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I started reading this series around two years ago, and became current in having read all the books out so far last fall (finished ToM the day after it was released). Been lurking on and off for around a year. I can't wait to start sharing my thoughts and theories with all of you.


My favorite book in the series is TSR, just reread it last week as a matter of fact. My favorite character, Perrin, really came into his own in that book. However, on the whole, i think I like Sanderson's writing style and breakneck plotline resolution better than I liked Jordan's more descriptive style. I do think that Jordan's extensive worldbuilding really did set Sanderson up for an epic conclusion, which suits his style. The first 4-5 books of WoT were amazing though. My memory gets a little muddled on what happened between those and TGS (which i am rereading now).


Hi and Welcome to DM!!


Isn't it nice to be able to talk about WoT with others? (and that others understand you; my friends certainly wouldn't understand WoT :P)


Who is your least favorite character? Who is your favorite Forsaken?


Feel free to ask if you've got any questions about DM!!


I hope you will like it here!! :)


Welcome to dm!!!


Which parts and characters are your favorites?


What are you looking for here at dm?


Have you read any of Brandon's other books? They're good too and you get to see what comes completely out of his mind


If you have any questions feel free to ask :)


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