted her head back, enjoying the colours splashing across the sky as the sun nestled away and the first stars began to twinkle above them. The air was fresh and clean, even if it was crisp, and the whole scene itself would have been very entrancing, a handsome man at her side, if it weren't for their chaperone.


Looking back over her shoulder she took a quick look at the man in black, and for the first time since that morning a hint of worry crossed her mind. Moving closer to Rion, she reached out and touched his hand to gain his attention. "Will Dashiva be ok to...to get us back?" She asked in a hoarse whisper, as loud as she dared. She didn't really know what they called that...whatever they did, but she knew she didn't want to see a repeat of the mornings events.

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Rion rode from the city with a small smile waiting until they were almost out of sight to briefly embrace the sourve and weave a few quick threads of air to hold his books in place, his idea that he wasn't able to share in the city. He tied them off and let go of the source, going back to enjoying the ride.


"Will Dashiva be ok to...to get us back?" Rion looked over to Jocelyn and bit his lip as he saw the rather concerned look on her face, though he doubted it was for Dashiva's sake that much.


Rion turned to take a quick peak at his mentor over his shoulder. He looked fine at the moment, though the day's events didn't make Rion to confident in how he looked right now. Rion was almost sure of teh cause, and it terrified him.


"I hope so." Rion's voice was a match for the half whisper that Jocelyn's was. It would not be a good thing for Dashiva to be unable to weave a gateway. "I cannot by myself, weave a gateway so for now we must pray he can."


Rion let out a long breath and he moved his horse closer to Jocelyn's mare so he could reach out and catch Jocelyn's hand with his own, giving it a gentle squeeze as much to give himself streangth as to be reasuring.


"Of course I wouldn't mind being away from the tower for the night, though it is getting rather cold. I'll just have to take some heat from you." Rion's eyes widened as he realised what he had said and how badly it could be taken, really the only way it could be thinking about it, remembering the heat when Jocelyn had been seated on his lap and her lips pressed against his own. He flushed a deep red and looked away embaressed at his words.




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Rion rode from the city with a small smile waiting until they were almost out of sight to briefly embrace the sourve and weave a few quick threads of air to hold his books in place, his idea that he wasn't able to share in the city. He tied them off and let go of the source, going back to enjoying the ride.


"Will Dashiva be ok to...to get us back?" Rion looked over to Jocelyn and bit his lip as he saw the rather concerned look on her face, though he doubted it was for Dashiva's sake that much.


Rion turned to take a quick peak at his mentor over his shoulder. He looked fine at the moment, though the day's events didn't make Rion to confident in how he looked right now. Rion was almost sure of teh cause, and it terrified him.


"I hope so." Rion's voice was a match for the half whisper that Jocelyn's was. It would not be a good thing for Dashiva to be unable to weave a gateway. "I cannot by myself, weave a gateway so for now we must pray he can."


Rion let out a long breath and he moved his horse closer to Jocelyn's mare so he could reach out and catch Jocelyn's hand with his own, giving it a gentle squeeze as much to give himself streangth as to be reasuring.


"Of course I wouldn't mind being away from the tower for the night, though it is getting rather cold. I'll just have to take some heat from you." Rion's eyes widened as he realised what he had said and how badly it could be taken, really the only way it could be thinking about it, remembering the heat when Jocelyn had been seated on his lap and her lips pressed against his own. He flushed a deep red and looked away embaressed at his words.




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"I cannot by myself, weave a gateway so for now we must pray he can." Jocelyn nodded, chewing her lower lip. As much as she may not relish the thought of being at the Farm, her own personal prison, it had to be better than being stuck in the middle of nowhere with a madman. At least she had Rion with her too.


His hand on hers made her look up with a small smile at the comforting squeeze. "Of course I wouldn't mind being away from the tower for the night, though it is getting rather cold. I'll just have to take some heat from you."Jocelyn blinked, her mouth falling open at the bold words. Did he have any idea what he had just said?


Her gape changed to a slow smile as Rion flushed, his cheeks crimson as he looked away. She couldn't help but chuckle, deep in her throat, as she squeezed his hand, drawing his eyes back to hers once more. "I must say I can think of worse things that could happen, though it would be my pleasure to provide you with heat." She winked at him, a grin splitting her face as he reddened even further, as impossible as it seemed.


