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Welcome Endra kin'Fox!!

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Welcome to the Band of the Red Hand Endra kin'Fox!! We're thrilled to have you here and hope you have an amazing time. I do believe I saw that corki has already added you to the usergroups and as such you should be able to see all kinds of new fancy boards to go and hang out in. So, go, explore, and enjoy! F Horn of Valere will be contacting you shortly about what comes next, while I'm just going to give you these:


*hands the newbie a plate of extra special chocolate fudge brownies and a mug of Brew tea*


I'm Jea, by the way, the Under Commander, and in charge of all of your points (so sign in to roll call and start getting active so I can move you up those ranks ;) )

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Hello and Welcome


I am Wolf of the cavalry, I hope you enjoy your brownies.

Please feel free to explore and post as much as you can.


Also ask as many questions as you feel like, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers

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Welcome to the Band!!!! I'm Kaylen, of the Infantry, and it's very good to meet you :biggrin: I hope you have a wonderful time while you are here!! If you have any questions feel free to ask! We're a pretty nice bunch :wink: Feel free to join in any thread you may see and you should definitely stop by the Pink Loincloth Tavern! I'm sure with you being new you could probably get a few free drinks :happy: And be sure you stop by the Infantry barracks after they get your permissions set up so you can see them! We love seeing new faces there :biggrin:

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Welcome to the Band!!!! I'm Kaylen, of the Infantry, and it's very good to meet you :biggrin: I hope you have a wonderful time while you are here!! If you have any questions feel free to ask! We're a pretty nice bunch :wink: Feel free to join in any thread you may see and you should definitely stop by the Pink Loincloth Tavern! I'm sure with you being new you could probably get a few free drinks :happy: And be sure you stop by the Infantry barracks after they get your permissions set up so you can see them! We love seeing new faces there :biggrin:


Welcome to the Band!!! I'm Volke of the Infantry, its good to meet you.

And believe me, you'll get more than a few free drinks. I'll make sure of it! *runs back to the tavern so he can whip up some drinks for the new person*

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