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Road Rules (Kael and banders)


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Mors Sicarius was on his first assignment. Well, his first true assignment. He'd done errands, and he'd halped Lavinya Sedai arrange her furniture for a time, but those weren't real assignments. He'd been sent, with Master Orion, to Arad Doman to deliver an letter. He didn't know to whom he was to take it, only the where. Slowing his steed to a halt, Mors looked back to Master Orion. Mors was quite determined to get his task completed as quickly as possible, and so he tended to ride ahead of his master. It was entirely foolhardy, but he still did so, he couldn't help it. He was finally given an opportunity to prove his worth, and he intended to do so. So as not to seem impatient and rude, Mors said nothing to Master Orion, unless asked, though Mors was quite anxious.


I am on my way to being a Warder! I will prove my worth! He thought to himself, smiling faintly in his reverie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Orion was quiet through most of the journey to no fault of Mors. He was always nervous when he was in places he had never been before since he had lost his sight. He was relying on Mors to guide them even if their journey to Arad Doman wouldn't be anything really to worry about. He was confident in the boy's ability after all.


"Mors, find someplace for camp for the night so we can get off these horses. I've had enough for today, you?" Orion nodded and waited to see where Mors would set off to so he could follow. His swords were dragging on his shoulders and his legs were beginning to sore.




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"Certainly, Master Orion." Mors immediately rode off, scouting around, looking for a suitable place.


Eventually he selected a small clearing, large enough for a pair of tents or a tent, or simply a fire or some measure or comfort. It was surrounded by trees and such to allow them shelter from prying eyes, and from possible bandits. At least, Mors thought so.


"Master Orion!" he called. "I found a place, this way." he said as he sidled next to him, then turned, leading his Mentor to the site. He hoped it would prove satisfactory.

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  • 1 month later...

Kedyn stepped lightly among the trees in the outlying area of the Citadel, one of the squads under his command fanned out behind him. What had changed from a simple routine scouting trip had become them sneaking upon a pair of armed men unknown in the region.


Many of the scouts had already drawn their weapons, Kedyn had his bow out and an arrow knocked. They had been following the pair for a good time now and he still had no idea who they were or what they could want. Bandits perhaps, or ordinary travelers. It didn't matter, the Band could not be too safe.


Kedyn's footsteps were inaudible as he and Malastair, his corporal, moved close to their camp. The elder of the travelers had retired to his blankets, the boy now sitting alone by the fire. If they were bandits they were fools to have left an obviously untrained boy on watch. Kedyn snuck up behind him and lightly tapped the boy on the shoulder with the point of his arrow.



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Mors had been drifting slightly, though he was taking the first watch while Master Orion slept. He mind drifted to thoughts of what things would be like when he was a Warder, to Alexis, to Evaida Sedai and Lavinya Sedai, and the triumph he would feel when he truly was a Warder, proving his nobility to the barbarous nobles of the world, those who were insistant that birth, not character determined nobility, and that a noble spirit can never be a noble person.


His reverie was interrupted by a tap to his shoulder. It was hard, and it did not strike the ground. Jumping, Mors rose quickly, turning to draw his sword, as the metal slide from its sheath, he called to the man who had tapped him.


"Who goes there! Identify yourself!" Mors was unsure whether he should have attacked first and asked questions later, but he did not want murder to be on his conscious, so he asked first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kedyn took a step back as the boy rose, drawing the sword strapped to his hip. He pulled back lightly on his boy as many of his scouts eased their weapons out of their sheathes as well. "You are not in a position to be asking questions young one. Currently you are tresspassing armed in our territory."


Kedyn shot a glance at the older man, still apparently sleeping but Kedyn was begining to have doubts of just how asleep he was. It was easier to identify the signs of faking when you were adept at doing it as well. He turned back to the younger, two of his scouts stood over him to make sure he didn't do anything.


"So, I will ask you your own question. Should I assume you are a bandit and take you and this other one back to the Citadel to be hung, or, perhaps I will beleive whatever story you want to tell me?"




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"Unless you yourself are a Bandit, you would not fare well to hang me. I am Mors... That is all I will say until the I receive counsel from 'that other one'..." Mors replied simply. Fully aware that his life was in danger. At least, in the sense of a game. The gravity of his situation was lost on Mors, as life and death had been a lesson left untaught by his mother, and his life. However, he felt the vague fear, but he refused to fail. This would be another test of his character.


"I will say that I have no desire to harm anyone here, though I have little to prove this, save that I have not struck first..."

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Kedyn snorted out a breif laugh at the idea of this boy trying to say he was innocent because he had not struck first, he had not struck first because Kedyn had snuck up and tapped him on the shoulder with an arrow, and the fact that he was a Bandit. Bah! And how he wanted to demand in his situation, whatever lesson this boy had wanted to learn out in the world he was in for a rude awakening as to what the world held for him.