An enticing prospect indeed, though she didn't think their quiet chaperone would agree. Huddling into Rion's coat, she breathed deeply, enjoying the masculine scent that lingered in the material, labelling the jacket as his, even if she hadn't already known. Even now, the simple sweetness of the gesture touched her. All he had done was lend her his jacket, since she was obviously cold, but was the care and consideration for her comfort that brought a smile to her lips. Of all the places to find such a man, she'd never expected it to be in a place like the Farm. Nor had she expected it to be a man who could channel.


Funny, he was teaching her quite a bit about people, without even trying. She was still very wary of the majority of the black-clad channellers at the ranch, but she had certainly learnt not to tar him with the same brush. He was not mad, nor was he scary. Quite the opposite, really.


Darkness was beginning to take hold, the sun firmly hidden, when they halted, in preparation for the gateway. Jocelyn dismounted, sliding easily from the saddle, taking the chance to stretch out her back and legs, stifling a yawn. Stepping a little closer to Rion's mount, she reached up to scratch the animal's ear, her voice soft as she spoke to Rion. "Are you sure he's ok?" She looked nervously over her shoulder at Dashiva once more, and waited to see if he would be sick again this time.

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"I cannot by myself, weave a gateway so for now we must pray he can." Jocelyn nodded, chewing her lower lip. As much as she may not relish the thought of being at the Farm, her own personal prison, it had to be better than being stuck in the middle of nowhere with a madman. At least she had Rion with her too.


His hand on hers made her look up with a small smile at the comforting squeeze. "Of course I wouldn't mind being away from the tower for the night, though it is getting rather cold. I'll just have to take some heat from you."Jocelyn blinked, her mouth falling open at the bold words. Did he have any idea what he had just said?


Her gape changed to a slow smile as Rion flushed, his cheeks crimson as he looked away. She couldn't help but chuckle, deep in her throat, as she squeezed his hand, drawing his eyes back to hers once more. "I must say I can think of worse things that could happen, though it would be my pleasure to provide you with heat." She winked at him, a grin splitting her face as he reddened even further, as impossible as it seemed.


An enticing prospect indeed, though she didn't think their quiet chaperone would agree. Huddling into Rion's coat, she breathed deeply, enjoying the masculine scent that lingered in the material, labelling the jacket as his, even if she hadn't already known. Even now, the simple sweetness of the gesture touched her. All he had done was lend her his jacket, since she was obviously cold, but was the care and consideration for her comfort that brought a smile to her lips. Of all the places to find such a man, she'd never expected it to be in a place like the Farm. Nor had she expected it to be a man who could channel.


Funny, he was teaching her quite a bit about people, without even trying. She was still very wary of the majority of the black-clad channellers at the ranch, but she had certainly learnt not to tar him with the same brush. He was not mad, nor was he scary. Quite the opposite, really.


Darkness was beginning to take hold, the sun firmly hidden, when they halted, in preparation for the gateway. Jocelyn dismounted, sliding easily from the saddle, taking the chance to stretch out her back and legs, stifling a yawn. Stepping a little closer to Rion's mount, she reached up to scratch the animal's ear, her voice soft as she spoke to Rion. "Are you sure he's ok?" She looked nervously over her shoulder at Dashiva once more, and waited to see if he would be sick again this time.

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Dashiva blinked when he realised that Rion and Jocelyn had stopped and looked around. He blinked again in surprise as he realised they were well out of the city and it was growing dark.


Glancing at Rion and Jocelyn, both loaded with packages he nodded and braced himself on his saddle as he formed the Void.


Reaching slowly for saidin, he was relieved that he didn't feel like emptying his stomach and quickly drew a little more than really needed for the Gateway.


Weaving a small ward around the group and tying it loosely so it would disipate shortly after he'd left, he smiled slightly. Anyone who may have been following or watching them would have seen them suddenly disappear.


Weaving the Gateway quickly back to the Farm, he motioned to Rion to pass through, wheeling his mount around to look for anyone running towards them.


OOC: Dash'll follow through after you two pass through.

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"I must say I can think of worse things that could happen, though it would be my pleasure to provide you with heat."


AS impossible as it may have seemed Rion flushed further, feeling the heat traveling down his cheeks and onto his neck as even more of him flushed, Jocelyn's words bolder and more provocative than his. His imagination ran wild and only proved to make him flush deeper. Light he shouldn't be thinking of that.


He was thankful that Jocelyn moved to dismount because it gave him to oppurtunity to do so as well and hide his blush for a few moments. Why he felt he needed to he wasn't sure, Jocelyn had seen him blush so many times before that it wasn't exactly a new occurance around her.


