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Seheria Mori


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This thread is yours to post any RPs your Black has posted in each month. Please Update every month with any RPs your Black has been in. This info will be recorded on the monthly reports to show if you are active or not and if you keep your access here or not.

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June 2011 Rps:


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

*mumbles something about whats going on* We're in the Borderlands...Seheria is about to meet Cemarillinin.

Status: Ongoing


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), E&E Saga RPers

Hunting the Hunter

Status: Ongoing


Yellow Ajah E&E Saga. Next installment. Where we finally find the killer and it all comes out! Wait...no it doesn't! Seheria will see that it doesn't at all costs! But we do find the killer :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Augusts RPs:


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

*mumbles something about whats going on* We're in the Borderlands...Seheria is about to meet Cemarillinin.

Status: Ongoing


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), E&E Saga RPers

Hunting the Hunter

Status: Ongoing


Yellow Ajah E&E Saga. Found the Killer, time to investigate.

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Septembers RPs:


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), E&E Saga RPers

Hunting the Hunter

Status: Ongoing


Yellow Ajah E&E Saga. Still investigating, but its moving along. Should be done soon.


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

*mumbles something about whats going on* We're in the Borderlands...Seheria is about to meet Cemarillinin.

Status: Ongoing

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  • 1 month later...

November's RPs:


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

*mumbles something about whats going on* We're in the Borderlands...Seheria has met Cemarillinin. They have traveled out of the city and are in the woods on the way to Cema's meeting for info.

Status: Ongoing

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  • 1 month later...

February 2012:


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

*mumbles something about whats going on* We're in the Borderlands...Seheria has met Cemarillinin. They have traveled out of the city and are in the woods on the way to Cema's meeting for info.

Status: Ongoing


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), E&E Saga RPers

Hunting the Hunter

Status: Ongoing


Yellow Ajah E&E Saga. Next installment. Where we finally find the killer and it all comes out! Wait...no it doesn't! Seheria will see that it doesn't at all costs! But we do find the killer :)

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  • 2 months later...

May 2012


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

We're in the Borderlands...Seheria and Cemarillinin have made to a village to stop for the night. There is a Darkhound staying close to them, but they decide to press on to attend their meeting just the same.

Status: Ongoing



Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Novice Kaylynn (Kaylynn)

Herbs Aren't the Only Thing We Nurture in the Herb Garden (ATTEN: Kaylynn)

After Novice Kaylynn showed interest in herbs, Seheria arranged for her to show her true potential in the garden. Seheria will be watching to see if she has what it takes to join her ajah, Yellow, Black or both.

Status: Ongoing

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  • 1 month later...

June Rps


Seheria (Kathleen) and Arcon (Kura)

A Web of Black Silk

A Dreadlord and a Black Sister meet in Tar Valon to work out a deal.

Interdivision with CotS

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: 10 years less the Main Timeline


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

We're in the Borderlands...Seheria and Cemarillinin have arrived for the meeting and are sitting down for some tea.

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: +/- Main Timeline

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  • 3 weeks later...

July RPs


Seheria Mori(Kathleen) and Arcon (Kura)

A Web of Black Silk

A Dreadlord and a Black Sister meet in Tar Valon to work out a deal of partnership.

Interdivision with CotS

Status: Complete

Timeline: 10 years less the Main Timeline


Seheria Mori (Kathleen) and Arcon (Kura)

The Darker Path

The Dreadlord calls in his first favor and so Seheria comes to escort him back to his hometown, to declare the Dreadlord gentled. Its a Tug of War of Wills as the Aes Sedai and Dreadlord try to feel out the dynamic in their new partnership.

Interdivision with CotS

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: 10 years less the Main Timeline.


E&E Saga RPers

Hunting the Hunter

Soooo close to finally catching the scapegoat..I mean the hunter who has been killing the Yellow E&E.

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: Main Timeline

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  • 1 month later...

August 2012 Rps:


Seheria Mori (Kathleen) and Arcon (Kura)

The Darker Path

The Dreadlord calls in his first favor and so Seheria comes to escort him back to his hometown, to declare the Dreadlord gentled. Its a Tug of War of Wills as the Aes Sedai and Dreadlord try to feel out the dynamic in their new partnership.

Interdivision with CotS

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: 10 years less the Main Timeline.



Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha)

A bit of tea on the dark side

We're in the Borderlands...Seheria and Cemarillinin have arrived for the meeting and are sitting down for some tea.

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: +/- Main Timeline

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  • 4 weeks later...

Septemeber 2012:


Seheria Mori (Kathleen) and Arcon (Kura)

The Darker Path

The Dreadlord calls in his first favor and so Seheria comes to escort him back to his hometown, to declare the Dreadlord gentled. Its a Tug of War of Wills as the Aes Sedai and Dreadlord try to feel out the dynamic in their new partnership.

Interdivision with CotS

Status: Ongoing

Timeline: 10 years less the Main Timeline.

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  • 5 months later...

March 2013 Rps


Seheria Sedai (Kathleen), Cemarillinin Sedai (Liitha), M'bela (Liitha), Myyrth (Myyrth)

Long Shadows Gathering

Open Interdiv RP with the Congress of the Shadow.

A Dreadlady, a Myrdrral and two Aes Sedai gather for a meeting.....what you waiting for the punch line? Me too. Keep checking this RP (or join in) to find out. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

April RPs:


1) Seheria Mori (Kathleen), Aureli (Leala Gymorriane)

Herbs and Philosophy

The Accepted spends some time with the Sister to see if the Yellows may be the Ajah for her (or possibly the Black).


2) Seheria Mori (Kathleen) and Arcon (Kura)
The Darker Path
The Dreadlord calls in his first favor and so Seheria comes to escort him back to his hometown, to declare the Dreadlord gentled. Its a Tug of War of Wills as the Aes Sedai and Dreadlord try to feel out the dynamic in their new partnership.
Interdivision with CotS
Status: Ongoing
Timeline: 10 years less the Main Timeline.

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