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January Sign in Discussion


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It doesn't actually have to be that cold for it to snow! We usually get a couple of weeks of snow in December/January where I live and it rarely drops below -5. A scarf and gloves and you're set. :D


Although maybe -5 is really cold for you... :P

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*laughs* Where I live, the low for this time of year is just at freezing and I'm miserable. My husband sets the temp in the house at 72 and I need layers and blankets (72= 22C, btw). So, -5 C sounds like hell on Earth to me. *smirks* Gimme 100 (37C) and 100% humidity ANY DAY!

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Oops, totally forgot that most people on the internet think in Fahrenheit, haha. I'm completely illiterate in it. I remember once watching an American TV show and one of the characters said something like "Why are you sweating? It's only 80 degrees!" and I had a massive "WTF????" moment! XD

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