Rion moved over next to Jocelyn, holding his borrowed mount by the reins. "Are you sure he's ok?" Rion looked over his shoulder and watched as Dashiva drew in on Saidin and began to weave a ward around the group. Rion noted to himself the weave, cataloging it to find where he had seen it before. He smiled to himself when he figured it out and then turned to watch the familier weave of a gateway form in front of them.


Rion led his mount through the gateway quickly, then moved out of the way to let Jocelyn through after him. Dashiva followed quickly and Rion watched as the gateway closed slowly and then was nothing. Nodded Rion turned back to the Farm and took in a deep breath. He opened his mouth to say, Welcome Home, but considering how Jocelyn felt he refrained. "Well...umm...to the stables then?"




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Jocelyn was surprised to find she was relieved when a silvery slash appeared in the sky, and a hole opened. A gateway, as Rion had called it. At least this time Dashiva didn't appear sick, she noted gratefully. Still, she was taking no chances as she hurried after Rion, leading her mare.


"Well...umm...to the stables then?" Jocelyn nodded with a smile, linking her free arm with his as they led their mounts towards the stables, enjoying the familiar contact.


Reaching the stable, Jocelyn brushed aside the groom that offered to help her with her horse, choosing to do the work herself, carefully setting aside her dresses and book, before unsaddling the mare. She hummed softly to herself as she set about brushing down the animal, always taking pleasure in the simple task.


She caught Rion watching her, and surprisingly she blushed slightly, smiling sheepishly as she stopped humming. "Sorry, it's a habit of mine." She explained, putting away the brush and making sure Alitha had food and water, scratching her affectionately before stepping out of the stall.


Gathering her precious bundle, she held it to her chest. "Thankyou again, Rion." She said with a shy smile, stepping closer to where he was waiting for her. It seemed they were alone, for the moment at least, and she just couldn't help herself. Stepping closer still, she stepped up on her toes, one hand pulling his neck down so she could reach him, her lips softly caressing his. "Thankyou for a lovely day." She said softly, her eyes twinkling.

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Rion found himself rocking back and forth on his heals simply watching Jocelyn unsaddle Alitha, her mare. Her hair glinting in the sunlight she was the embodiment of beauty. He smiled to himself and rocked his head back and forth to the tune Jocelyn was humming.


Jocelyn turned and caught him watching her and he turned away just as she did. He looked at her through the corner of his eye and was more suprised by the small blush that bloomed on her cheeks, It only made her look more beautiful in Rion's eyes. "Sorry, it's a habit of mine."


"Thankyou again, Rion." Rion's eyes widened and his heart began to race as Jocelyn stepped closer towards him. She stepped coser still and went up on her toes and his heart began to go faster in anticipation for what was coming next. Her hand looped around his kneck and his nerves were set ablaze as their lips came together, caressing each other softly.


Jocelyn's lips left his own acompanied by a small sound of protest that escaped Rion unbidden. "I had a very..umm..wonderful time.." Rion looked down at his feet shyly. "Thank you. Are you um..hungry? I'm sure we could find something if your are, or we could go home if your umm... tired. And I like your habit, you shouldn't apologize."




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Jocelyn tried to slow her own racing pulse as she stepped back slightly, looping her arm in Rion's again, and leaning against him slightly. "Thank you. Are you um..hungry? I'm sure we could find something if your are, or we could go home if your umm... tired. And I like your habit, you shouldn't apologize."


Trying not to blush once more, Jocelyn smiled up at Rion. "Food sounds great, unless you're too tired?" Rion shook his head to indicate he wasn't, and she nodded. "Great, the inn it is." They walked together, out into the waning light of the afternoon. "Oh, and thankyou." She murmured. "My mother used to hum when she did a lot of things." She admitted with a small smile. "I guess I picked it up from her."


They continued on, Jocelyn lost in her thoughts somewhat. She was surprised to find she didn't really miss her mother. It had been a long time since she'd heard her mother hum, not since she was a little girl. Now her mother was just a spoiled, selfish woman, no doubt due to an unloving marriage. Jocelyn vowed to never to enter into a relationship like that, where money was the basis for the union. She would marry for love. Well she hoped she would. Love seemed like such a girlish dream sometimes.


The inn loomed closer, and the smells of the inn reached her. Whatever was on the menu tonight smelled delicious, and Jocelyn brightened again. "I'm starved." She said, increasing her pace and tugging Rion along with her, her free arm still holding her parcels to her chest. "Let's take the food back home though, shall we?" She grinned and raised a brow at him, wondering if it would register how they finished their evening last time they took their food back to the house. Could end up being an entertaining evening, after all.

