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Is there a reason..

Jon Paul

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Is there a reason why Perrin is only addressed as Sei'cair once in the series? It seems a little strange for that one random Aiel to call him Sei'cair (which I assume is Golden Eyes?) early in A Crown of Swords and we never hear of it again. Not even in the same book!


I've got to disagree with you there Toothbrush..


Al'cair'rahienallen means The Hill of the Golden Dawn.

Al'cair Dal means The Golden Bowl.


That implies to me that "Cair" means Golden.


Sei'taer: Straight eyes

Sei'moseiv: lowered eyes

Seia Doon: Black eyes


So we have "Sei" means eyes, and Sei'cair must mean Goldeneyes.


What I wonder though is why doesn't Sei'cair follow the same format as Seia Doon? (Seia cair )


My guess is that somewhere in Seia Doon is the implication that there are multiple people with Black eyes. ie. "Those who have Black Eyes". Whereas there might be an implied singular in Sei'cair: "He who has Golden Eyes"


The 'n' on the End of 'Doon' is a plural in the old tongue, so maybe that's it.


Any old tongue scholars care to comment?


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