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And here is where we dance naked...(Caelen)


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Jocelyn woke early, before the sun began to penetrate the window of her small room. Slipping out of bed, she dressed quickly and quietly in the darkened room, not wanting to wake Rion in the room next door. She was still annoyed by the way he'd let Adawyn touch him the way she did - in public, no less! - without even a hint of protest. She loved him, more than anything, but that didn't mean she wasn't terribly hurt and angry with him. No, she didn't trust herself to be civil, so it was best if she went for a long walk before he woke, to try and calm herself.


Tiptoeing past Rion's door, Jocelyn didn't let out her breath until she was down the stairs, slipping out the back door and into the slowly brightening day. The air was brisk and fresh, though it promised to warm as the sun continued it's ascent. All in all it looked to be a beautiful day. If only she was in the mood to appreciate it. Curse that hussy Adawyn. She had ruined everything.


Jocelyn frowned darkly as she trudged along the road, not really knowing where she was going, but needing to blow off some steam. Light help Adawyn if she crossed her path just now, Jocelyn was in the mood to wring her neck. Grumbling softly under her breath, Jocelyn was surprised to find herself outside the inn. Likely it would be quiet at this time of day, so Jocelyn headed inside, thinking to get some breakfast, rather than cook her own for a change. Rion could just fend for himself.


She was right, there were very few black coated men in the room, though one in particular made a small smile curve her lips. Changing direction, Jocelyn made her way over to where Caelen sat. He was such a strange man, but he didn't take himself as seriously as so many of the men here. He was like a breath of fresh air. "Mind if I join you?" Asked Jocelyn with a smile, not waiting for an answer before sliding into the seat opposite Caelen.



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((WOOOHHHOOO! Naked dancing lives on!))



Caelen looked up and smiled warmly at the woman who joined him. "well, they finally got my order right. I keep tellin' them I like 'em smart and pretty. Each time I do they just send me back to the table with more food." He handed an apple to her, he had a couple stashed in his pockets. He liked to eat apples while he was thinking. Somehow moving his jaw seemed to help the thinking process. "You look a pretty thing today. Are you up to some mischief today, or just coming to humor an old man?" He asked with a grin.



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Jocelyn was right, her mood lifted instantly as Caelen greeted her, a smile lighting her face at the compliment as she took the apple. "You look a pretty thing today. Are you up to some mischief today, or just coming to humor an old man?"Jocelyn grinned cheekily and tried to put on an innocent expression. "I thought the two went hand in hand." She replied, taking a bite of the apple.


"I was actually looking for a diversion, and you seemed like you would do the trick." She teased with a wink. Caelen was refreshingly light hearted, Jocelyn hadn't enjoyed banter like they shared in quite some time...well aside from Rion, but right now conversation wasn't light with Rion. She was still far too upset. And thinking about it now wouldn't help.


Pushing aside her thoughts, she took another loud crunch of the apple. "So how is everything going here at the funny farm so far?" She asked.



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Caelen laughed. The funny farm! Oh, he really like her. A great sense of humor! "Oh everything is just marvelous. Go over there, blow some things up. Go over there and let someone pummel you because they know how to use a swords and you don't. Go over there and blow some more things up. But don't talk and don't smile while in the ranks of the Dragon Reborn's army!" he said with a saucy salute.


He winked at her then. "I think I just about gave one of the Asha'man a heart attack the other day. Couldn't seem to even look at me without getting all twitchy. It's my animal magnetism. Honest to the Light, I can't seen to keep people from pummeling me to hide their true feelings."


"And what about you? What could you possibly need a distraction from?"



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Jocelyn grinned as Caelen spoke, the picture he painted was so accurate, though humerous. Not many saw the light side around here, not besides she and Caelen anyway, it seemed. She couldn't help but giggle at the idea of one of the Asha'man beating Caelen to hide his attraction...the idea was indeed ludicrous.


"And what about you? What could you possibly need a distraction from?"Jocelyn sighed and placed her elbow on the table before resting her chin in her hand. "There's a fox hunting my chicken." She grumbled, though her eyes were still alight with unholy amusement. "And if I don't find suitable distraction, I think I will strangle them both." She added with a wry smile.


"Anyway," Jocelyn flipped her long black hair over her shoulder and gave Caelen a winning smile. "You are suitable enough, care to distract a girl in need?"



