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Hello all.....


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I've lurked on here and WoT for quite some time. I came to the series in an odd sort of way.....


I was just getting into Geocaching several years ago. I had an item to stick in a cache, but the box was too small. I had to remove a t-shirt and a book to fit it in there. That book was The Eye of the World. Whoever stuck the book in there has infected my mind. I can honestly say I was never a reader of books until I got that one. I was hooked. I bought every book in the series and had to wait in pain for Knife of Dreams to be released.... and then could not buy it in any local store once released. ( i didnt preorder )


As luck would have it... the book found me a couple thousand miles away from home. I've loved the series and have gotten my wife to start reading it after much peer pressure.


How has this series affected me? us, you should say....


Lori and I have been married for 18 years. we adopted 3 kids (family) and raised them. the youngest is just days shy of 16. We were recently blessed with our first child after MUCH medical assistance, we gave up and let it be. that decision was over 5 years ago... and we made a final pact 2 years ago not to go down that tortuous road again... and we get blessed with a little boy.


I blame the late Robert Jordan for infecting my mind so much... that we named our son Perrin.

Perrin Jacob Wheeler specifically.... :D





now wheres my next book?! lol

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Aawww what a beautiful story! Perin looks like he needs to grow some curls still, though :biggrin:


Welcome to DM! I hope you'll have a wonderful time on here, and find a home away from home.

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