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Emond's Field Power Distribution


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I was just rereading book 4, and when people started saying 'You don't want to mess in Women's Circle business,' and stuff like that, it got me thinking. What exactly are the powers of the Women's Circle, the Wisdom, the Village Council and the Mayor. I haven't really seen Bran do anything, except scold Mat a lot, and the Women's Circle's business seems to cover just about everything. What exactly are the divisions of power?


Women's Circle handles internal affairs (likely organization/etc, but not really specified afaik), and anything that deals primarily with Women. Women's Circle is presided over by the Wisdom, who has the added task of looking after the health of the village. Village Council deals with external affairs (Bran deals with Merchant's, the Village Council orders in the Fireworks/Gleeman for Bel Tine, the Village Council discuss whether or not the news that Padan Fain brings will affect Emond's Field) and anything that deals primarily with men (I would think). The Mayor presides over the Village Council, and directly interacts with outsiders on an official capacity - he has the Scales of Office with which he measures coin and the like, and it is the Mayor who would likely have to deal with any outsider noble or the like.

Judiciary Matters are dealt with by both groups, you can take a matter to the attention of either the Women's circle or the Village council (this is mentioned when Faile is dealing with the boundary dispute back in... Lord of Chaos? I think), and have the group you wish to rule upon the matter take action. Likely the Village Council and the Women's Circle would deal with very difficult or important matters, like a murder (although I'm not really sure, this is just supposition).


Hope that helps!


The way I view it is that--on paper--the Women's Circle handle matters of moral propriety--marriage, appropriate behaviour etc--whilst the Village Council handle the more practical matters. Law and order, so forth.


That being said, its been made clear the Women's Circle actually stick their fingers in wherever they choose--and with great success, if the opinion of characters like Moiraine mean anything.


Although technically the Village Council have the 'political' upperhand, the Women's Circle - being women - 'provide input' to all facets of Emond's Field life, just like an average family dynamic.


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