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I'm currently reading Winter's Heart. While I was enjoying this this overdose of epic-ness; I thought to myself i must have a place that will allow me to rant rave about this great and epic journey AKA The Wheel of Time. I thank Robert Jordan, may he rest in peace, for providing such a treasure of adventures and wisdom.


With that said, I'd like to say hello to everyone and introduce myself:


so Hi; My name is Luis, born in Dominincan Republic, and currently living in the US. I call both places home and wouldn't trade one or the other. i love reading and will read pretty much anything that sparks my interest. I just happened upon the Wheel of Time series earlier this year when i finished reading the sword of truth series and immediately bought the first 12 books for my nook after i fell in love with the aforementioned within the first 20pgs of the sample i read. I have a great memory, and will remember anything important even years later, the same happens when I'm reading a book and i suddenly stop and recap in my mind what i just read in what i call "epic moments of epiphany" lol. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this long post of mine.


Yoroshiku onegaishimasu


From one noob to another, Welcome!


So you have Spanish, English, and Japanese under your belt? That's pretty impressive man, do you have any other languages hidden in there? And why'd you choose to live in the States?


Hablas espanol?! Que bien! He estudio espanol muchisimo y fui a espana cuatro meses este primavera para estudiar en la universidad de Granada! :)


Well, welcome! I'm Jea, second in command of the Band of the Red Hand. We're a social group so feel free to check us out if you want to have some fun :wink:


Welcome to dm!!!


So you can remember all of the little details as you read? Or are you like the rest of us where you discover something new with each reread?


All of the sgs are pretty awesome :P


Which parts and characters are your favorites?


If you have any questions just ask :P

  On 12/9/2011 at 1:46 PM, Gadi_ said:

From one noob to another, Welcome!


So you have Spanish, English, and Japanese under your belt? That's pretty impressive man, do you have any other languages hidden in there? And why'd you choose to live in the States?

Thanks for the welcome; no just Spanish/English fluently and Japanese learning for now, after Japanese I'd like to learn Thai so I can understand my fiancee's parents lol. I decided to live in the states because originally my parents brought me here(US), after a decade I made friends and the US became a second home. I'm in the process of learning Japanese for many reasons but mainly because I love the culture and I have plans to travel there soon.

  On 12/9/2011 at 2:02 PM, Jeannaisais said:

Hablas espanol?! Que bien! He estudio espanol muchisimo y fui a espana cuatro meses este primavera para estudiar en la universidad de Granada! :)


Well, welcome! I'm Jea, second in command of the Band of the Red Hand. We're a social group so feel free to check us out if you want to have some fun :wink:

Hi, Jea, Tu español es muy bien, veo que has trabajado mucho para aprender y me alegro. Como te fue en españa, te gusto? I'll check it out, The Band of the Red Hand is one of my favorite factions, and Mat is one of, if not my, favorite character in the series. thanks for the welcome :)


Hola, y bienvenido a Dragonmount, Tai'shar Republica Dominicana! Me gusta mucho tu nombre :biggrin: He estado aprendiendo el espanol por unos anos, no soy muy buena hasta ahora, pero quiero visitar Sudamerica y España cuando he terminado la escuela.


Anyway, have fun, see you around! :biggrin:

  On 12/9/2011 at 3:48 PM, Aiel Heart said:

Welcome to dm!!!


So you can remember all of the little details as you read? Or are you like the rest of us where you discover something new with each reread?


All of the sgs are pretty awesome :P


Which parts and characters are your favorites?


If you have any questions just ask :P


oh not at all; every time I re-read, I discover parts where I missed certain details and that make re-reading fun, I'd hate to get everything the first time, I'd run out of books to read soon...well not really but you know what I mean; anyway it is those times that make me laugh out loud or pull me into the story that become unforgettable. It is specially so when I find, I have something in common with the particular character or situation or when I feel like I know what was going through the writer's mind when he/she wrote a particular chapter. When I read, the stories play out like a movie in my head, its almost like I'm a silent observer rather than the reader, for example when I read Crown of Swords, my favorite so of the series far, I could see the part where Elayne is making fun of Mat about his situation with Tylin by telling him that he should try "batting his eyelashes" and then after few more exchanges she walks away laughing under her breath saying something about "a taste of his own medicine". I remember that when I was reading that part, I was on the metro north going to NYC and I flat out burst out laughing on the train the elder gentlemen next to me gave a sidelong glance, maybe thinking I'd gone mad or was on drugs but I didn't care lol. All the same I can remember when I read Misery by Stephen King during the beginning of the book the main character gets in an accident while driving in a snow storm and is save a crazy fan, while she is giving him mouth to mouth he is thinking "oh what is that smell, that smell, that that fucking stink" it was the first time i saw cursing in a book and I (14 at the time, which was 11 years ago) was like "oh holy crap, he said...coool" lol but anyway my favorite Character is Mat, because of his personality. I like when he says "I'm not bloody hero, they usually end up dead or worse in the glee-man's tale" I don't think I have the exact quote from the book but he says something to that effect as I remember. I also enjoyed the battle at the two rivers because it is the first time you see Perrin coming out on his own and taking charge, it is pretty interesting because he is one of those reserve, calm and collected, slow to anger but with fire if awoken. Rand is my least favorite out of the three because I feel like, so far (I'm currently at Crossroads of Twilight)he hasn't really evolved into his own, his personality is too fragmented at the moment but I have a feeling that at some point he'll also come out on his own and shine not as the Dragon Reborn but as Rand Al'thor, although I don't know if the other characters will ever see him as anything other, except for maybe Perrin Mat. My hint for this comes from the "thing" that Cadsuane has to teach him, but we'll see. ;) sorry for the really long reply, I can go on and on sometimes, but I'd like to hear what you think. Again Thanks for the welcome :)

  On 12/12/2011 at 9:05 AM, Nyanna al said:

Hola, y bienvenido a Dragonmount, Tai'shar Republica Dominicana! Me gusta mucho tu nombre :biggrin: He estado aprendiendo el espanol por unos anos, no soy muy buena hasta ahora, pero quiero visitar Sudamerica y España cuando he terminado la escuela.