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There had always been times when Caelen agreed to things he knew he shouldn't. Even before the One Power had come to him, he'd been a bit daring. Agreeing to be a distraction for a woman whose manw as a channeler, and one much further up the training ranks than he, was probably one of the stupider things.


He smiled at her. "Why of course my Lady. If I can't distract you, then you should pummel me properly too. Or at least give me both sides of that pretty tongue of yours!" He added with a wink. "Now whatever shall we do? I would suggest dance naked under the full moon, but alas, it's morning. We'll have to try that some other time..."



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Jocelyn grinned. Dance naked? She could picture Rion having a fit already. "A shame indeed, but perhaps a walk would suffice? Have you been given the grand tour of the grand tower grounds?" Jocelyn asked somewhat sardonically. She was pleased that Caelen would aid in distracting her, she enjoyed his company, yet a tiny voice in her mind warned her not to flirt with Caelen. Bah, she was merely being friendly!


Leading the way outside, Jocelyn hesitated a moment as Caelen offered his arm, before taking it. There was nothing wrong with holding a gentleman's arm as she walked, surely. Jocelyn began pointing out buildings as they walked, Dalinar's office, the infirmary, houses. "And this is where we dance naked." said Jocelyn, somehow managing to maintain a straight face as she indicated a large clearing used for training.


"Do you enjoy horseriding?" She enquired, smiling up at Caelen. "I will show you the stables, my own mare is kept there too." Flipping her hair back over her shoulder, Jocelyn steered Caelen in the direction of the stables, smiling and joking with him in a carefree manner, oblivious of Rion as he watched their progression.



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Caelen patted her arm absently as she led him around the Black Tower. The name was much grander than the grounds themselves though he approved of that. The place really did need to be something more, something like the White Tower that it was so obviously drawn against. He let himself be led towards the stables and he wondered if the girl liked horses a lot, or if it was just something different to talk about.


"I never travelled much by horse myself. Normally took a wagon. I can feed a horse well enough, but keeping a top one is a bit more of a challenge you see." He smiled as they kept walking. "Though I figure if i'm supposed to be a soldier I probably ought to learn a bit."



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Rion's spirits had slowly been slipping, the cloud of despair mixing with the resentment and anger as he watched Jocelyn and this man walking through the Black Tower, arm in arm no less. Flaming piece of cow... Now there is most likely an innocent explanation for this. How?! What in the world could they possible doing that is innocent like that. Light she looks like she's flirting with him!


Kill him. He is only a soldier. Open the earth beneath his feet, bury him to his neck and watch as he slowly suffocates as the earth crushes his chest. Spit on him. No one does this to us! Rion clenched his fists as he followed the two, resisting the urge to grasp Saidin and do as the voice was telling him to.


You did this to yourself if you think. Letting Adawyn fawn over you and touch you brought this on. Like I had a choice. Did I go into that willingly? You did nothing to stop it. At least I didn't start it. Kill them both. No one!


Rion stood watching as the two moved to Jocelyn's horse. The images of when he and Jocelyn had been doing just that rising and breaking in his minds eye. Did she want to bring him hear and do what htey had done. Sit and kiss him, wrap him around her finger and tell him she loved him. Promise to never leave him. How? Why? He was jealous of the man, oh so jealous and he hated him for that. This man had inadvertantly become the first and only person Rion had ever hated.


He must have made a wrong step because something cracked beneath his foot and two heads turned simultaneously towards him. Kill them. Now do it, Kill them. Be calm and simply let her explain. Rion listened to neither. If Jocelyn wanted this son of a goat then what was stopping her. He spat. Turned on his heal and began to walk away. Fighting back the tears threatening to form. So much for love.




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Caelen wasn't really sure what was happening. One moment he's having a grand time with the lovely Jocelyn and the next theres some menacing looking man giving him the evil eye and walking away. Well... menacing in the 'I want to eat you alive so you'll feel ever bit of the pain I feel' kinda way. He didn't really know that he had warranted that sort of animosity from anyone in life, let along here in the short time he'd been at the farm.


He looked at Jocelyn and understood a little better. "Now I take it that's the reason you stayed on here..." he said, not sure if she was listening to him or not. Light, this wasn't good. All he'd been doing was talking to Jocelyn, enjoying the company of the only other person in this place that didn't seem to be so bent on being dark and depressed. He hadn't meant to cause trouble. "You should go after him girl... for my own skin really. He might love you but i'm thinking he'd like to shield me off and spit me out when he was done with me." He said, trying to be lighthearted. It was just a small misunderstanding was all....



