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free character art (I'm bored)


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Anomander Rake please? :D


Appearance: Black skin, silver hair. Seven feet tall. Sharp featured.


Some quotes to help:


"Anomander Rake's skin was jet-black, befitting Gothos' description, but his mane flowed silver. He stood close to seven feet tall. His features were sharp, as if cut from onyx, a slight upward tilt to the large vertical-pupiled eyes.


A two-handed sword was strapped to Rake's broad back, its silver dragonskull pommel and archaic crosshilt jutting from a wooden scabbard fully six and a half feet long. From the weapon bled power, staining the air like black ink in a pool of water." - (GotM, US HC, p.159 )



"This moment marked the first time Baruk had ever seen a Tiste Andii face to face. He was more than a little disturbed. Such remarkable eyes, he thought. One moment a deep hue of amber, catlike and unnerving, the next gray and banded like a snake's - a fell rainbow of colors to match any mood." - (GotM, US HC, p.158)


heres the bio of my RP character Aggy. would love to see how she turns out


Full Name: Agitha Clementine


Nickname: Aggy


Age/Year: 15/5th year


House: Slytherin


Wand: Yew, Phoenix Feather, 11 inches


Appearance: 5 foot 11 inches. Jet black hair and deep green eyes that are sharp. She's tall, slinder and pale; catches the eyes of all the boys, she can be charismatic and usually gets her way.


Blood: Pure-Blood


Personality: She has a temper to reckon with and excel’s in DADA, Potions, and Transfiguration. She can also be arrogant and conceded at times. She is a skilled Occulmency/Legilmens, and is excellent at casting non-verbal spells. Supposedly she transferred from Drumstrang where she was slotted for the position of prefect (this is un true and a story made up by her mother). She seems to have many friends, although she has her own agenda and is usually only friends with someone because it serves a purpose.


She has the ambition of becoming the next Great Dark Wizard, and has made it her goal to learn Voldemorts trick of immortallity. She has unwavering loyalty to the Dark Lord and would defend him to the death; she can cast the 3 unforgivable curses with ease, the cruciatus curse and imperius cures non-verbally, but the Advada Kedavera curse she still has to say. If you cross her, she will kill you without batting an eyelash and think nothing more. She enjoys torturing people, house evles and animals as well.


Background: Her mom is Penelope Clementine, her dad is Henry Clementine, and both come from very old wizarding familys in Germany. Her mother is a Death Eater and when Voldemort was re-born and looking for new recruits, her mom immediately brought Agitha to the Dark Lord's attention. Voldemort saw a useful tool in Aggy and made her a Death Eater immediatley; Bellatrix taking her on as a student and teaching her the skills she would need to know. Bella was a harsh mentor to her, but Aggy idolizes her. She was brought into the Death Eaters at the age of 12 (3 years ago), and has been brainwashed into Voldemorts way of thinking. This mentoring under Bellatrix explains why she excels’s in the areas that she does.


Aggy has a dark mark, but has devised a potion which conceals it fro veiw. Her orders are the medial task of keeping an eye on the death eaters in place at Hogwarts already, as well as recruiting more students to join up as Death Eaters. Though, there are a few other tasks that even she is un-aware of.


Special Power: Skilled at Occlumens & as well as an Hyena Animungi





could you also do an aged version of her at about 35 as well, she's also the base for a main character in a book i'm writing, minus the Hogwarts attachment and the fact that she's 35 instead lmao




can't wait to see it, might have to post Abby & Everand as well


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