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LONGHORNS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


UT vs. A&M Rivalry  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Texas continue playing Texas A&M even though A&M left the conference?

    • Yes, the game means too much to Texas tradition and college football
    • No, the Aggies burnt that bridge

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Ley, this is about one of the oldest NCAA college football rivalries ever. What could have been the last game in the series happened the other night, excellent game overall. Unfortunately A&M is choosing to leave the conference, which puts the rivalry game in jeopardy.


I've always been an Aggie fan, that was my dream college growing up. But I honestly don't care all the much. The only time I root against the Longhorns is when they play my Aggies, otherwise I'm just a Texas fan.


I agree with you there Song, even though yall are our rivals I always (well, almost always :blush: ) root for yall when you play other teams. I also don't have nearly the same emnity towards Aggie fans that I do towards Sooner fans. Sooner fans ... mmmmmm I better stop myself before I get started. :darkone:


I do feel kind of bitter about them leaving, but I suppose the game still means too much to let it go forever. Still, for the next couple of seasons at least I think Texas should keep the game off it's schedule, just to make this game last in A&M's memory a bit longer :myrddraal:

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