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Better check your sentries


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*soaks Hoofy's flames**


Blackhoof, You forget I am a flaming turtle and can't be burnt, as I am already on Fire! :tongue:


Your flames just make me stronger.


Ha ha ha! How amusing! You think that my flames are so weak as to be absorbed by your firey shell? Mwa ha ha HA! MY flames are so powerful that you burn faster than you absorb my fire, so you burn anyway! MWA HA HA HA!

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silly lightfool archer, can quench my flames, but i shall just make more, so much flame it shall become a roaring inferno that sucks in anything atround it in a desperate gasp for air! Your pathetic ice-cream-stream-scheme shall evaporate instantly under this hellish heat and the tube that fires it shall crack and melt with it! you, on the other hand, will become a pile of ash instantly, your skin, flesh, blood and bones disintegrating and blowing away on the summer breeze.....

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**weaves healing on deadly**

Come on, hoof, Rush a torture, ruin a torture. You can't torture a pile of ashes.

Besides, I was planning on having fun with this little invader.

*stabs deadly*


Ha ha ha! How amusing! You think that my flames are so weak as to be absorbed by your firey shell? Mwa ha ha HA! MY flames are so powerful that you burn faster than you absorb my fire, so you burn anyway! MWA HA HA HA!

It's not the shell, but the flames. Besides, I have a ter'angreal that makes me immune to anything Hoofy might do.

It's a pretty good thought that Flame + Flame= Stronger flame.


There is only one thing that can quench your flames hoof and that is ICE *pulls out a tube of gas nitrogen and shoots it towards the roaring flames*


Do I see Deadly trying to come to my rescue? My hero!

Or, wait- you aren't aiming that nitrogen at ME are you? :sad:

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Your ganging up on me! This is SO unfair! IM TELLING NAE!


*storms off to tell Nae, almighty dark mistress of Shayol Ghul*


Ps: Nae is still the ruler of SG, right? hard to keep track of all the coups and depositions

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no one can learn without pain. The fear of being in pain makes you stronger, harder, It=s the strength of learning not to male the same mistake twice. Plus stabbing is a sign which means you are close to the person your stabbing. (I learned that fro Law and Order SVU) anyway, peace out!

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I couldn't even right any kind of poem besides this little one from a long time ago...


There was once a man from Peru

He dreamed he was eating his shoe

He woke with a fright

in the middle of the night

to find out that his dream came true


Yep thats as much poem as I can create.

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