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New Seanchan Org Leader!


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Guest Emperor

Uh, hi everyone. *waves shyly*


I could give the "I have a vision speech", but that speech drags on and steals muchly from MLK, JR and Kennedy. I could say how I want to help SC return to it's glory days but those days are past. I hope to lead SC into a new state of being... wait how did I get back into my "I have a vision speech". Anyway, thank you for the opportunity to lead such a great org once again.


ps. really I just wanted to be org leader to impress chicks. *grins and runs away*

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Guest Majsju

Congratulations, Empy-poh. I can not see anyone more suited to restore SC's well deserved glory.


And now, where's the champagne? :D

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oh. I. am. erm. so.... surprised?


want me to break up with you now so that you can pursue all the hotties that throw themselves at you now that you have power?

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  • 1 year later...

Im pretty sure I can still dig up the whole "I cant use tampons because Im so tight" chat transcripts if anyone wants a good laugh.  :P


AND WHERE THE HELL IS THE CoL SECTION?!?!  How are Jim and Dave ever expected to find their way home now?!?



Once known as Furyk Karede

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