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Welcome to Dragonmount!


And nice, you're basically half way through. You have loads to look forward to still :D


I hope you have fun here. I suggest poking around in the different areas on DM and exploring what the site has to offer. Which is A LOT! lol


If you have any questions or if you want to chat feel free to send me a private message. :)








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Welcome to Dragonmount!


Feel free to poke around and ask questions. If you plan on going to the discussion boards, beware of spoilers, however, you don't need to worry about such in the Social Groups, if you wish to join them. Hope you enjoy here as much as the rest of the books!

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Welcome to Dragonmount!


Feel free to poke around and ask questions. If you plan on going to the discussion boards, beware of spoilers, however, you don't need to worry about such in the Social Groups, if you wish to join them. Hope you enjoy here as much as the rest of the books!

So are you on the role playing side to if so what factions are you apart of? I'm thinking of joining the warders.

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I'll interject because I'm pretty sure Locke doesn't RP (correct me if I'm wrong, hon).


I really recommend you to join the Warders RP Group. I've never tried RPing a Warder myself but I've heard it's quite fun.


As for me, I have a Wolfkin, a Child of the Light, a Sedai and a Trolloc. I thought about trying to make an Asha'man but I don't want to make any new characters without the guarantee that I have the time for it... so I've been putting it on hold for the time being.


The Warders have all the information listed on their out of character board (in the lower block of boards in the main forum page). I'm sure you can find all the information you need there, as well as the details of the staff there, in case you have any questions. :)






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I'll interject because I'm pretty sure Locke doesn't RP (correct me if I'm wrong, hon).


I really recommend you to join the Warders RP Group. I've never tried RPing a Warder myself but I've heard it's quite fun.


As for me, I have a Wolfkin, a Child of the Light, a Sedai and a Trolloc. I thought about trying to make an Asha'man but I don't want to make any new characters without the guarantee that I have the time for it... so I've been putting it on hold for the time being.


The Warders have all the information listed on their out of character board (in the lower block of boards in the main forum page). I'm sure you can find all the information you need there, as well as the details of the staff there, in case you have any questions. :)






Thank You I will.

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Hey what do you guys mean by rp? Is it from the wheel of time game?


Nope, written RP right here on DM forums (the lower block of boards in the main forum page). We create our own characters based on Randland. You can have an Aiel, a Warder, An Asha'man and so on. Basically you can create a character of whatever group you like from the books. You can actually have up to three characters in every group so there's a lot of freedom in regards to the amount of characters you can have (something that was limited in the past).


If you find yourself interested you should definitely take a look see and see if you fancy giving it a try :)





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