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Summer 2011 TV Show Poll



4 members have voted

  1. 1. Show on TV right now?

    • Breaking Bad
    • Something with Gorden Ramsey
    • Falling Skies
    • SYTYCD
    • True Blood
    • Big Brother
    • Wilfred
    • Childrens Hospital
    • Some USA Show
    • Something else

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It is the summer and I catch myself watching TV programming that really makes me sad *coughbigbrothercough*. So what is your favorite this summmer?


BTW if you are not watching Children's Hospital on Adult Swim you are missing something really special.

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Look here is my current schedule:


Monday - Masterchef (it sucks but there is NOTHING on)

Tuesday - Masterchef (this is when I get depressed), Tosh.0 (this season was a step below previous)

Wednesday - So You Think You Can Dance, Big Brother

Thursday - So You Think You Can Dance, Big Brother, Wilfred

Friday - Children's Hospital (really the highlight of my week)

Saturday - Outcasts

Sunday - True Blood, Big Brother, Breaking Bad (the only reason TVwise I am glad it is summer)



With most of this on I am playing WoW or looking at something on my computer. I hate summer programming. I am also halfway through Season 4 of the Shield.

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i voted for Falling Skies


my schedule


Mon - Hells Kitchen

Tues - Hells Kitchen

Wed - Melissa & Joey

Thurs - Burn Notice

Fri - n/a

Sat - n/a

Sun - Falling Skies, Drop Dead Diva



Emp, you shoudl add Burn Notice to your schedule *nods*

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actually i erased my vote and recasted it for "Ramsey" because Fallign Skies while good i can do with out. i've been watchign Hells Kitchen for near 3 years now ... if i didn't have my yearly dose of Ramsey calling people a donkey and throwing food i think i'd be really sad :laugh:

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Yeah I really enjoyed The Shield when it was on TV. I unfortunately lost FX on my satellite package around season three.


As for shows this summer... there really isn't anything that I want to watch. I've been using netflix pretty hard watching old shows.

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