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I had a dream!


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the first i remember was based on an episode of the dick van dyke show, with the walnuts. i was 4. i dreamed i was following a floating walnut down a dark hallway, and opened a closet, and there was a lion inside. woke up shaking. i don't remember how closely this follows the actual epi. could be pretty close.


next one i've never been sure was a nightmare... i'm 5, laying in bed, and i open my eyes, and there's a ghost, as tall as the ceiling, 14 feet high, shining white, looking down at me, and reflected in the mirror behind it. blinding silvery white in a completely dark room. i believe i was awake. i was scared to death and shut my eyes tight and prayed all night, please lord, don't let it take me, i don't want to die yet... and i didn't open my eyes again until morning, but i never fell back asleep. i still don't think i was asleep when i saw it. and from that night on i was up for milkman theater, cause i never stopped waiting for that ghost to come back. i only ever heard and felt the ghosts in the house after that one time, though. never saw one again.


next one i was a bat flying over a dark city. i'd say london, but as i was about 5 or 6, i don't know how i'd know that unless it was from a horror movie. i did not enjoy flying, and did not enjoy being a bat, and really did not enjoy the warren of buildings and alleys and scenes of briefly glimpsed horror as i passed by.


next was one i had a lot, chased by something invisible and cornered, and unable to scream or make a sound. paralyzed. really didn't like that. most common nightmare, until i learned to not have nightmares.


i think i've dreamed some disasters before they happened, but i didn't write it down, so i'm probably just crazy.


i've dreamed the underworld, where the dead are, but that's not a nightmare. it's been comforting. dark, populated by people that do not wish anyone harm. lot of stairs. lot of tunnels. lot of niches to lie down in. and god's love all around. but not like you'd imagine heaven. more like sheol i suppose. thse dreams feel realer to me than anything that happens awake.


and now you have some idea of how pretainted i was before i got here. i've stopped myself from posting the really crazy stuff, tho. for your benefit.

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The nightmares that annoyed me are the ones that aren't even vaguely scary but you still get frightened. They just don't make sense.


The worst ones are when things do what they shouldn't, like objects animating or something like that. When you look back on them, they seem pretty stupid, though. Being chased around by upright towels isn't exactly your standard horror story.


All of the few nightmares I've had were about phantom-like things, even the towels. I don't know why. Luckily, I only had like 1 nightmare per year, if that.

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