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Jocelyn's first reaction on seeing Rion was to smile. Things may be a little strained between them right now, but she loved him, and was always delighted to see him. The thunderous expression on his face made it quickly fade though, guilt taking it's place. She hadn't done anything wrong though, she told herself. She certainly wasn't half naked, letting Caelen touch her inappropriately, while he looked on. At that thought her guilt quickly turned to irritation. How dare he spit like that, after what he had done?


Jocelyn stared after Rion, trying to fight down her anger. Burn him! "I apologise for Rion's rudeness." Jocelyn said, her eyes still on his retreating back. "Please excuse me..." Not waiting for a response, Jocelyn all but stomped after Rion. She had never seen him look so livid, and caution tried to remind her that he could channel, that she did not know what he would do in his anger. Yet Jocelyn shoved caution aside. She was still angry herself, and deep down she knew he would never hurt her.


Catching up to him, she grabbed at Rion's arm to stop him, swinging him around to face her. "What under the light was that?" She demanded, hands on her hips and voice raised. How had everything turned upside down? She loved Rion, only Rion, and wanted to be with him more than anything. Yet seeing him with Adawyn had torn her apart, made her jealous like she had never been before. And it had hurt too. And now, to top things off, she had earnt Rion's anger. Sweet, timid Rion.


"If you have something to say to me then say it!" Jocelyn's chest heaved with her irritation as her gaze burned into the eyes of the man she loved to distraction.



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Rion quickly forced the voices down as he stormed away from the stables, heedless to where he was going and not really caring where he ended up. The voices had simply blended into an incoherent mass that was to much of a distraction. Priding himself on his rationality Rion needed to sort out his emotions before dealing with those added from the voices shouting at him.


The anger faded with the first voice, replaced with an overwhelming sense of guilt, despair, jealousy, a bundle of emotions that he couldn't try and comprehend when they were wrapped together. He could try, but there was simply to much going through him to let him think rationally.


Overreaction would be understatement, the guilt rising inside of him stemming from that fact. His anger had clouded his judgement and he had blown something that was most likely a small situation to something bigger than needed be. But he still felt hurt, that the woman he loved could so easily jaunt around in public with another man hanging on her arm.


So engrossed in his thought Rion wasn't even aware that someone was following him before a hand had grabbed his arm, pulling him around as Jocelyn's voice spoke. "What under the light was that?"


Rion let out a long breath he hadn't realized he was holding in, his throat constricting uncomfortably as he stared into Jocelyn's eyes. She was angry, that was obvious. Why does she have the right to be? Rion squashed the voice, forcing it into it's own corner so it wouldn't distract him.


"If you have something to say to me then say it!" Rion's jaw set, the last remnant of his anger resurfacing to the top, he forced the words past the lump in his throat.


"It seems there is nothing left to say. Is this your petty revenge, moving through the yards hanging on some man's arm and batting your eyelashes at him while claiming that you love me?!"


Rion looked away from Jocelyn's gaze as part of him tugged to make him walk away, to avoid the conflict rising right here. But the part that ground himself to the earth was the part that knew it would only get worse. That to take this festering wound from their relationship they would have to talk eventaully, and now was better than later.




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There were few things in life that got him into more trouble than his one, seriously flawing trait. Curiosity. Not just mild, but a need to know as much as possible about whatever happened to strike his fancy. And so Caelen found himself slowly walking towards the two young lovers, trying to stay hidden to see what sort of spat he'd just caused.


It didn't dawn on him that the young man could flay him alive and probably would if he saw him. It didn't cross his mind that the lovely Jocelyn just might want some privacy. What he knew what that something was happening and he wanted to know what.


So he moved unseen by the lovers until he could hear their little scene played out, even if he couldn't see it.



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"It seems there is nothing left to say. Is this your petty revenge, moving through the yards hanging on some man's arm and batting your eyelashes at him while claiming that you love me?!"Jocelyn's jaw dropped in outrage as she gaped at Rion, momentarily rendered speechless. That was so unfair! It was jealousy, plain and simple, that had Rion in it's grip, and even as her temper flared, Jocelyn understood the feeling. All the same Jocelyn could not let Rion's hasty words slide by.


