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Point & Click Adventure Games

A. Pseudonym

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I really like games with a story... as well as good puzzles, so I'm wondering if anyone could contribute any names I haven't come across before.

I'll give you a list of the titles I've played/seen played so far.


Syberia 1 & 2 : Excellent games, the search for the heir to a mechanical automoton company.

Machinarium : Very distinctive art style, a newer game. Well worth playing.

Still Life : slow-moving and rather boring, with some impossible puzzles. If you played it, you'll remember the lockpick puzzle.

Nikopol : Interesting story involving Egyptian Aliens trying to take over Paris (I think). Boring as hell though.

Sinking Island : Unique game where you are a detective investigating a murder on an artificial island which is sinking. The gameplay consists of interviewing the characters and assembling evidence. Very deep, very satisfying experience.

The Longest Journey : A earth-woman journeys into a fantasy world style plot. It leaves me nostalgic. I really enjoyed it.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey : The sequel. Schizophrenic as it trys to combine half the game genres in existance together. There's fighting sequences, stealth sections, fetch quests and a storyline that goes nowhere. Terrible.

Myst Series : I played the first, but it was so old I didn't bother finishing it. The later games might be worth a look.

Beneath A Steel Sky : A british game (the only one, I think) involving a city ruled over by a tyrannical AI machine. Full of black humour.

I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream : A horror game with a very disturbing storyline. An insane AI machine holds the last few humans alive captive so that it can eternally torture them.


I've seen monkey island being played and am not interested.


If more occur, I'll post them. At the moment I'm installing Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened. I'll let you all know how that pans out.


So could anybody add to this? I quite enjoy this genre and I fear I'm reaching the end of it.

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I've played Riven: Sequel to myst on the ps1.. Almost had it beat, final area which was a music puzzle (gah) only problem was, it was a randomized tune. I had to go outside, and my mother saved the game on me, at the bottom of a one-way elevator thus screwing my entire game. :P


I've also got myst 4 I think it is. (the half mmo version) didn't get to far in it, lost interest fast.



If you do like good story, with the occasional puzzle, check out Legacy of Kain, Soul Reaver 1&2, and Legacy of Kain: Defiance.

Its got combat, but really thats just to keep your mind from wandering. ;)

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Yeah I've played the Legacy series. Good story, bad gameplay. I might give the Myst sequels a look.


Sherlock Holmes the Awakened turned out pretty good. It seems to be about Holmes investigating a Cthulhu cult.

The gameplay is 1st-person, moving with wasd. You need to find clues to progress. The faux-english accents are hilarious. "I have no reason to be hyaaar."


Unfortunately, whether my copy is corrupted or I installed it badly, the game is full of glitches. Second level in, cutscenes aren't playing and mysterious black voids are appearing in the environment.


I might have done something wrong with the patch. Oh well....

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Okay heres a modern version for ya.


Heavy Rain, PS3. ;)


Indigo Prophecy is for the PC, supposed to be good and thats all 'puzzle' I guess. (havent played it myself.)


On those LoK games, did you play Defiance?

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I played Indigo Prophecy. Or as I know it, Fahrenheit. Finished it in a day. I saw a playthrough of Heavy Rain too, so it's spoiled.


As for LoK, I own Soul Reaver 1, and have played most of the others. Defiance was probably the best. I would love to know how Blood Omen 2 is supposed to have fit into the storyline though.


I still can't get the Awakened to work. The Elder Things have cursed me...


I shall have to obtain a copy from, uh, other sources.

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Bo2 is kinda like the red headed step child that lives under the stairs of the series.

In many ways its actually 'after' Defiance, in others its a prequel. With all there time travel stuff goin on, Escentially Bo2 is 'a' universe were the sarafan have escaped, something that wasn't possible until... well, Defiance. (kinda)

So its almost like.

Defiance leads to Sarafan escape.

Sarafan go back in time, and mess with Kain.

Paradox aside, Kain sends sarafan back... Somehow or another.


Comes down to it, Bo2 would have made more sense if it didn't exist. :P


Anyways, As far as Myst Goes, The 'last' one that came out, went back to the old-school methodology.

Meaning, they actually use Real People & videos again, and its mostly point and click.

The one just before that, is just like myst uru where you can actually run around, look where you want to.


