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Welcome to the nuthouse, Taea. Basket-weaving is over there, aimless wandering is over there. If you need anything, ask the friendly guys in the white coats; they're here to help you. Also, you must wear this at all times. *hands Taea a straight jacket*


Nice to have you in the Band!

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ah! There it is!


[wonders why it wasn't there when she looked before]


And yes I am! (happy to see you that is :D )


Excellent bio!


if you're up to it I'd LOVE to RP with Jatasha as Carnhain's story is much like hers and he's been in a rather depressive mood lately (almost killing your best friend does that to a guy)

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OH! Thanks for the welcome all....


Well... I don't know if my girl is up for scout work yet but maybe someday :P


And thank you for the straight jacket :: smiles outrageously:: you'll help me take it off later, right?


And thanks Estel! PM me with story stuff :P


And lastly.. see my new shiny Jatasha siggie :P



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lol...funny how you put the newbie in the straightjacket but allow the guy who's tried to kill his best friend three times to run loose...


and don't be afraid of blondes Quibby, us blondes are afraid of you...

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We used to have somebody in the Band about 3 years ago who would hand out straight jackets to all the new folks, and I'm kinda partial to tradition. Y'all have seen the 'Band DJ' that I occasionally tag onto my signatures; ask Drea where that came from.


And you're right: blondes tremble at the sight of me. Everybody else kinda likes me.

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ahh hahaha the Band DJ! I forgot about that!! *commands Quib to play music* now that I know you better, you really are the perfect minion- man for this job.


and I remember the straight jacket thing too... though who it was? not sure...


and umm... it's okay if you don't want to join the scouts.. I'm taking a class on how to share. Sharing 101. It's hard, but I've finally realized how selfish I can be. Besides, not everyone is cool enough to be a scout. ;) That's why we made Quibby Commander... he had to feel special SOMEHOW

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*sigh* I can't remember who it was, either... Anyhoo, yeah, I'm special. My mommy even says so :D


*DJ Mode*


Hey, long time, no yak! Of course, it's Quibby here, the obnoxious and overly-underachieved. It seems that the Band has a new girl on the block. Everybody, make sure to say hello to Jatasha when you see her, and keep the booze flowin'! Just make sure that that funny-lookin' commander guy doesn't get any. Aaaaaand on that note, I'm throwin' a tune at all y'all, a tune by yet another blonde bimbo... err, bombshell, Britney Spears, and "Hit Me Baby, One More Time." If you ask me, she didn't get hit hard enough...

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[obliges Quibby and whacks Brittany over the head with a crowbar]


stupid slut...


phaw...Scouts...hide in trees 'cuz they're scared of us angry horse dudes!

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