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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

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Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

*Quashes Megatrons voice*


Did you know if you scan a mirror onto your computer and set it as your background you can turn your monitor into a mirror?


I just did it now because I wanted to cut my own hair and I only have one mirror. Really helped me do it, its much neater than previous attempts. My sideburns look a bit odd though, and whenever I minimize Firefox I feel like Im being watched...






Does not actually recommend scanning a mirror

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

You can get something that LOOKS like a portal if you sit on the scanner nekkid

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

It's for science!


Why yes, yes it is. Everything is for science!


That's definitely not the kind of portal I want as a background.


These people would probably disagree with you


Well that's your problem sir. You're using firefox....


Its the fox isnt it. Always knew there was something foxy fishy about it

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

I just punched it and it didnt even flinch! That is one mean fox

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

Ive used Firefox for ages now and Ive never had a problem with it myself, ever. The computer downstairs here isnt mine though, its the guy I live withs' and hes had Opera of all things. Horrible! He was convinced an old computer of his got screwed over by Firefox despite the whole psychological warfare I waged on him about it being a sweet browser.


Funny thing is, his computer recently got seriously screwed over through Opera, and guess what he installed as the replacement browser?


Firefox, baby!


I win again, Lews Therin...

Guest Czechs In The M'Hael

So does the "your face" punchline apparantly, which, coincidentally, would have fit here nicely.



(srry about this pic, but I couldnt find something about blaspehmy in the few seconds I wanted to spend on it.)

Opera is some seriously good browser, I prefer it above FF. It works way better with arranging tabs, you can stack em and browse through em very easily, it has never crashed since the latest patch when it needed to restart.


Well, I used firefox for a long time, but I like opera best.


You'll probably disagree with me but:

/me mutters something like: everyone is entitled to his own view.


Well Opera for me was just really slow. That's why i didn't like it. I haven't used it in so long, so I really don't know how it is now lol.


Like the fastest browser around, I believe Opera 11 is faster then chrome, and it has an option for slow networks named opera turbo, which will compress web pages, so they will load faster.


Good, my plan is working to get everyone to stop using Firefox so I can have it all to myself.


Really though, I hate how IE is the default browser for Windows, it's awful and slow.


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