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Basel Gill

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I just registered; I've been working my way through WoT for the first time and decided to check out what seems like a vibrant and fun community based around it. I'm about halfway into reading TFoH and enjoying it muchly. I've heard the series gets less interesting as RJ began dragging things out too long around this point, but I'm still having fun seeing what happens. There are several other novel series I'm in the middle of, so I have no clue when I'm going to fully catch up to everyone else!

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Hey Basel! Don't feel bad if you're behind! I've been around DM since 04 or 05 and still have yet to read the new books that came out, not to mention I desperately need to reread basically the entire series, but that's a work in progress and slightly difficult during my semester abroad in Spain.


Anyways, we love seeing newbies around and like to encourage you to come and participate in some of the same events we're in! For example, as second in command of the Band of the Red Hand social org, I highly recommend you come and check us out! We talk about various travel ordeals and have lots of different music threads you can join in whether you decide to become a band member or not. Currently we're trying to decide what is the best classical music piece.


Also, the White Tower social org is a pretty popular social org to become a part of, and that's where I first started out upon joining DM. There's a lot to do there, and I'm currently one of the Brown Ajah Sitters.


Don't be afraid to check out any of the other areas as well!!

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Hey Basel! Don't feel bad if you're behind! I've been around DM since 04 or 05 and still have yet to read the new books that came out, not to mention I desperately need to reread basically the entire series, but that's a work in progress and slightly difficult during my semester abroad in Spain.


Anyways, we love seeing newbies around and like to encourage you to come and participate in some of the same events we're in! For example, as second in command of the Band of the Red Hand social org, I highly recommend you come and check us out! We talk about various travel ordeals and have lots of different music threads you can join in whether you decide to become a band member or not. Currently we're trying to decide what is the best classical music piece.


Also, the White Tower social org is a pretty popular social org to become a part of, and that's where I first started out upon joining DM. There's a lot to do there, and I'm currently one of the Brown Ajah Sitters.


Don't be afraid to check out any of the other areas as well!!


I've given the social areas some thought but not sure which one fits me, especially if I choose to stay true to the Basel character as shown in the books. Do those that take a WoT-based screen name feel a need to play themselves in a style close to that character? And is your WT group limited to female channelers and Warders, or is it open to all?

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No they can do whatever they like. I have a bonded who goes by the name of Lewstherin and lo and behold.. he's a Red Ajah Brother :wink:



The WT isn't limited to female Channelers and male Warders. The paths are open to both genders :biggrin:



So, welcome and I guess I'll see you round :D Also, there is no limit to the amount of SG you can join. So if ones not your home you can always continue on.

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