Anyway, have fun, see you around! :biggrin:

Gracias, te deseo mucha suerte con eso, yo quiero visitar España tambien, my tia y mi buen amigo viven en Barcelona y Madrid respectivamente.


How did I not see this earlier?!?!?!!! I'm so sorry!! blush.gif


Welcome to DM, now anyways!! biggrin.gif


Cool, I'm learning (slowly) some Japanese too :) How is the Dominican Republic?


Who is your least-favourite WoT character? Who's your favorite Forsaken?


Feel free to ask if some questions pop on your mind!


I hope you will like it here!! :)


EDIT: Wrote "Forksaken" again :P

  On 12/12/2011 at 9:34 AM, Tai said:
  On 12/9/2011 at 3:48 PM, Aiel Heart said:

Welcome to dm!!!


So you can remember all of the little details as you read? Or are you like the rest of us where you discover something new with each reread?


All of the sgs are pretty awesome :P


Which parts and characters are your favorites?


If you have any questions just ask :P


oh not at all; every time I re-read, I discover parts where I missed certain details and that make re-reading fun, I'd hate to get everything the first time, I'd run out of books to read soon...well not really but you know what I mean; anyway it is those times that make me laugh out loud or pull me into the story that become unforgettable. It is specially so when I find, I have something in common with the particular character or situation or when I feel like I know what was going through the writer's mind when he/she wrote a particular chapter. When I read, the stories play out like a movie in my head, its almost like I'm a silent observer rather than the reader, for example when I read Crown of Swords, my favorite so of the series far, I could see the part where Elayne is making fun of Mat about his situation with Tylin by telling him that he should try "batting his eyelashes" and then after few more exchanges she walks away laughing under her breath saying something about "a taste of his own medicine". I remember that when I was reading that part, I was on the metro north going to NYC and I flat out burst out laughing on the train the elder gentlemen next to me gave a sidelong glance, maybe thinking I'd gone mad or was on drugs but I didn't care lol. All the same I can remember when I read Misery by Stephen King during the beginning of the book the main character gets in an accident while driving in a snow storm and is save a crazy fan, while she is giving him mouth to mouth he is thinking "oh what is that smell, that smell, that that fucking stink" it was the first time i saw cursing in a book and I (14 at the time, which was 11 years ago) was like "oh holy crap, he said...coool" lol but anyway my favorite Character is Mat, because of his personality. I like when he says "I'm not bloody hero, they usually end up dead or worse in the glee-man's tale" I don't think I have the exact quote from the book but he says something to that effect as I remember. I also enjoyed the battle at the two rivers because it is the first time you see Perrin coming out on his own and taking charge, it is pretty interesting because he is one of those reserve, calm and collected, slow to anger but with fire if awoken. Rand is my least favorite out of the three because I feel like, so far (I'm currently at Crossroads of Twilight)he hasn't really evolved into his own, his personality is too fragmented at the moment but I have a feeling that at some point he'll also come out on his own and shine not as the Dragon Reborn but as Rand Al'thor, although I don't know if the other characters will ever see him as anything other, except for maybe Perrin Mat. My hint for this comes from the "thing" that Cadsuane has to teach him, but we'll see. ;) sorry for the really long reply, I can go on and on sometimes, but I'd like to hear what you think. Again Thanks for the welcome :)

Mat's my favorite out of the three. He bugged me most of the series but then I loved watching him grow up once he had Olver to care for and was in charge of the band. Perrin I don't mind, because he also really grew up and his storyline has a lot of powerful moments. Rand's situation just kinda fascinates me. He's not one of my favorite characters, but all that happens to him is amazing.

My favorite characters are the power women--Aviendha, Nyneave and Egwene. Most people hate Nyneave and Egwene especially but I feel like they've done a great deal of growing up and despite what many seem to think they do most of what they do because they want to help and protect others.

  On 12/12/2011 at 2:07 PM, Ledinna Sedai said:

How did I not see this earlier?!?!?!!! I'm so sorry!! blush.gif


Welcome to DM, now anyways!! biggrin.gif


Cool, I'm learning (slowly) some Japanese too :) How is the Dominican Republic?


Who is your least-favourite WoT character? Who's your favorite Forsaken?


Feel free to ask if some questions pop on your mind!


I hope you will like it here!! :)


EDIT: Wrote "Forksaken" again :P


Thanks for the welcome, I'm glad someone else is interested in learning Japanese. Its a slow process but I find it rewarding specially when I'm able to understand some of what is spoken in movies and such. Dominican Republic, is very nice specially if you enjoy the beach and the outdoors, and if you enjoy dancing as well. I suggest you visit, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I would say Elaida is my least favorite WoT character, because for someone who can see the future, she is quite clueless at times. My favorite forsaken has to be Ishamael/moridin, I can't help being impressed by the eyes :), and "the betrayer of hope" is a very cool name. He is also the only one who is actually working towards the goal of freeing the Dark One with no apparent ulterior motive, all the others are just doing it to gain something whether it is immortally, being named Nae'blis, wealth and eternal youth, etc..


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