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AGT- Ideas Part 2


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I know, this is the hard part. However, getting here will help you build that world you're itching to work in! So, here's how this step works. We need to flesh out the 5 W's and an H. I use a lot of graphic organizers (just in case you can't tell with the Heart Maps and Mind Maps... *coughs*), so for this one I use a film strip. I dug around and found one to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Here's a small version of the film strip. You don't have to join this page or anything, as I've already downloaded this one. If you're interested in having it, though, just send me a msg with your e-mail addy and I'll forward it to you. It's a Word doc, so no weird programming issues. :)





So, we're actually looking for a 6-frame organizer and that one's only a 5. However, I'm pretty sure you can draw 6 boxes on a piece of paper and get the same result. This is more something quirky to get a 5th grader interested in using it than keeping a full-grown adult entertained, so pick which one you like and go with it! :D


Each box represents a part of a story. This is where your crafty minds start getting a workout. Yes, it's perfectly ok to name your vampire character Bob (I mean, Charlaine Harris named hers Bill...) here, as you can always change it to something more exotic and fitting later. Here's the layout of the boxes:


Box 1- the Beginning (where are you dropping your audience?) The authors of the Bible, for example, started at the literal beginning of everything, whereas RJ picked a relatively closer beginning to his story. Where you start is totally up to you, though I'd caution you against going too far ahead of your main plotline. (There are some other writer's-craft things we'll tie in here, later, but this will be a good place to start.)

Boxes 2 and 3- Rising Actions- think of two points that will come before the climax that you can build a scene from. Your story can have more, but pick two big ones and fill in the others later. Imagine The Eye of the World, where RJ threw in the Two Rivers getting attacked by Trollocs at the beginning, then that mess at Shadar Logoth that split everyone up. There's a ton of stuff between those two events (and Heaven knows a mountain that came after), but these were a good pair of starting points for rising action. You can always add more frames to this filmstrip later!

Boxes 4 and 5- The Culminating Problem- This is where you put the players in the right place for the climax of the story. In tEotW, we're talking the big showdown at the Eye of the World (that would be box 5, I believe). Finally getting everyone back together and moving them into position (think Green Man) would be box 4. It's that last push before all hell breaks loose and makes it impossible to put the book down before there's blood on the floor. Yeah, I bet you didn't put it down then, either, did you?

Box 6- Resolution and Conclusion- This is where you wrap up the climax and decide whether you're going to go further with it. Rand had to accept what he was when he started throwing the OP around, Lan had to come to terms with his heart versus his duty, Moiraine had to face a truth she had only believed in before then (hunting a thing and finding it aren't exactly the same thing, now, are they?).



So, let's give it a shot, shall we? If you run into a snag, by all means ask for help! Need an idea of how to twist these together? Pipe up! Helping each other and bouncing ideas off each other is the single best way to get the story where you want it! :)

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ooh ooh I have all the boxes for my story except 4 and maybe 5. I have something that could be 5 though I think.


But I've been stuck on 4 for like 2 days, and can't think of how to do what I need to do to set up for the climax.

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Sure! I may not hit them until tomorrow, but if you get it in my head, then I'll obsess about making the connection until I do it. LOL Thus the reason why outlining is one of my favorite things to do!

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Sorry, I have been fighting swelling and lesson plans for a few days. I haven't touched my story, either, or posted anything new. *big sigh* I'm going to do some this evening, though, so I'll attack your PM, then, too. :)

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