"Sorry boy, but I don't beleive you and I don't think you are going to walk around in the Band of the Red Hand's territory anymore." Kedyn had handed his bow to one of the privates next to him. He reached over his shoulder and drew his long sword. "Take them. But try not to hurt them." Following his words three men had dove on the man sleeping before he could move and Kedyn and the rest of the squad launched foreward, sword drawn towards this young mystery man in front of them.




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Mors blinked, nearly dumbstruck. They were being apprehended by the Band? What luck! It was better than being snagged by some of the various Whitecloak groups, which he had doutbed they were, or bandits and such. He smiled faintly.


"With that information, I can feel a bit more safe in speaking further... if you'll permit me." Mors responded, allowing himself to be seized, sheathing his blade promptly as he saw the situation change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Now you wish to speak?" Kedyn was getting a little fed up with this boy but they were not bandits, nor did he really want to hang him. He seemed young, not to many years younger than Kedyn himself after all. Light sometimes it felt like he was years older than he was, almost as if each life his arrow or blade had taken had added a year to the count.


"Well if you wish to speak than speak quickly we will be arriving at the Citadel shortly." Kedyn's glance once again drifted to the older man, still silent who seemed to be waiting on something. Something else though was what seemed odd, something about the way he carried himself. Kedyn couldn't quite pick it out.




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"I am Mors Sicarius, Trainee of the White Tower. I will be a Warder one day, and this is Orion Mantier, my Mentor." It wasn't much information, but it would make his intention less devious, and less of the Shadow. He fought for good, as these men did. It then struck Mors that this man might be lying to him, and he silently berated himself. Wool-headed farmboy! What are you thinking!? You had no proof he was of the Band!


Sighing, Mors suddenly felt very apprehensive that he'd failed, and that he'd never become a Warder. Eyes now cast downwards, he kept his ears alert, to try to defend himself if he must.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kedyn sniffed and shook his head, amused at what stories this boy could go and make up. A Warder? Doubtful, though the older one looked like he could handle himself. Kedyn still had yet to fully figure out why the man seemed so strange.


"The one problem in your story is proof. I have proof of who I am," Kedyn shifted his cloak to show the Band's insignia and his mark of rank emblazoned on his shoulder followed by his Corporal and a few of his privates. "Where is yours?'



Orion stood stoicly as these men held him. He was calm, collected, and if the man was lieing he was good at it. Orion was practiced in telling what people were thinking, if they were lieing through their voice and he couldn't find any note of it.


And if Mors failed he had proof, his cloak packed in Tai'shar's saddlebags and the dagger strapped to his belt. "Think Mors."






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  • 3 weeks later...

Mors began to think. He knew that he needed good proof, or they'd be imprisoned, or hung... or simply killed on the spot. He was confident that Master Orion was a skilled warrior, but he doubted the odds were in their favor. Frowning, he picked his brain, until he remembered learning about how Tower Guards recieved a special cloak, and also recalled that the letter he carried was sealed with the Tower insignia.


Producing the letter from his breast pocket, he handed it to Kedyn.


"That bears the seal of the White Tower... and if that is not enough, I believe Master Orion would have his Guard cloak somewhere in his possession..." He let a breath out in relief, waiting for Kedyn's response.

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  • 1 month later...

Miria stifled a grin as her gaze once again danced away from the delightful curve of Kedyn's rump. Now was not the time to be appreciating his form, distracting as it was. They often joked about their 'scouting trips', but this was one in earnest, even if it was a routine scout around the citadel. Besides, they were not alone, and Miria endured enough teasing from the other foxes without encouraging more by tripping over an enemy while ogling Kedyn's behind.


Well it had started as a routine trip, but they had soon come across evidence of others, by the looks only a duo. Silently the group advanced, spotting the pair and fanning out to surround them. An older man and a boy, Miria saw as they crept forward. Not a sound was made as she drew an arrow, holding it ready to fire as she trod carefully over the earth, all thoughts of Kedyn momentarily pushed aside.


Looking between the two, Miria decided the elder required the most attention, aiming towards him. Adrenalin was thrumming through her veins, the thrill of the hunt as prevalent as it had been when she was but a thief. She enjoyed what she did, knowing she had a knack for stealth, and loving the opportunities the Band gave her to use her talent, like now.


Standing back a short distance, Miria watched as Kedyn and Malastair stepped closer, grinning broadly as Kedyn was able to walk right up to the boy and tap him on the shoulder before he even knew they were there. He jumped like a scalded cat, though the moment he withdrew his sword Miria and another stepped forward, her arrow aiimed straight at his heart. She regarded him silently as Kedyn spoke, her eyes unwavering from the dull glint the first rays of dawn gave the steel in his hand.


