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Moridin is what tips the scale


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i have not read the various blogs of the admins yet...so if this has been mentioned please forgive me...i havent seen it yet in what i have read...





I keep thinking about Moridin stating the reasons he went over to to the dark one. oblivion is better then this essentially...he undersands that if the DO wins its oblivion...and theres really nothing left to rule etc...If he is indeed the dark ones equivalent to rand and is constantly spun out and reborn to face the dragon and dragon reborn etc etc.....he prefers an end to it all as opposed to continuing the cycle that simply resealing the DO would create. a constant reincarnation to fight to a draw or lose, unlike the dragon he seems to remember all the times the DO has lost or drawn etc.... he just seems to want it to end. what if the black hand weilding callandor isnt a bad thing. what if its ishy taking callandor from rands dead body to slay the dark one thus breaking the wheel and ending the cycle. i think this is what fel was onto. KILLING the DO not just resealing would break the damn cycle...break the wheel...and thats why he was killled...if rand realizes he needs to KILL the DO not just reseal him................blah blah blah...so fel was killed to keep rand from this knowledge....time then would move forward in a linear fashion and not a wheel that repeats istself. worst case scenario is simply resealing the DO and the light gets another chance say 5k years from now...which is what i took from VoG....live to fight another day...everyone talks about lanfear potentially reverting back to the light....but what if its ishy....moridin...and he chooses to out of selfish reasons allow the light to finally win and kills the Do himself with callandor. i know his actions thus far seem aimed at winning for the DO but to an extent he is just going through the motions. the same motions hes gone through turning after turning. he still wants to see the other forsaken fall just in the event the DO can pull off a victory...but push comes to shove he will be selfish and side with the dragon reborn/light simply to end his own suffering.


Once again, welcome to DM


Your idea is plausible at face value but I think there have been comments made by BS which would make it impossible or highly unlikely.


I think either BS or RJ mentioned that time is going to remain bound to the wheel... i.e its not going to become linear.


perhaps one of the toher members can assist with the actual quote


so i had a thought while blow drying my hair this morning, thats when i tend to have the best thoughts lol. in the AoL they didnt even remember there was a DO. bear with me here...what if in the previous turning of the wheel the then dragon reborn had "killed" the DO. over time they think hes dead, over more time they forget his existance period. but in truth you cannot kill the DO because the wheel is the wheel and he is a part of it. the "killing" was actually just something that lead to the creator resealing him ( totally pulled that out of my...replica mat hat but you know what i mean). but the general publics view is that hes dead ( rand swore up and down he was dead after falme). and the wheel clicks over again...new AoL etc and turns until we are again where we are now. maybe there is no breaking the wheel, just a way to get the creator to reseal him again (again outta mats hat). and the wheel keeps turning. but as a friend mentioned to me....if its just gonna keep turning and repeat itself....if there is no real end...then why write 14 epic novels about it?? well my answer was its still a damn good story to tell lol. i dunno. im still an out of the closet fan of the closet theory that the wheel can be broken lol.


oh and. if it is ishy that ends up being the key i wouldnt really see it as "reverting back to the light" i think at the least it would be such an atrocity against the DO...worse then any other forsakens failures that the DO would be done with him and he could rest in relative hell/peace and not be spun back out as the DOs champion..........


and another thought...wont say what i was doing when i had it...but mins viewings are usually HELPFUL yes? things that have to happen or WILL happen because the Pattern demands it...so callandor black hand...ishy...im stretching i know... lol oh well. if this ends up happening at all ill be brilliant...if not atleast i wasnt shy to post crazy wacked out hair drying induced theories lmao.


Way back in EotW, reports were reaching Moiraine and the boys that the DO intended to 'kill the Great Serpent', to 'slay Time itself'.


Also, one of the characters said IIRC that Min's Viewings proved this won't happen.. but another said that her Viewings will be null and void if the Wheel stops and the Pattern is broken.


It's unlikely that this will happen for all sorts of reasons, among them the various Fourth Age quotes.. but I've been wondering; what if the DO succeeds in splitting off a timeline from the main Pattern, a large vacuole perhaps?


(Don't point that hairdryer at me. It makes my thoughts go funny. Must be a ter'angreal :wacko: )


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