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Dragonmount Social Group Twitter


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Our leader upstairs, Kivam, has decided to create a Twitter account for all the Social Groups here at DM. This means that all Social Group leaders (and mods like myself and Emperor) will have access to this account and will post events, discussions, etc. on occurrences (both WoT themed and not) that happen here in our SG's.


The account is: @DragonmountSoc



We're hoping this lends itself to increased Social Group involvement by both current DMers who are active in SG's, those DMers who only stay in the WoT discussion boards, and hopefully some new recruits.


Now, this obviously isn't a requirement for anything, I was just asked to post the information. However, as a staff member here, I hope those of you who already have Twitter will follow this account. Those of you who don't have one, I wouldn't suggest making one for the sole purpose of following this account, but maybe this will break down the final barrier barring you from making an account.


Either way, you have been informed.

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It's only the hottest new trend in social networking and information overload!


Basically it's kind of like the facebook status in 140 characters or less. But it's constant. Some people literally tweet (post) what they're doing every 5 minutes (which is stupid).


I personally have a twitter and I use it to follow friends, celebrities, athletes, and writers/comedians.



Do you even have a facebook?

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I just do not get Twitter. I know some people use it to follow what their favorite writer says or other famous people. Hell I am greatly annoyed at facebook status updates. I actually think less of people I know when I read some of their updates.


Twitter is also a fad I think is outdated already and will only last a short time longer.

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