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Modern Warfare 3


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As the countdown toward November 8 continues, here are some sweet videos to sate your anticipatory, hearty appetites.







Activision has released a video covering the changes to Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer mode. Kill streaks are now referred to as point streaks, and the video explains why. Players now receive streak credit for things beyond just kills, in an attempt to cater to different styles of players. The video also looks at the new types of Strike Packages.


The Assault strike package seems to be the traditional Call of Duty package, heavily rewarding those who gain kills without dying. The Support strike package caters to those interested in helping others out. Streaks don't reset on death, and you get access to items like sentry drones and other support type weapons. The Specialist strike package has the player begin with three perks, and for every two kills a new perk is unlocked. By the time you have eight kills, you have all the perks and are a super-powered soldier. Check out the video below to get all the details.


It seems like Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer will feel a bit different than previous entries. Is this a good thing? Or do you want the developers to simply stick to what has already been working?




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So I've been trying to break into FPS games because I keep hearing how great they are but as a turbo nerd I've just always been into RPGS. Someone recommended Black Ops to me and I couldn't get into but I've heard that MW is a better series. Should I try it out or is there something better to start on?

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So I've been trying to break into FPS games because I keep hearing how great they are but as a turbo nerd I've just always been into RPGS. Someone recommended Black Ops to me and I couldn't get into but I've heard that MW is a better series. Should I try it out or is there something better to start on?

to be perfectly honest the FPS genre is evolving and getting more and more complicated as time goes by

if you're really interested I would really recommend starting with some "modern but heading into the realm of oldies" shooters like the original Halo (or perhaps the anniversary edition coming out soon) and Counter Strike


alternatively just play MW3 and try your best

it will definitely be a better game than black ops


let me ask you a question

how is your control?

by which I mean do you know how to move around in an FPS environment and what buttons do what?

if yes then maybe you should try different game types

I personally prefer hardcore (no radar high damage) search and destroy (one team tries to arm a bomb the other defends the bomb sites) and Capture the flag to straight up deathmatch


if no then you should definitely just play the campaign on easy and work on that until your control is acceptable and you feel comfortable running around and shooting stuff

because if you aren't multiplayer will be brutal for you and as we all know people are jerks and will tell you you're the worst player to have ever lived if you are only doing slightly bad

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Indeed I would recommend starting with campaign modes also to get the feel for the dual stick controls, and each game has it's own sensitivity to get used to.


Call of Duty rotates its games. One will be made by Treyarch, then the next by Infinityward, so every other one is good =p Although I do enjoy go crazy on zombies sometimes, the Infinityward series is just better. Black ops isn't so much a skill game as it is a host game, trust me on this one, I have played some bad people, and had to fight super hard to win just because host was so strongly in their favor (like when you shoot your whole magazine at someone and in the killcam it shows you not even firing your gun).


I am also not a fan of straight up deathmatch, too much camping involved. Domination, Capture the flag, and Headquarters is where it's at. Forces the enemy team to actually crawl out of their holes and try to take an objective =)

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(like when you shoot your whole magazine at someone and in the killcam it shows you not even firing your gun).

dude that wasn't host

that was everyone

BO was the laggiest game I have ever had the misfortune of playing


Forces the enemy team to actually crawl out of their holes and try to take an objective =)




I can't even tell you how many times I've seen a team on offense camp their own spawn in S&D

or a team that's down in CTF or Dom

campers gonna camp

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Well, yeah, they will, but on the whole, it's not as bad in objective game types as it is in TDM..all I'm trying to say lol.


And that is host, if host is in your favor, you'll be the one getting a whole mag shot at you but it not registering on your end lol...very host driven game, laggy as hell, and I hope the M-16 in MW3 is as good as it was in MW2, and not as sucky as it is in Black Ops..should not have to 3 burst ppl for them to die =(

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