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Questions on Dragkhar biology

Sila Darklover

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I have a few insane Dragkhar questions that I thought some of you, blessed with obscure information sources, might be able to answer:


Feeding.I know they suck out people's souls and life-force, but occasional assassinations seem like a pretty unreliable diet. So do they feed on Trollocs in the Blight, or kill random Borderlands, or just go without food for long periods of time, or what? And why do they have fangs if they don't bite?


Breeding:Every Dragkhar yet described has resembled a "man". Does that mean they're all male, or just the scouts and assassins? Are there females somewhere, or are they somehow immortal?


Yes, I do spend my free time pondering things like this.


On Feeding. The Blight represents a diverse food source counting hundreds of different species. On Breeding, it is possible that like the Trollocs, Draghkar females are kept in special breeding camps.


The Blight itself represents a massive ecology. Thousands of species of both plant and animal life are present in large numbers, indeed it is nearly tropical in its nature. The breeding camps of the Trollocs, by all acounts are north of the Mountains of Dhoom, and i imagine the Draghkar are the same--if that is indeed the case.


It is curious to note, however, that of all the Shadowspawn species in Seanchan, only the Draghkar have survived, and they live alone hiding far to the north. This suggests a different set up... possibly the Draghkar reproduce asexually in some manner unknown. It is not impossible for a genetically engineered creature.


The forges for the myrdrahall weapons have a number of humans on hand to test the taint. It may be possible that they have a stock of humans for special feeding practices. There's also the chance that some Darkfriends thinking that they are going to a meeting, are actually meant to feed 'em.


As for breeding I hadn't realized that Trollocs mated. Can somebody give me the reference to the female Trollocs? I always thought that shadowspawn were made as opposed to bred.

The forges for the myrdrahall weapons have a number of humans on hand to test the taint. It may be possible that they have a stock of humans for special feeding practices. There's also the chance that some Darkfriends thinking that they are going to a meeting, are actually meant to feed 'em.


They are used to make the weapons, not test them. But that being said there arn't enough people to sustain the shadowspawn population in the entire blight. No, far more likely is that they simply feed on the massive fauna and flora life in the blight. And yes, they do eat plants, but prefer meat.


As for breeding I hadn't realized that Trollocs mated. Can somebody give me the reference to the female Trollocs? I always thought that shadowspawn were made as opposed to bred.


"They were designed to breed true whenever possible, since natural procreation was a more certain and less costly way of producing large populations then laboratory vats." The Guide page 71.


Incidently, thats how the myrdraal are made... throwbacks to the human genes, born of trollocs (i personally believe this happens when the gene for channeling asserts itself in trollocs). As for the breeding camps, i believe RJ was the one to inform us about that.


The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time by Theresa Patterson and Robert Jordan. It's also known as the Guide, the Big White Book and the BWB.

there arn't enough people to sustain the shadowspawn population in the entire blight. No, far more likely is that they simply feed on the massive fauna and flora life in the blight. And yes, they do eat plants, but prefer meat.


I thought this was about Dragkhar, the flying pucker lipped soul suckers. I haven't read the guide you pointed out, but they probably don't eat anything but souls.


Also I was going to say in my last post that it might be possible for them to go into hibernation.


alright alright, we all know that some dragkhars have survived the ending of the 3rd and and still live with us today. Dracula was just a dragkhar with a bit of make up on yeah? So why don't we ask real life vampires how they're biologically made up?


It seems much more likely that the Wheel is our future... i mean, its our past too, but that was an entire turning of the wheel ago.


As for Draghkar, they drink blood as well, and that combined with the fact that RJ is relatively realistic suggests that a living breathing entity could not survive sustained only on a non-physical substance.


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