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The Adventure Begins (MoN & Taei)


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Denae's nervousness had increased as each day drew them closer to the White Tower, to the adventure she had not asked for. She already missed her family, her quiet, predictable life. Being on horseback was entirely new to her also, and it hadn't taken long for her to grow uncomfortable. She shifted in the saddle again, hiding a wince as she did so. She did not want the Aes Sedai to think she was a troublesome girl who did nought but complain. If only she'd allowed room in her bags for some salve.


At the thought of her bags, Denae's gaze turned longingly to the wagon containing her precious books and paints. Travelling every day meant she did not have the time she longed for to focus on he studies, or her artwork. She had seen so much beauty on this journey that she longed to capture on paper, but by the time they stopped for any length at night it was too dark. Some adventure this was turning out to be. Her imaginings had always been far more exciting. She did not think the Aes Sedai had even channelled at all, the whole journey! Not that Denae was eager for too much adventure, but it would at least be interesting.


Shifting uncomfortably in her saddle again, Denae let out an awed gasp as caught sight of something she had only ever dreamed of - The White Tower. They were still outside of Tar Valon, yet she could see the glistening white spire, bold and magnificent against the clear blue sky. Light, but it was intimidating. Not for the first time, Denae wished she was home in the family shop, oblivious to her gift. Yet she did not say a word, loathe to cause trouble, especially with an Aes Sedai.


Denae gaped openly as they crossed a bridge, marvelling at the beauty of the city. She knew from her books it had been carved by Ogier, but seeing it was beyond words, the buildings flowing together like an ocean. Having never been outside of Cairhien before, Denae was awestruck, as they drew ever nearer to the glistening spire, like a beacon above the city.


If Denae had thought Tar Valon was impressive, The White Tower itself made it seem like a cesspit, so great was it's opulence. Denae followed the Aes Sedai in a daze, openly staring at the magnificent halls, the other Aes Sedai, and girls scurrying about in white. This was to be her home? Light, she did not think she would enjoy her previously quiet life here.


Suddenly they had stopped, and Denae abruptly brought her mind back from the clouds to the present. "Show respect child, curtsey and do as she says." Denae was being left alone? And who was 'she'? Nodding silently, Denae looked at the door, as though it would bite her, and found herself very much alone. Terrified, Denae lifted her hand and knocked timidly on the door.



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Whack! The sound of bells tinkled faintly, in contrast to the birch as it whistled through the air and connected with the desk with a loud thwap. The novice seated before the wooden desk jumped at the sound, her eyes wide with fear and trepidation. Faerzyne did not relish the task of punishing the wayward, despite what the girl’s believed. But it was a task she had to fulfil, nonetheless, and she always made certain to do a good job of it, lest she see the perpetrators again soon after their initial visit.


Cool hazel eyes surveyed the now quailing novice, her lower lip trembling at the thought of the irch being applied to her more tender flesh. It had been the first time Faerzyne had had the duty to deal with this girl, caught out of her room after curfew. Inclined to believe her story of simply losing track of time in the library, Faerzyne had refrained for birching the girl, or even giving her a chore. On this occasion, a sharp scare out to do the trick. Whack! the birch struck the wooden desk again, and the frightened novice shrank back further in the uncomfortable chair. “I don’t need to tell you the importance of curfew again, do I child?†She asked, a wry twist to her mouth. The girl shook her head hurriedly, and Faerzyne nodded briefly, causing the bells in her long braids to tinkle once more. “I thought not. Now off with you child. I do not want to see you in this office again, understood?†The novice, now pale with fright scrambled out of her chair, mumbling apologies and curtseying, even as she dashed to the door.


With a sigh, Faerzyne returned the birch to it’s place in her cupboard, before moving to sit behind her desk. Closing her eyes briefly, she felt a tingle as one of her wards was breached, the resulting knock causing her to open her eyes. The day was young, and already it was proving to be a testing day. “Enter.†She called, following the command with a weave of air which opened the door, much to the obvious shock of the girl who stood on the other side. Not clothed as an initiate, an outsider, or petitioner perhaps. Waving her in, Faerzyne regarded her with a smooth, though not unkind face. “My name is Faerzyne Grigory, and I am the Mistress of Novices here at the Tower. How can I help you?â€


Faerzyne Grigory, MoN

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reaching for the door handle, Denae blinked in shock as the door swung open, her hand still extended as she stared in wonderment. A trick of the One Power no doubt, yet it was still remarkeable. Belatedly realising she was standing in the doorway like a mute lump, Denae stepped inside, eyes wide as she took in the woman behind the desk.