I' myself will probably pick up one or the other sometime in the future, just to say I beat a myst game. (They are freakin hard) And becuase they are pretty as hell.

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I would definitely give Final Fantasy a try. Especially VII through X. Those ones have some good puzzles in them, and epic storylines. X-2 through XIII, still epic storylines, but not so much on the puzzle aspect. All in all, my favorite gaming series ever.

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I' myself will probably pick up one or the other sometime in the future, just to say I beat a myst game. (They are freakin hard) And becuase they are pretty as hell.


If you do start playing Adventure Games, let me recommend Syberia foremost of all. It's got a great sort of melancholy feel to it's story, music and environments. You play a female laywer who turns up in this town, representing a toy company that's buying out this wooden clockwork/automoton company. It gets complicated when you learn that the owner of that company who you're supposed to sign the deal with has died.... and that there's this other mysterious heir out there somewhere, who was supposed to be dead.

It's not action-packed, or particularily dramatic, it's just a good story with good characters and interesting puzzles. The sequel continues where the first left off, making it a continuous narrative over 2 games, which is unusual.


If you can't find a copy to buy, well... the internet is a bountiful place....


Have you tried the Broken Sword games? They're old but they're pretty fun.


No, but I've heard of them, so they're on the to-do list. What's your opinion on them?"


I would definitely give Final Fantasy a try. Especially VII through X. Those ones have some good puzzles in them, and epic storylines. X-2 through XIII, still epic storylines, but not so much on the puzzle aspect. All in all, my favorite gaming series ever.


I've played 8, 10 and 12.

I enjoyed 8 a great deal, did everything it was possible to do in it. Next to Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead and Age of Empires, this is one of the games I've played most.

10 had Tidus in it, which is a black mark in my opinion.

12 had Vaan, who looks like a girl, frankly. All the male characters in that game look outrageously effeminate. Even the black guy had skin-tight, pink leather pants. Disturbing.... :blink:


But then compare this with the scene in 7 where Cloud gets gang-raped by the very large men in the bath tub. FF has always been a little weird.

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But then compare this with the scene in 7 where Cloud gets gang-raped by the very large men in the bath tub. FF has always been a little weird


I don't remember that. :P


This reminds me.


Theres a new game out called Amnesia. From what i've seen, there is no combat, its simply you running and hiding. ;)


Theres also another game based on little red riding hood, called. The Path.

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But then compare this with the scene in 7 where Cloud gets gang-raped by the very large men in the bath tub. FF has always been a little weird


I don't remember that. :P


I can't remember the specifics, but it was when you were infiltrating a brothel. Cloud ended up getting backrubs or something from a crowd of huge, burly mustachioed men.


Bizarre. Warped a few kids minds, I bet... ;)


This reminds me.


Theres a new game out called Amnesia. From what i've seen, there is no combat, its simply you running and hiding. ;)


Theres also another game based on little red riding hood, called. The Path.


Yep, played that. I need to play the Penumbra series as well, by the same company.


Amnesia was really terrifying. Best bit for me was the Storage level, where I had run out of lamp oil and was reduced to crawling around in the pitch darkness, expecting to get jumped at every corner.

Being chased out of there was the perfect contrast to the exploration of that level; a long period of tense build-up followed by a sudden, brief, pursuit by a couple of monsters.


Ha! Excellent game.


Ending was a bit lacklustre though. Especially compared to the general quality of the rest of the game. I think they rushed it.




And for anyone who still cares, I got the Sherlock Holmes game working.


It's pretty good, and unintentionally funny at times, You have Watson as a companion but the thing is he never actually moves when you look at him, it's like he has no running animations.

So, what happens is that if you walk backwards to get a good distance between yourself and him, he won't move closer to you.... but if you look away and back he'll have suddenly teleported to your side. Hax!

It's even more strange when you go through doors, look around and see him standing ahead of you in a place he couldn't have possibly got to without covering the intervening distance.


Also, Holmes gives Watson a quiz at least once a level where you need to type in the answer. Usually it's the most random crap you could conceive amd I've needed to consult a walkthrough twice.


Other than that it's a good game. I'm on the 4th level now in New Orleans and already loads of people have got killed. Plenty of gore. No Lovecraft creatures yet, besides some mysterious black worms that burst out of a corpse when Watson teleported near it.

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