"How dare you." She breathed, her voice soft and dangerous as she struggled to reign in her temper. "I don't know what kind of person you think I am Rion, but I am not one who tells the most wonderful man she has ever known that she loves him, just for kicks. Claiming to love you? You know that the only reason they don't have to tie me up is because I want to be here. Because I want to be here, with you." Jocelyn clenched her hands into fists, struggling to hold in the violent swirl of emotion, anger, hurt, jealousy.


Turning on her heel, Jocelyn started to walk away, afraid she would not be able to control her tongue, when she changed her mind. No, she would give him a piece of her mind, light knew he had earnt it of late. Swinging around once more, Jocelyn strode back to where Rion stood. "No, I won't have you associating me with that...woman." She spat angrily, pointing her finger accusingly at Rion's chest. "I was merely enjoying the company of a good humoured man, a friend. Someone to take my mind off that lightskirt. Do you see me standing here, even now, half naked while I let him intimately touch me? Do you see me NOT STOPPING HIM?!" Jocelyn's anger was a hair's breadth away from snapping once more, her voice once more increasing in volume.


"No you don't, because Caelen is not the man I love, you are, you wool-headed idiot!" Jocelyn poked Rion in the chest, caught up in her verbal explosion. "You are the one that makes me smile at the mere mention of your name, who makes me walk on air with just one glimpse. You are the reason I have sweet dreams, and wake happy. Light Rion, if I didn't love you as I do, why would I want to live with you? And why would I want to mar-...be with you?" Jocelyn trailed off for a moment. She had very nearly burst out that she wished to marry him. Couldn't she maintain any dignity?


Jocelyn sighed, much of the fight gone in her as the hurt she had felt since seeing Rion with Adawyn came to the fore. Valiantly she kept the tears at bay, though emotion was thick in her voice. "Seeing you with Adawyn tore me apart." She said softly, honestly, her humiliated gaze lowered. "And knowing it is likely my fault does not help...perhaps if I'd taught you more, had not wanted to...well it hardly matters now." Jocelyn sighed once more. "But do not accuse me of merely claiming to love you, when I love you to distraction." This time Jocelyn did walk away, her steps slow and her head averted as the tears she had bravely hidden began to flow silently down her cheeks.



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"Seeing you with Adawyn tore me apart. And knowing it is likely my fault does not help...perhaps if I'd taught you more, had not wanted to...well it hardly matters now."


A single word of anger was enough. Now, faced with an onslaught that threw everything he had assumed and put it under it's true light. He cringed after every sentance, a sense of great loathing for himself rising. How could he have let himself go like that, let his jealousy take over.


Ashamed at himself for not being able to take simple step back. No, it was not Jocelyn's fault. This fault rested entirely on his shoulders. A simple step could have prevented this. A single step. A step away from Adawyn, a word to tell her to stop.


And now he had hurt the only woman that had ever loved him, one of the few people who had ever wanted to be close to him, to appreaciate him for him. You need to do something. Why..maybe..maybe I don't deserve Jocelyn. If you truly beleive that, that even with the two of loving each other so much, that you cannot be together than you do not.


Rion took two steps foreward, reaching his hand out before his courage failed. How could he face Jocelyn now, what right did he have. What she had done to him was nothing compared to this. "I'm sorry." He breathed, bowing his head under the wieght of his his overwhelming pain, the pain of hurting the most important person in hs world this much.



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The words were only a soft whisper, but they conveyed so much. Jocelyn stilled, though she did not turn straight away. She believed him, simple as that. The faint words were heavy with emotion, and Jocelyn knew Rion meant them, knew that he truly was sorry. Light, it really was ridiculous. If she hadn’t been so jealous and overreacted as she had…but that would mean she loved him less than she did. She loved him so truly and deeply, the very thought of losing him made her feel as though her life were ending. He was her everything.


Brushing aside her tears, Jocelyn turned to face Rion, her heart lurching at the sight that greeted her. His eyes were downcast, pain and remorse etched into his features. Berating himself for hurting her, no doubt. It really was no wonder she loved this sweet, wonderful man. Blinking through her tears, Jocelyn stepped closer to Rion and took his hand in hers, lifting it to her lips and kissing it softly. “For an intelligent man, you can be surprisingly wool-headed at times.†She said with a small wry smile. “Couldn’t you see how incredibly jealous I was? I felt so threatened I couldn’t see straight.†Jocelyn looked down at Rion’s palm, idly caressing it with her fingertips.