“My name is Faerzyne Grigory, and I am the Mistress of Novices here at the Tower. How can I help you?â€Denae's mouth worked silently for a moment, before she quickly gathered her wits and dropped into a curtsey. "I was brought here by an Aes Sedai, she...she says I have the ability to channel." Eyes still wide, Denae smoothed her simple grey skirts over her hips. Something about this woman made her feel terribly untidy. Her thick brown hair was still caught back in a simple white ribbon, but she hoped it looked neat and not as unruly as she felt it must be.


Abruptly she stopped. Denae did not want Faerzyne Sedai to think she was nothing but a thoughtless, vain child, especially when she was the opposite. The Aes Sedai had told her she would have her belongings sent to her new quarters, but Denae couldn't help but worry that her precious books and paints weren't being cared for the way she hoped.


The Mistress of Novices was still looking at Denae, and she wondered if she was supposed to say something else. She had remembered to curtsey, hadn't she? Denae was not an outspoken person at the best of times, but in her current situation she was quite terrified. She dropped into another curtsey. Better to be safe than sorry. "I believe she wishes me to train with the One Power, Aes Sedai." Said Denae softly, hoping she didn't look like an uneducated fool as she longed to escape with her books.



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Faerzyne gestured to one of the chairs in front of her desk. They were uncomfortable, but that was for a purpose. After all, those who spent too much time in them would deserve the discomfort. Those who did not were merely reminded of the fact that they should not misbehave, in order to avoid the discomfort that came with the chairs. The young woman, who had yet to identify herself sat down. Faerzyne folded her hands in front of her on the desk, and studied the girl intently for a moment. Not that she could judge if the girl would be worth anything just yet, but at least she would be able to see how nervous the girl was. Those who were most nervous often were the ones who wanted it most.


So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Faerzyne decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which was still in front of her. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€


She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name?†As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?†again she wrote, making Denae‘s stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.†She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€


Ooc: rp your char’s reaction to being written down in the novice book.


~Faerzyne, MoN

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  • 2 weeks later...

Denae followed the silent order to sit down, perching somewhat awkwardly on the edge of the hard wooden chair, clasping her hands neatly in her lap. Why was Faerzyne Sedai just staring at her? Denae shifted a little uncomfortably and demurely lowered her gaze. What would happen now?


“Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?†Wait wait...permanent? She was going to live here forever? No! Surely they would be done with her in a few months at the most, she could head home to her family and her simple, pleasurable existance, and leave this channelling business far behind her. Permanent? Certainly not.


Denae struggled to find her voive, her heart pounding thunderously at the word permanent. She didn't want the advnture, really! Oh, better answer before the sister becomes angry and thinks you are a rude chit. "My name is Denae Aethen, Aes Sedai." Replied Denae in a timid voice, watching anxiously as the woman wrote. "I was born and raised in Cairhien." Where my life is! Where I want to be! The life I was meant to live, not some whimsical adventure meant for a story. "I have celebrated sixteen name-days, Aes Sedai." Denae was the picture of politeness, though she was starting to feel ill, watching her information be printed into the giant ledger. This was something monumental, she was sure.


“Welcome to the White Tower.†Welcome? It was not as though she was invited, there had been no choice in her coming here. "Thankyou." She murmured softly, ever respectful, her gaze focused on the hands nervously clenched in her lap.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally the book was closed again. Faerzyne took a moment to write down the name of the girl’s mentor on a piece of parchment, as well as a summons. The mentor she had selected would be with them soon enough. After she handed the note to a servant that passed in the hallway joined with her office, she returned to the new Novice. With a smile she walked over to one of the many cabinets. She pulled two novice dresses from the cabinet, and handed them to the girl. “These are yours to wear during the years you are a novice. You must tend to them well, mend them when they’re torn, wash them when they’re dirty. For the next years, you will not be allowed to wear anything apart from these dresses.”


She settled behind her desk again, telling the young woman in front of her a little about the rules novices lived by. She went from the curfew to the restriction on venturing into Tar Valon, to the repercussions that would follow if she chose to venture into the yards without a good reason. “But you look like a sensible young woman, so I’m sure I won’t see too much of you here.” A knock on her door told her that the mentor of the girl had arrived. “Enter.” The mentor revealed herself to Faerzyne and Denae. “I trust that you’ll tell her all she needs to know.” Faerzyne said. Her tone was dismissive. She glanced at the sun, and notice that it had shifted slightly. A while had passed since the young woman had entered her office. A while, but there was still a lot of time left. As the new mentor and mentee pair left her office she sighed, wondering if this day would end any time soon.



Faerzyne, MoN

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