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Please welcome our newest Trolloc!


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Welcome Froggy!!! At long last you have come to us!!!


(now can we lick her back and see if she secretes hallucinogenic bufotoxins? )



Aust dear - first the wanting to kiss her in the SS welcome thread and now wanting to lick her? Are you going in to Heat? :rolleyes:

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Welcome Froggy!!! At long last you have come to us!!!


(now can we lick her back and see if she secretes hallucinogenic bufotoxins? )



Aust dear - first the wanting to kiss her in the SS welcome thread and now wanting to lick her? Are you going in to Heat? :rolleyes:



You know I did notice my nipples were a little tender and swollen...

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Psh, I am a frog. Frogs just don't inspire much dread even as lords, and a magical frog trying to torture you with magic is laughable, but a frog trolloc gets to be part human and carry sticks.... and eat people... a half human frog that eats people is rather threatening me thinks... at least more so than the others... so me be frog trolloc!

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