“I overreacted, I know that now.†She admitted softly. “But I love you so much, the thought of anyone taking you away from me is just too much to bear. It made me worry that I had indeed made some terribly wrong assumptions about us.†Jocelyn deliberately avoided mentioning her specific fear, that she had been wrong to wait until marriage before bring truly intimate with Rion. She had humiliated herself enough.


Jocelyn couldn’t bring herself to meet Rion’s gaze. She had been terribly unfair, he may not have stopped Adawyn, but nor had she seen him encourage her attentions. She was just a jealous fool. “I’m sorry I yelled at you the way I did…among other things.†Jocelyn spoke softly, flushing crimson at the memory of how she had pushed Rion’s face into her cleavage. He hadn’t deserved the abuse she gave him, anymore than she had deserved Rion’s contempt just before. They were well suited it seemed, a pair of jealous idiots. “Can you forgive a jealous fool that loves you so much she can’t think?†She sniffed back the last of her tears as she raised her head to meet Rion’s gaze, a hint of a smile playing about her lips.



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Rion wiped at a tear that had begun to fall down his cheek as Jocelyn spoke to him. They did seem to be well suited, both loving each other so much that the mere thought of losing them throwing the one into a jealous rage. Each overreating to a large degree it seemed.


"I forgive you, though I am not alone in having to ask for that." Rion sighed softly, reaching out to take Jocelyn's hand for a the strength and happiness that came with it. "I overreacted as well, well overreacted would be putting it lightly. What I did back there..you didn't deserve it. Seeing you with him..it was....I was so afraid that you left me after what I had done." Rion let out a long shuddering breath, the shame inside of him adding another piece as he remember what he had done. Spitting and storming away had been too much.


"Nor did you deserve me commenting on you leaving...I don't hold any grudges over it, I still hold that you were justified in that action. I wasn't thinking...I don't know..They...." Rion let the sentance drop even as it formed. Bringing the reminder of the voices residing in his head was not needed, adding more salt to the wound.


"So could you forgive a woolbrained idiot, even when perhaps he doesn't completely deserve it. Forgive him because he acted without thinking, and then too stupid to see what you were really doing." He gave Jocelyn's hand a brief squeeze, he hadn't lifted his gaze back to Jocelyn's since he had begun speaing. Instead they were still looking at his hand around Jocelyn's. Wondering if he would still be able to see the two rings on the two hands that would truly mean he would have Jocelyn until the Fabric of Time itself unraveled.




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Jocelyn chewed on her lip as Rion spoke, the words he didn't speak reaching her just as loudly. The voices. She hadn't even considered 'them', but it did explain Rion's actions a little more, obviously they had not helped the situation, the conclusions he had obviously been jumping to. Light, she couldn't even begin to imagine what it must be like for him.


Lifting the hand that Rion wasn't holding, Jocelyn lifted his chin slightly so she could up look into his face, her love shining in her eyes as she met his gaze. "Of course I forgive you Rion! These past few days have been miserable, I couldn't survive without you." She smiled and squeezed his hand affectionately. Her whole life had felt like the clouds had settled in, darkening what was once so bright. Existance seemed pointless without him.


"In fact, the whole reason I was with Caelen today was because I needed a distraction from how unhappy I was, to be at odds with you." She stepped closer so she could whisper conspiratorily in Rion's ear. "The truth is, I prefer your company by far...kissing men twice my age isn't my idea of entertainment." Not anymore, she thought to herself. Not since Rion. She hadn't even looked twice at another man since she had met him, testament to just how much he had affected her.


How could he think she would ever leave him? "I love you, I am going to live with you." I am going to marry you. "No matter how you look at it, you're stuck with me." For better or for worse. Nothing would stand in the way of her happiness, not even some lightskirted wench who had a penchant for putting her hands where they didn't belong. Jocelyn would see to that.



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There were definitely times when it was wiser to keep quiet. Hidden away where the two had no idea he was a party to their conversation, it was perhaps best that no one know what he had overheard.


But no one ever accused Caelen of infinite wisdom or even a sane amount of self preservation.


"Kiss her you fool!" He hollered out from his hiding place. No matter what the man was, he loved the girl, any fool could see that and she loved him back. No reason for all this hemmin' and hawin' as he saw it. A little kissin' would go much better really.



