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IC, Jaem stepped down due to unnamed personal business. OOC, an NSW was made to be the commander until Calder Berrick (DM's Mat) can be brought in.


Howzit goin'?


Its good! Going back to school and getting paid for it so I'm only working like 2 days a week. Its funny cause I demoted myself which I would think Jaem had done. If I could come back even as just a sergeant or lieutenant that would be cool. If not maybe I'll just start a new character.


Hows it goin with you?


In a general forwards direction. Considering the possibility of graduating sometime, getting married in about a year, and climbing a pile of corpses towards world domination. Only two of these statements are true, by the way. Spending the summer in Europe, hoping that their manners, good taste, and general outlook on life may help. Very little hope of that.


I can't make any calls on whether or not that would be okay, unfortunately. I'm not the DL anymore. Don't know if we really have one at the moment. Basically, this is the anarchy board of the RP now. (And may it continue to be so. *shifty eyes*)


anarchy is my favorite kind of archy! mwahahaha


thats cool congrats, my friend. I'm in the middle of planning a wedding myself. Vegas baby!

  • 2 months later...

... for the love of Cthulhu, is this Old People Month or something? :tongue:


Ya, it's old people month! Quib, Arinith, how's it going? My life is settled down a little bit now and I've been itching to get back in to writing. What's been going on around town lately? You guys looking for an oldie to come back? Or you know what, I might be in the mood to make a new character. That might help me get back in to the swing of things. *Puts away his hearing aid and brushes off the old military coat*


I might have put on a few pounds but I might fit in the old uniform again ;p


There is an RP on the West board that we would love to have you in on. It's kinda stalled at the moment while we wait for another potential victim's bio to be approved, but a high concentration of awesome is expected.


*raspy voice* Joiiiiiiiiiin usssssssssssssssss....


Alright, sounds like a plan. Who's in charge these days? I have to dig up some of my old stuff, I think I might be able to find Ram's bio again (not sure though). I used to be a Banner Captain of the Scouts, but since I've been gone for years I don't know what I am anymore. It would serve Ram right to be busted back down to private (though, I wouldn't mind keeping the old WS).


Basically someone point me in the right direction and I'll start the paper work and join on the West board a.s.a.p. Also, for this RP is there and outline?


Technically, nobody's in charge right now. Our last guy wandered off, and we haven't gone looking for him yet. He might come back when he gets hungry. As for the outline, there is one, but it's secret...


Actually, it pretty much goes like this:


Small team of Banders (plus Mehrin) sneaks into Tanchico and establishes themselves in a couple inns. All PCs are in the same inn in order for, you know, actual RPing to take place.

Over the course of several weeks, they discover that Calder Berrick, the person they're in Tanchico to get, is staying in the Panarch's palace. They also discover a stranded Aes Sedai in need of extrication.

Plan is conceived to get into the palace, snatch Calder, and get out of the city, but a small hiccup appears: the Daughter of the Nine Moons and her court bard.

Through a string of rather complex and violent events, the DotNM is kidnapped, and the Band and Mehrin make their separate departures.

On the way out, a detour to the Illuminators' Guild is made in order to fight off any fliers, using nightflowers.




Gotcha, sounds like fun. I'm in! I'll get something up in the next day or so. If anything I do is to crazy just let me know and I'll humble fall back in line :p Since I was a scout back in the day I'll play it out that Ram stepped down (or was thrown down, both work) from leading the Scouts and went to work scouting abroad for the Band. Took a pay cut/demotion, the whole 9 yards. Came back to the citadel and was thrown back in to work on this mission.


Also, what the hell happend that Mehrin isnt in the band anymore? lol, this should be a good story.




Mehrin actually left the Band a long time ago. I'm just burning bridges and salting earth this time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Gotta keep things interesting somehow. Having a dude who can do nothing but sit around a fortress is really boring.

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