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Welcome to the Band Recruit Volke!!!


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Welcome Recruit Volke!!! I'm recruit Katiora, and I thought I'd go ahead and welcome you on behalf of our dear CG and XO, who are always awful busy running things (or at least that's what they tell us). One of them will be along shortly to request for you to be added to our user group, until then feel free to post in any of the threads here!


I saw in your post that you want to become an archer, which is great, however in order for you to choose Archers as your Regiment you will have to go through a short training program which will allow you to become more familiar with the band as a whole and its individual regiments.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time here! If you have any questions feel free to pm myself, Sir Horn or Corki, or really anyone that you see is active here, we're an awful nice group!

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Yes, yes, yes! We are always busy running things! So, Horn, get me my drink now! :biggrin:


Anyway, silliness aside, welcome to the Band of the Red Hand Social Group! I have replied to your PM, and we should hopefully get you up and running shortly - it all depends on the speed of the admins, since we have a few requests still waiting to be processed.


In the meantime, feel free to get involved in our activities, and get ready for a month of the 1980s!


*waves his :bandredhand: banner all over the place*

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Corki!!! You know he deserves it!! and it didn't hurt him, it hit his helmet!! Think about how much he has been pestering you these past few days... Now you wouldn't punish me for tryin to get back at him for tryin to make me send you a bunch of pointless pms would you?? not to mention he called me awful....

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Trying to impersonate a member of the Cavalry..


That should be an offence in my book Corki!


Even if it was TRAITORS fault :tongue:


Welcome to the Band Volke!


I am Sir Imperium of the Cavalry, please stop by the Yard to discuss the art of quaffing while attempting to ride a horse!

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*nervously looks at Kaylen* "Your not gonna hit me too are you? I heard that thwack from all the way over there"

*looks around* "thanx for accepting me guys and gals (i think there are a coupleof them somewhere). Can't wait to get used to the swing of things"

*turns toward Sir Imperium and Salutes* "I would be honored to sir! When would you like me to visit sir!"

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*burst into conversation*


As a completely incapable judge of most things and quite possibly even worse a judge of character when i get *hic* tipsy from that stumbling soldier thing *burp*


I defintately think that *hic* he didn't do it!

I tells ye

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