She snorted as he tried to declare his innocence, in the simple fact that he hadn't struck. Even if he had tried, Miria knew he would have failed, not only against Kedyn but with so many trained soldiers surrounding him. Fool boy. They pressed in closer, Kedyn looking awfully formidable and more than a little distracting as he held his longsword easily before him. If they truly were bandits, they were not the best Miria had encountered. She could certainly teach this Mors a thing or two on talking his way out of trouble.


The boy at last sheathed his useless sword as he decided to become forthcoming, and Miria once again flicked her eyes to the elder man who accompanies Mors. A Warder? She had never met one before, only heard rumours of their prowess. If what the boy said was true, he indeed was more lethal than his quietness told. "That bears the seal of the White Tower... and if that is not enough, I believe Master Orion would have his Guard cloak somewhere in his possession..." Miria peeked at the letter in Kedyn's hand, noting the Flame of Tar Valon on the seal.


"Tower Guards are sworn to serve the Tower, the Aes Sedai. Why are they not doing their duty? Perhaps they are criminals run away." Miria addressed the words to Kedyn, but her eyes were trained on Mors. Let him try to convince them somehow. Light knew she could spot a liar a mile away, being so adept herself. She would know if he spoke true.



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"Tower Guards are sworn to serve the Tower, the Aes Sedai. Why are they not doing their duty? Perhaps they are criminals run away."


Mors snorted in disbelief, "If that were the case, there is no way we'd have gotten this far. Criminals wouldn't escape Tar Valon so unscathed... as to our duty, I was tasked to deliver this message to Arad Doman. Master Orion, being my teacher came along to ensure I did not make a fatal error, and to further educate me in the ways of a Tower Guard, and the ways of a Warder-to-be."


He was still astounded that the Band believed the Tower to be so incompetent as to allow two criminals to escape with a letter sealed with the Seal of the Tower and with a Guard cloak unscathed. It was very insulting to Mors, but he said nothing. This was not the time for indignation, nor was it becoming of a noble. Mors waited for a response.

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"Tower Guards are sworn to serve the Tower, the Aes Sedai. Why are they not doing their duty? Perhaps they are criminals run away."


Mors snorted in disbelief, "If that were the case, there is no way we'd have gotten this far. Criminals wouldn't escape Tar Valon so unscathed... as to our duty, I was tasked to deliver this message to Arad Doman. Master Orion, being my teacher came along to ensure I did not make a fatal error, and to further educate me in the ways of a Tower Guard, and the ways of a Warder-to-be."


He was still astounded that the Band believed the Tower to be so incompetent as to allow two criminals to escape with a letter sealed with the Seal of the Tower and with a Guard cloak unscathed. It was very insulting to Mors, but he said nothing. This was not the time for indignation, nor was it becoming of a noble. Mors waited for a response.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kedyn wasn't convinced still and it wasn't looking like this boy would leave them with anything to convince him. Miria was right and he was much more inclined to listen to his lover than this boy. But there was a way that everyone could get out of this unscathed and they would leave the Citadel and the Band's territory.


"Well, I was going to let you go with all of your things but now that you are going to be rude about it...Take their things but the letter, their clothes and their weapons, oh and might as well leave their horses. Escort them to the border and then come back if you will Malastair, Elyn, Eric. I hope you are telling the truth or you might not last long with them."


With that Kedyn and the other Foxes that Kedyn had not pointed out turned to leave the pair of outsiders, liers or truth sayers it did not matter. They weren't Kedyn's problem any longer.




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  • 1 month later...

If the letter was so important, why send a green young boy and an old blind man? Miria just smiled and shook her head. Aes Sedai had their own agendas, and if what the boy said was true, who was she to question them? Still, it pleased her to note Kedyn didn't trust them blindly either, though she may have not been so forgiving as to leave them with their weapons along with their horses. One or the other, perhaps. But her lover was far more merciful than she.


And he was wise. Miria smirked as some of the scouts began gathering up their meagre possessions. A small knife caught her eye and she claimed it for herself, admiring the lightness of the blade in her hand before slipping it inside her sleeve. It was sharp too, and Miria had a fondness for a good sharp knife.


"Make sure you leave the warder cloak if it exists. The boy may need a blanket to warm him should they meet any other foes. No doubt they would be less forgiving than us." Miria and several others chuckled at the jibe. Truth be told she was probably only a few years older than Mors, but she had endured a lot more in her lifetime than he had, she would wager.


Miria turned to follow Kedyn with the others, stepping easily beside him, slipping the small knife from her sleeve as they walked. "Not so pretty as the one I stole from you, and not nearly so interesting as stealing it from beneath his nose without him realising, but a good prize all the same." Miria grinned as she looked over her shoulder, offering the boy a small mocking wave.




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