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Hello Dragonmount members,



I'm so happy I found you! I never thought I'll find an active WoT community.

I started to read WoT series 3 weeks ago, I think I don't have to say it became my favourite after the first book. Currently I'm reading Dragon reborn, as I realized the real drama starts here, poor Rand...

Btw I'm a hungarian girl (sorry for my shortcoming english. :)) and I never heard anything about Robert Jordan or WoT until this year's January. The funny thing is a romanian girl -called herself Lanfear, so she is a bad girl hehe- advised this serie who I spoke in LOTR Online MMORPG. She said it's a must read book serie and yes I have to agree with her it really is!

Now I'm totally addicted and I can't speak about the book with hungarians because so few people read it, you can't buy it from bookstores only from a small fantasy book publisher. (Yes I know it's not the real when you read a translation, but I think my english is not good enough to enjoy and understand every aspect of the original book.)

That's why I was searching for an 'international' community where I can talk/ask, finally I found you.


So I'm still new with the WoT serie and with the forum. I need to read the topics wisely if I want to avoid spoilers :D, but I'm on it to getting know the site/forums. Btw I welcome your advices what topic is a must read, etc.



I hope I didn't bore you with my story and I wish all of you a nice day (warmer, sunnier then here)! :happy:

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Welcome to DM!!!! So glad to have another addict of WoT onboard with us :)


If you want to avoid spoilers you will need to be very careful in the WoT discussions boards. But you can always check out the Social Side of DM to meet some new people while steering clear of the spoilers :)


And you're english is just fine!!



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Welcome to DM! :biggrin:


I went to Budapest last September - lovely city! I hope to return some day in the future. Plus I went to a Hungarian restaurant with my mum and girlfriend last Thursday here in London. While not a fine cuisine like France, it's very hearty and I like it!


Enjoy looking around DM, and if you fancy discussing music and travel, do pop by the Band of the Red Hand Social Group.

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