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It was the wrong type of unrealistic. And here is the quote:


It's an epic story of 18 til 25 books. To tell you why it can be so much, I have to tell you some things about the story. You can be sure you will know every part of this if you've read book 1. It is about seven worlds, not just one, like most fantasy. I had the idea while thinking of the Wheel of Time mirror worlds. Only are these worlds past and future of each other, like the seven ages in WoT. There is an eighth world, larger than the others (to make the fight equal), where Orcs live (and these Orcs will not be just monsters. Some men will be more like monsters). Some of these Orcs have found a way to shift to the other worlds. And they have a culture you have to defeat anyone who has power. The main character is the only one who has the same talent (NOTE: This person is not a mage, as people would maybe expect). I will need two books (I think) to "explain" the worlds to him (and of course the readers). Then I think I will need for 2 or 3 books for each world to unite them, so that the Orcs will not crush them. But each book will have a part of what happens in each world, like the Wheel of Time talks about multiple storylines at the same time. Then I'll need two books for an epic ending.


Sounds great, you should work on it.


There is a drastic difference between writing a bunch of books and entering states of delusion. I could legally be held in a ward. You are what people write off as artistic, or creative.


I will work on it again once I finish that damned map. I've been working on it for at least a week now.


Do you need help with it? You could always ask the Artist Guild to spoof it up for you.


By the way, I didn't quote everything. Only the part about this book. I also write some about my other ideas, to start with the first realistic one.


I'm almost ready with it. And it's just on paper, so that I know where the Gateway (sort of) has to go. They already have such things in book one. I don't think anyone will expect that...


Better no. Those other three ideas are not ready, I think. One has to be changed in the first books, because it looked too much like Wheel of Time with some differences (if you know the whole storyline, you don't think so), and the others are just not as creative and different from anything else as this one.


Is there a problem with spam (also look at my avatar)?


Of course not. I just meant because it was implying that we are spamming when we aren't. We are doing what the thread was made for.


I don't know what Eragon did. I only know the first film. But that is different enough from WoT and LotR that I wouldn't have thought about it if I had known WoT and LotR by then.

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