((sorry, he wouldn't stay quiet any longer :P))


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Stuck with her, with Jocelyn. Like he would complain, stuck didn't exactly portray what he though about that. Stuck seemed so....forced, almost negative. Having Jocelyn forever was the greatest gift he could ever obtain, a dream except for the fact that it was reality. Rion was more grateful for that than anything else in the world. He was opening his mouth to say something when a voice from nearby shouted to the pair, well at least him.


"Kiss her you fool!"


Rion blushed fiercly though the words were able to produced a small smile as well. It wasn't from the thought of kissing Jocelyn..it was just the fact that someone had suggested it to him, which inevitably meant that someone was watching. He wasn't sure whym but Rion was always a little embaressed with displaying his love in public.


Rion smiled sheepishly, his cheeks a red that was apparent all to often when Jocelyn was around. He looked into her eyes and saw exactly what was reflected in his, love. A love that could not be measured, a love so deep that nothing could damage or destroy it. It may shake and waver as the surfaces become sctratched and wounded, only to show the true depth and strength beneath as it heals hundreds of times stronger.


"I was about to." Rion answered the question though only he and Jocelyn could hear. He lowered his lips to Jocelyn's and let the love behind the kiss show all that he could have possibly said without. Being at odds with her, this strained situation, had hurt more than Rion would have imagined it could. He had felt like he had lost Jocelyn forever because of his foolishness before and his rashness only a few minutes ago. To be reassured that he still had her..well...he felt alive once again. The kiss showed how much she meant to him, show how much he wanted to be with her and spend the rest of his days by Jocelyn's side. To live with her, to marry her. Rion needed her to be happy, to live, to be complete.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Jocelyn’s blush matched Rion’s for once when she heard Caelen call out. Not that she was afraid to show her affection for Rion in public, but she was rather embarrassed to have him hear about how foolish they had both been. Jealousy truly was a curse, and Jocelyn was three times a fool to ever doubt Rion in the slightest. As much a fool as he had been to doubt her faithfulness. She had not so much as glanced at another man since she met him, a true testament to just how deeply he had entwined himself in her heart.


”I was about to” Jocelyn’s smile was radiant as she tilted her chin to meet Rion’s kiss, the caress speaking volumes about their love. She sighed softly against his lips, relief flooding her as she twined her arms about his neck and held him tight. All the worry, anger and hurt from the past few days were washed away under the torrent of emotion flowing from Rion. Being in his arms again was like coming home after a long journey. This was where she belonged, where she wanted to stay.


It seemed an eternity before the kiss ended, though Jocelyn didn’t care about time, or even Caelen looking on anymore. She was back to rights with the man she loved, and that was all that mattered. Nothing had changed, except to strengthen the bond between them. They would still travel to Arad Doman and Andor, she would still live together with him in the house he was building. And she would marry him. Whether Rion knew it or not. She would not rest until he was truly hers, until she wore his ring on her finger.


Jocelyn did not step back from Rion, she was enjoying the renewed closeness far too much. Instead she hugged him close, pressing a kiss against his ear before whispering to him. “I love you Rion, and I always will. Nothing will ever be able to change that.” And she meant every softly spoken word. No loose woman would come between them, no jealousy, no wrongful conclusions. Theirs was a love that would last the test of time.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Rion was smiling brightly even though Jocelyn had no way of seeing. This was for himself. Now and forever. He repeated it softly against Jocelyn's shoulder as he buried his face in it and just held her. "Now and forever." His love and hers were all that was in that moment. The sounds around them, Caelen on his hiding spot even the voices inside of Rion were silent, at least to him, as again that whole in his chest was filled.


His resolve that he would ask Jocelyn to be his wife was reset and his knowing that they would never be apart. "I don't ever want to have to let go of you again." Rion took a deep breath, inexplicably overcome by emotion as he held Jocelyn. "Never again."


He squeezed his arms around Jocelyn once before loosening so he could look Jocelyn in the eyes. "I love you too, now and forever no matter what happens." Every word was true, every word ingrained deep within his heart and soul. He kissed her once more, light and fleeting.


The full effects of the day seemed to hit all at once and Rion actually looked at what he had done. His cheeks flamed red, Light what a fool he had been! "I really am lucky to have found someone who can deal with how much foolishness I let out today." He blushed an even deeper crimson as he realised that his actions had been seen. "Maybe it's not only you I have to apologize to either."




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