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Adopt a Kinster!


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I got it today, Bale! :D THANKS SO MUCH! *hugs really tight*


C'mon, ya'll... don't let it slip your mind! We have a little over a week left to raise money and then decide who we're sending it to this year!!!

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Just use the sign-ins for active folks. :) It's usually a good idea to thumb through the Rant thread, since most people usually say something in there if they're having trouble. :) At least, that's where I head when it's decision time.

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Yeah, well, that's where people post the negative stuff that usually helps us make this decision, babe. We purposefully only have on thread for it and that's to keep all that negative energy in one place! :D

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OK, the PM has been sent! It's not too late for you to get in on the action! If you're still interested in helping out, please feel free to do so! My goal is to get this gift sent by Thursday, at the latest, and every little bit helps!!!


For those of you who have contributed, you've got a new message! :) and THANKS AGAIN for all of your dedication to helping those around us. Whether it's $5 or $50, it goes a long way towards turning a dreary Christmas into something much more wonderful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bale my darling...you are laboring under a cruel and misguided perception of the Rant thread! *smiles and throws an arm around his shoulders*


Yes people do rant and poor out thier sorrows, frustratitions, anger even at times...but the greatist percentage of posts in that thread are encouragement, supportive, advice, love and POSITIVE energies being sent to the person who has posted the "rant". *smiles* In some ways...I would say that of all our threads here at the Kin..that one radiates with the most Positive Energy! Which is actually it's purpose...*winks* and pretty much what the Kin is about!


Ok Auntie Twinnie will stop lecturing now....I haven't for a long time anyway! *grins, tickles and pokes with her jingling, shiny red knitting needle*

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