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WOT Fans honor International Women's Week


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Hello everyone,


I'm sure by now you've noticed all the Red Ajah's International Women's Week threads and blogs.


Well, there's more! :happy:






As most of you know, the Red Ajah's International Women's Week is based on the real life International Woman's Day event that occurs each year on 8th March. This year marks the 100th anniversary of this event and we decided that deserved extra attention.


We are all fans of the Wheel of Time and as such, we all identify in one way or another with the concept of the Servant of All. The ideal in which people put themselves in service of others is something I'm sure we've all dreamed of at one point and perhaps even fantasized on how our world would be if it embraced such a concept.


Well, we can embrace it and many people already do and have done so for centuries. Not with magic, special powers, dragons or wands, but with the tools they have. A determination to make the world a better place. And that starts with one small step, followed by another small step. One person taking one step may not seem very grand and impressive, but if ten people take one small step at the same time in the same direction people will notice. A hundred taking that small step and eyebrows lift. A thousand people brings in the world news reporters. A million and the ground shakes. All from one small step.


We hàve Servants of All in our world. They've always lived among us, fought for us, died for us.


The International Women's Week Real Life event honors those servants that came before us and those that will come after. We celebrate the accomplishments achieved and keep awareness alive for the struggles still to overcome.


By taking one small step, you too can make a difference.


As a WOT fan you can let the world know you stand for equality between men and women in all corners of the world, all layers of society.


Visit the IWW Website and check out the activities already in place. Join them like others have before you or, if you are brave, organise your own little activity for people to join.


Together, we can make the ground shake!


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