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"Food sounds great, unless you're too tired?" Rion shook his head enthusiastically, anything but tired at the prospect of spending more time with Jocelyn. "Great, the inn it is." The two walked out of the stables together, Jocelyn eliciting a small smile at the explanation of why she had been humming earlier.


The simple statement about her mother was enough to make Rion's memories wander back to his own parents who he had abandonded so surely so long ago. He had forsaken name, title and house for his ties to the Black Tower, traded his life for a chance to live. And although Rion would always think of himself Rion Adamar of House Adamar he would never be able to rule as was his birth right, nor would he ever be returned to see who took care of his house after he left.


"I'm starved." Rion nodded in agreements, doubling his step as Jocelyn tugged his arm along. "Let's take the food back home though, shall we?" Rion nodded to himself walking a few moments as the words began to form the memories of their meal. His eyes widened suddenly and he missed a step, blushing a deep crimson that was only allied with the large smile plastered to his face. He took a few steps in a blissful silence as he remembered that night, and a small hope that it would repeat tonight began to take flame. That would make the day truly perfect.


Even after the nostalgic moment had passed Rion still stumbled with his words. "That would be um...be...perfect." Rion continued to smile and had turned inclining to look at Jocelyn to look down at her. He shook himself a moment after and looked away as his blush deepened, light he shouldn't look there now.


Rion unsteadily pushed open the door and stepped back to allow Jocelyn into the hstle and bustle that was the inn. The smells, shouts, all synonymous to this building assaluting them even worse now that they were free to roam outside the confines of the inns walls. He stepped in and motioned to the serving maid, another woman stuck at the Farm, and quickly ordered the food. Unconscoiusly Rion took a step back and behind Jocelyn so that she was in front of him, between him and the crowds. "I hope the food gets here quickly." There had been many a bad situations that had resulted with crowds for Rion in this inn and he didn't want to mar this perfect day with another.




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Jocelyn couldn't help the tiny giggle that escaped her at Rion's reaction, his familiar blush reddening his face, though his grin was broad. He looked like the cat that was going to get the cream, and she couldn't help but grin in return, flattered that the thought of her kisses could make him look so...thrilled.


"That would be um...be...perfect." Jocelyn simply grinned all the more, giving his arm a small squeeze, before they reached the inn, Rion opening the door like the gentleman he was and allowing her to step inside. As usual they were greeted with the racous noise of a large group of men, laughter and shouts indicating some had had their fill of ale for the evening already.


Rion ordered, hastily, before stepping behind Jocelyn. "I hope the food gets here quickly."Jocelyn smiled to herself, before turning, leaning close to Rion so that when she spoke, only he heard. "My my, what an eager student I have. Never fear my dear, there will be time enough to continue your lesson after our meal." Her eyes twinkled, though she only half teased, finding herself quite impatient to be away from the crowd and back in the quiet kitchen with just she and Rion.


Eyes roving the crowd, Jocelyn frowned as comments from a nearby table reached her ear. "...that boy wouldn't know what to do with a woman like that...I'll show her what a real man can do..." Laughter accompanied the voices, and Jocelyn glared in their direction, hoping Rion didn't hear, or didn't realise they were slighting him.


The food arrived and Jocelyn bristled as the comments continued. Rion took the plates, but Jocelyn paused before leaving. "Just one moment." She murmured, patting his arm before swaying her way over to the table. Her gaze was determined, but she revealed nothing as she sashayed, fixing the men with a smouldering smile as she reached the table. Two full pitchers of ale sat on the table, and Jocelyn reached for them, one in each hand. "I thought you would like to know how I amuse myself with...men like you." She purred. Tipping the jugs, she proceeded to empty them both in the laps of the two closest men, not stopping until the jugs were empty. Grinning triumphantly at the stunned faces, Jocelyn dropped the jugs and turned on her heel, hooking her arm in Rion's before leading him out of the inn.


Sounds of outrage and disbelief followed them into the night air, and Jocelyn let out the breath she hadn't realised she held. "I'm sorry about that." She murmured, leaning against his side as they made their way back to the house. "But I'd had about enough of those idiots as I could stand. Trolloc-kissing goat lovers." She muttered under her breath, before shooting Rion an apologetic look for the curse. "Now I'm twice as glad we decided to eat at the house." She grinned, stepping up to open the door so Rion could walk through first with the plates.

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Rion stood with the two plates, a confused expression crossing his face. He had stood rather blissfully unaware of what the people around were saying about him and now with Jocelyn swaying over towards a table he had begun to wonder what she could be about. Well with half a mind at least, her swaying was rather distracting.


Rion's mouth dropped open and then closed, opening again as he tried to produce words to go along with thoughts at what Jocelyn was doing. He watched every droplet of ale pour out of the pitchers and dually noted the satisfaction on Jocelyn's face with the outrage on the Dedicated's she had poured the liquid on.


He followed Jocelyn out of the Inn quickly and was only thankful that the rather flavorful curses were ones he could add to his list that he had made at home, which was growing quite long now. But he could still hear a couple raised voices, and after shaking off Jocelyn's apology quickened his pace.


Jocelyn opened the door for him and Rion walked passed with a smile as he balanced the two plates. He paused once again at the door to the kitchen, and after moving through placed the two plates next to each other, shifting to chairs to match. He held the back of Jocelyn's chair as she sat and then sat down next to her taking up his fork.


"Thank you...I um think. I beleive I know what happened back their and I appreciate it very much." Rion blushed sheepishly and he tried to cover it by taking a bite from his food. No one had really stood up for him, just for him and for the times Jocelyn had done so only increased his care for her.




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Jocelyn couldn't help the tiny smile at how Rion set the table, putting her chair close behind his. Taking the seat he offered, she waited for him to sit before taking up her own fork, her earlier anger down to a simmer now.


"Thank you...I um think. I believe I know what happened back their and I appreciate it very much." Jocelyn eyed his blushed cheeks sideways, surprised at the possessive feeling that rose inside her, the desire to want to protect and care for him. Disconcerting, to say the least. "It was my pleasure, I assure you." She replied with a little giggle, remembering the outraged faces on the men with suddenly cold, wet laps. "I just ran out of patience for those wo-" she paused, blushing and holding back another most unladylike curse. "those fools." She finished.


"Besides," She said casually, pushing at the food on her plate with her fork. "I don't stand by idly when someone is insulting my friend. Especially my special friend." She smiled shyly again, still amazed at how much affection she could feel for someone she hardly knew, though at times it felt she'd known him a lifetime.


They continued eating in relative silence, a glint in Jocelyn's eye as she shifted slightly, pressing up against Rion's side. "It's a little chilly in here." She said, by ways of explanation. It didn't, of course, explain the presence of her hand on his thigh, but she figured he would over look it, a smirk playing about her lips as she finished her meal.

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Rion ate slowly, and was on his second bite when Jocelyn spoke back. "It was my pleasure, I assure you. I just ran out of patience for those wo-" Rion's face whitened slightly as he knew Jocelyn was about to utter another curse, though part of him pricked up his ears to remember it in case he had never heard it before. "those fools. Rion let out a small breath. He had never understood why people cursed. To Rion is simply degraded their intelligence down to a point of barbaracy, though Rion was to frightened to say that to anyone.


"Besides, I don't stand by idly when someone is insulting my friend. Especially my special friend." Jocelyn's words weren't much but to Rion they were nearly the best he could hear. And although the words, when Jocelyn said them, special friend was enough to make him blush it still made his chest swell and put a smile on his face.


Rion continued to eat slowly as time passed, the two eating in relative silence. Though what happened rather unexprectedly was enough to make his cheeks flush. His side felt like it was fire as Jocelyn's warm body pressed up against his side. "It's a little chilly in here." Rion had to dissagree at that though. His viens felt like they were on fire and the heat emanating through his side felt like he should be burning. Of course the hand on his thigh wasn't helping anything, nor did her explanation explain the hand. But he didn't really care, he liked the touch which suprised him to no end.


Rion ate with a trembling hand, only able to truly contain his blush from sppreading because of the food in front of him. Which made it rather akward when he finished his last bite. He stood looking for soemthing to distract a part of his mind from the touch but wasn't able to. His mind begna to cloud as he reveled in the touch as Jocelyn's fingers played with the fabric covering his thigh.


"I uhhh..." Rion had no idea what he was supposed to say and his mind was rather foggy and he wasn't sure he should talk anyways. With one hand he ran his fingers over the table unsure of what to do. "It's rather hot in here I think." Rion's eyes widened as he realized what the words were coming out of his mouth and what they could be taken to mean. Well at the moment the only thing they could be taken for in this situation.


"I mean..um..well what I meant to umm....Oh Light why is it that I can't seem to think straight when I'm around you." Rion blushed further at his new words, rushing from his mouth before he could check them. Light he must look like a tomato right now.




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